《ʟᴏꜱᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ》18.


Chamber Of Reflection>>>> Any song


7 years ago

"You know, when girls get to know you that most likely means they really like you.. trust me we wouldn't waste our time." I patted Mikah's head and he shrugged me off.

"I'm not looking for anything serious right now."

"Well I would hope so, you are twelve."

"Ariya!" I heard Zion yell.


"There's someone on the phone for you!"

I stood up and picked up the home phone, pressing it to my ear.


"Is this Ariya Kingston?"

"Yes.. who's asking?" I eyed Mikah from the table across the room. He shrugged and I turned my back to rest on the kitchen counter.

"Are you in any relation to Khyson Johnson?"

"Well.. we're best friends?"

"You're on his emergency contact list.. he's been in an accident."

My heart fell and the voices around me muffled, like the colour the draining from my vision.

"Pardon?" It was almost as if I couldn't accept the fact.

The man told me the location of the hospital and hopped on the bus, when the bus dropped me off I rushed inside.

"I'm looking for a Khyson Johnson?"


"Ariya Kingston."

"He was admitted on floor 3, room 27b on the south wing."


I rushed into the elevator and rushed down the halls. Until I rounded the corner and found the room, outside sat Khyson's grandmother. Her head in her hands.

"Ma?" I sat down beside her and she lifted her head from her hands, staring at me. The pain in her eyes imminent.

"Ariya, thank goodness."

"Is everything alright? Is Khyson okay, is.."

It was like my whole body was on edge, my stomach curled and my fingers clutched the old chairs.


"Khyson's grandfather.. I-he didn't make it, Ariya. I cant-I can't bare the fact of telling him, please I can't." She begged.

I've known this woman since the fourth grade and I've never seen her so broken. She loved both of them, but she just lost the love of her life.

"I saw him with all those machines and-and."

"It's okay, I'll tell him." I stood up slowly and she grabbed my hand.

"I love you, Ariya. We all do, okay." She smiled through the tears while leaning up to wipe mine. I nodded while it giving her hand a small kiss.

Turning around to face the door.

Taking a deep breath out.

Ridding my mind of all the possible senarios flooding through my mind. Of what kind of condition he'd be in. What he'd look like. I didn't want to see him in such a state.

I grabbed the door handle and pulled the door open.

A gasp was sucked in and I placed a hand over my mouth.

He had scratches and cuts around his face, small bandages covering the bad ones. His right leg slung in a white cast along with his left arm in one also.

"Oh Khyson." I breathed.

I walked around the bed and sat upon the chair beside the bed. Pressing my knees together along with my hands.

He was sleeping.

Placing my head in my hands.

I was right, I couldn't bare the sight of him. I placed my arms around myself at the chill that had just racked through my body.

"I'm sorry, Khyson. I'm so sorry, this wasn't supposed to happen." I watched as he slept, so peacefully. I didn't want to disrupt that.

I sucked in a large breath that'd been weighing down on me and slightly shook his shoulder.


"Khyson." I smiled softly.

He shifted a bit before his eyes fluttered open to a slit.

"It's Ariya."

"Riya." He whispered, twisting his head to me. I smiled and reached out to cup his cheeks, running my thumbs over his scarred face.

"Where's pa? Where's grandp-"

"Khyson look at me." I directed his eyes towards me and he struggled in my hold.

"No, no where is he.. I-I need to see him." He tried getting up and I pushed him back down.

"Khyson look at me." I gazed down into his eyes.

"Ariya! Where is he!?"

"Khyson, Khyson look at-look at me here, my eyes." He calmed down and I couldn't help but let the tears slip my eyes.

"He's gone."

His eyes scrambled around the room.

"Khyson.. he's gone." I shrugged.

"No, no take me to him. Take me to him, Ariya!" He lashed out.

"No, Khyson. Look at me, he's gone, he's gone!"

I pressed his limbs down as he thrashed within the covers.

"Take me to him." His words were strangled and sobbed. He slowly began to slow his actions and cried.

"It's okay, Khyson, it's okay.. it's gonna be okay."

"No, no, no it's not! He's gone! He's gone, Ariya." He cried, the pain in his voice imminent.

"It won't last forever, the pain w-"

"You don't get it! You never will! He's gone! It's my fault! All my fucking fault."

I bit my lip and stood up straight.

"I lost my dad.. Khyson. I know the pain." I told him.

"God, Ariya. Not everything is about you! Your dad didn't die he ran off because of your god awful mother, he didn't want you or your brothers! This is not about your trauma! It's about me losing my grandfather! Don't ever compare your deadbeat father to my grandfather!"

I stood there in shock, how could he say things like that. How could he so easily..

My face was red along with my eyes, my face pained with sorrow and regret. I bit down on my lip until tasting that irony taste of blood. My jaw shook and my eyes burned and pricked with what seemed like endless tears.

I wiped the underside of my nose and stormed out.

"Riya! Ariya!" I heard his call but I couldn't seem to respond.

It was true, my father never wanted me. My

mother didn't care about me. But I cared about them. I tried so hard helping her, buying the meds, treating her addiction. Giving her the money.

And all because he left.

It dawned on me that she never cared a long time ago. I just couldn't seem to face the fact that both of my parents didn't want me. Their own daughter.

But it was never about me, it was always them.

And it certainly wasn't about me when he pulled a gun on her during dinner.

The shots.

The pain.

I needed to be alone.

All alone.

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