《ʟᴏꜱᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ》16.



"No, you see if I knock the wall between the kitchen and the living room out it'll look bigger, the wall cramps up the area."

"Yeah, but at the same time you can add like a partition instead, like-"

"I know what a partition is, Ariya."

"Sorry, sorry I was ju-who is that?" I watched a woman storm into Khysons office, her purse clutched to her side with a maddened expression.

He turned his head and sighed.

"Ugh, that's cassie.. Khysons ex wife."


"He was married?" I'm not allowed to be jealous, I don't want that. I'm not supposed to want that.

"Mhm, for two years." He nodded.

"What made them break up?"

"She claimed he was abusing her until it came out that she was stealing all his money. She drew a few bruises on and tried to end him but he won, now every once in a while she comes back when she's broke."


We watched as his big double doors busted open, Khyson's hands were on her shoulders as he forced her out.

"No! You lied!" She yelled.

"I need security up here." He said into his intercom. I furrowed my brows and watched this mess unfold beneath my eyes.

"You said you were over that girl! That girl from high school! You lied!"

I sat up, my skin forming sweat as my lip caught between my teeth. Furrowing my brows in worry.

Me? He's not over me?

That was a while ago Ariya, stop.

I needed to know more.

"A girl from Highschool?" I asked Kameron in a whisper.

"Khyson's been stuck on this girl since Highschool, but he won't tell anyone her name. He needs to suck it up and move on, she's probably out there somewhere married and thriving while he's still stuck on her." He sighed.

"What do you mean?" I asked softly.

"He was moping.. for two whole years, I was the first person he hired. I helped him start this, he's been stuck on her for too long."


"Technically I should thank her, if it wasn't for her Khyson and I wouldn't be friends. So thank you mysterious girl." He joked.

I laughed nervously and continued watching her get pulled away by security.

He was moping over me for months? He couldn't be? Maybe it's some other girl, not me. You're over yourself, Ariya.

It's not you.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, sorry." I chuckled.

"No need to be sorry little one." He joked.

"We're the same age, Kameron." I sighed. He smiled before dropping his head.

"Ooh, he looks extra mad today." Kameron noted.

We watched tentatively as he paced around the offices while pinching the bridge of his nose.


It's been exactly two hours since Khysons little show and I've been itching for some coffee all day. I stood up and headed into the break room, it was empty.

Except for one body leaning on the counter by the machine, Khyson.

Great, just my luck.

I'm getting that coffee and I'm determined. I go no day without a shot of caffeine.

I walked over to the machine and put in my grounds. Waiting for my coffee, I felt his eyes piercing into my back.

I heard the splashing of the coffee into the cup, when it had been done pouring I grabbed the cup and made my way for the door.




"Are you okay?" I halted my step and turned around to face him.

His head leaned up and our eyes met.

"Something like that." He shrugged.

"Does she always come in?" I asked.

"Only when her cards are maxed." I chuckled and he cracked a smirk.

"Well, are you really okay?" I sighed softly.

I was a god damn hypocrite.

"I should ask the same to you."


There was a long silence, our gazes clashing, working, speaking. He dropped his head then proceeded to look back up, standing up straight.

"Have a nice day, Ariya." He spoke while brushing past me. Leaving me all alone with my coffee.


What was that-

I-um.. ignore it. Ignore it Ariya. You're fine, you're fine.

I rushed into my office while making sure to not spill my coffee, pulling my pills from my purse.

One pill left.

Note; refill pills.

I downed the last one and leaned back.

Pulling my phone out, staring at the text. He seems more.. how do I put it... vibrant over the phone-text shall I say.

Put the phone down.

Clear your mind.


Think about making cookies with Rylan and William.

Think about William.

Yes, William.


"Yes! William!"

I gripped his shoulders tighter, flinging my head back as my hair whipped my back. My eyes behind the lids.

I continued rolling my hips against his own as he gripped my waist.

"Oh god."

"Ariya, fuck. You feel so good." Suddenly I felt his cock twitch inside me.


It's been like three minutes.

"William?" I breathed, while still moving my hips.

"Yeah." He panted.

"Did you come?" I asked, his hand pressed my waist down making the movement cease.


He didn't ask if I did? He didn't care?

"That was nice." He panted.

God, I couldn't do this. Not like this, it doesn't feel the same.

I pulled off of him and stepped off the bed. Grabbing his shirt from the floor while slipping my underwear on. I slipped into the bathroom and did my business.


It's not the same, I can't even-ugh.

Washing my hands until his body leaned through the doorway.

"Hm?" I asked, twisting my head.

"I need my shirt back."


"I need my shirt."

I looked at him with an "are you serious" type face before pulling it off and covering myself with my arms.

"Am I-am I gonna see you tomorrow?" I asked while gazing up at him.

He leaned against the wall once again and dropped his head down after sliding his shirt on. Reaching forward and pulling my waist forward. I dropped my arms as my bare breasts pressed against his shirt.

"I'll try and stop by, okay?" He said. I nodded.

He let go of me and I placed my arms back over my chest.

"I love you, bye." He kissed my lips.

"You too."

I smiled to myself and watched him leave.

I had the night to myself since Amara was with Rylan.

I walked over to my bed and laid down.

I bit my lip, staring forward.

Do it. Do it.

It's not like he contributed.

I inched my hand down, lower and lower. Until I met the band of my underwear. Toying with the material until I went under.

The knots in my belly increasing as I dropped my head back.


I pushed past the material and found my mound, I was so incredibly wet. I took one finger and began to stroke the folds.


I shifted around a little in the bed and clutched my legs together. My stomach burned, and knotted. My skin producing beads and beads of sweat. I bit harshly down on my lip and slipped one finger in.


I began to grind my hips into my finger.


Until I couldn't handle the anticipation any longer. I slipped another one in and leaned on my side.

Grinding and grinding.

Falling forward onto my stomach and I slipped a second finger in and began grinding downwards.


Ride it out, ride it out.

I began rolling my hips even faster.

Gosh this was better than any dick I've had in a while.

Faster and faster.

I pressed my damp face into the sheets to stifle my moans and let my body over flow with pleasure.

Feeling so god damn good.

"Oh fuck."

My body burned, it was on fire almost.

Until there it was, I fell.

My muscles tensed and my toes curled against the sheets. I clamped my eyes closed and left

Myself enjoy the high.

Fucking euphoria.


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