《ʟᴏꜱᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ》14.





"Got any costume ideas?"

Kameron asked as we walked to our cars in the parking garage. He always walked me incase I got kidnapped.

"Not exactly, probably just gonna throw something together last minute." I shrugged deeply.

"I'm going as a prisoner, but a sexy one. I forced Amara to do the whole prisoner cop duo costume, she's excited." He smiled.

"That's cute."


I sat on the couch with Rylan on my lap as he watched the television. My phone pressed to my ear as Amara and I conversed.

"What are you dressing up as for the party on tomorrow?" She asked. I sighed.

"I have no idea, an extra sick day doesn't pride me." I sighed.

"You need to be something sexy."

"Maybe I won't dress up."

"Let me in."


"Let me in."

I tugged Rylan off of my lap and walked over, unlocking the dead bolts and watching her barge in.

"No! No! Unacceptable, I'm dressing you okay? You can borrow my costume from a couple years back." I shook my head and sat back down on the couch.

"I'm fine, Amara." I laughed.

"No, let me help you, please. My life has zero excitement with Kameron working on that new project and my boring classes, please, please?" She begged.

I sighed while looking down at Rylan, he had a smile on his face as he nodded.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Wake up bright and early tomorrow, I'll be here by five! Kisses!" She said as she blew some kisses and left through the door. I shook my head with a smile.

"Come on, let's get you showered."


"No, no, no, no, no, absolutely not." I waved my hands.

"Yes! You look so fucking sexy! If I weren't straight I'd fuck you."

It was a tight white dress, noodle straps. It ended right above my knees and had hints of glitter. The wings on my bag resonated the same color. I wore a pair of white heels. I silver crown laid upon my head. I held a toy wand in my hand.

"Don't you think this is a little.. much?" I asked, staring at myself in the mirror.

"No, let me finish up with the body glitter." She dabbed the glitter from the bottle onto my skin.

"Why do you always wear that, let me let you borrow one of mine."

"No!" I placed my hand over the necklace in a rush. She backed up with furrowed brows and I sighed.


"I just-I just don't like taking it off.. that's all." I shrugged.

"Okay, sorry." She recoiled.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude about it." I shook my head in regret.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have asked.. anyways I'm done." She smiled.

"Anyone who sees you will be falling to their knees, boys and girls."

"Thanks Amara.. I really appreciate it." I stood up while smoothing the fabric down my legs.

"Come on, let's show Rylan." She tugged me aside and we walked into the living room. Rylan had been sitting in the living room with his backpack.

"Guess what I am?" I asked while spinning around. I grabbed some glitter from my pocket and sprinkled it on his head.

"A fairy!" He smiled.

"How did you know?" I gasped.

I let Amara get to her classes and got Rylan into the car. Pulling up to his school.

"Have a good day, cap." I smiled. He flashed me a thumbs up and ran inside.

I think I purposely took the long way to the office just to procrastinate. I was scared. And to say that the necklace was on full view now, not hidden behind my shirt. I parked in my spot and pulled down my overhead mirror.

"You're Fine, it's gonna be okay." I sighed. I pulled my bottle of pills from my purse and noted the couple pills I had left.

Pick up a refill tomorrow, I noted.

I downed a pill, grabbed my purse and made my way inside. There Kameron was waiting with Vera the receptionist.

"Hey." I said awkwardly.

Kameron was dressed in an orange jumpsuit.

A prisoner.

Vera was dressed in a black bodysuit.

The black widow.

"Ah, you're looking extra sexy today, Ariya." Vera smiled.

"Amara did you, didn't she." Kameron sighed. I nodded and waved my wand playfully in front of his face.

"Mhm!" I began to walk to the elevator before feeling Kameron's presence behind me. We both stepped in and I began to worry.

"Don't worry, you look great." He told me.

"Thanks." I chuckled.

"Is Amara coming tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah, is William?"

William had to work so he said he couldn't make it and I was disappointed but he said he'd make it up to me on Saturday so.

"No." I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, I bet any guy in the office would be willing to dance with you anyways." He smiled.

The door opened and I slowly walked through.

It seemed like everyone on the floor was staring, all conversation ceased and I stared wide eyed.


"Why are they looking at us?" I asked Kameron.

"No, they're looking at you." He patted my shoulder before walking into his office. I shivered until feeling a tap on my back. I spun around seeing the tall form of Mr. Johnson. My hand suddenly went to my necklace to cover it. His eyes eyed my hand before returning to my eyes.

"Mr. Johnson, good morning." I smiled.

"Ms. Kingston, it's quite a good morning isn't it?" He folded his arms and smirked down at me.

"Yes-yes it is." I coughed.

"Nice costume." He leaned in the doorway of his office with his two arms crossed over his chest.

"Thank you." I replied dryly.

Don't get ahead of yourself, Ariya.

I walked to my office and collapsed onto my chair. I sighed and went to place my hand on my chest, feeling the metal. But it wasn't there.

No, no, no, no, no, no. Where is it?

I watched Mr. Johnson walk in.

"Please be more careful with your belongings next time, Ms. Kingston." He said and dropped the necklace on my desk.

How did he know it was mine?

Did he remember?

"I'm sorry." I sighed.

I watched him walk out emotionless.

He didn't.


"Mhm, this food looks delicious." Amara licked her lips.

I watched as Amara and Kameron danced to the music together, smiling and kissing. I sighed.

"Lonely?" I turned to my right seeing Mr. Johnson. No costume just his rather boring suit and tie.

"Not at all." I plastered on that same smile.

This was too much, he was too close. I can't handle this, I could feel my throat constricting. My purse with my pills was in my office, so far.

His hand when to his side and brushed my bare thigh.

I think a little piece of me wanted to see him again, but not like this, not this way. I wanted to reconcile, I wanted to have him know me, remember what we were. Ask me why I left. But it was the opposite, it was my nightmare. It hurt so bad, like a tighten.

"Are you alright?" He asked me.

"Excuse me." I smiled.

I stood up while clutching my hands in fists, the room was spinning. I eyed Kameron and Amara and they flashed me confused looks.

"Are you okay?" Amara placed a hand on my shoulder. I nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, I just need to use the restroom." My voice cracked before I ran off. Down the stairs and into the empty bathroom. Locking myself into the stall.

He was always the only ever person who could calm me, who get get me.. okay. But it hurt, it hurt so fucking much. I couldn't do this.

I was failing Rylan, lying to William.. lying to myself. I couldn't even do that.

"You're okay, You're okay." I whispered. Hugging my arms, I had myself and that was enough. That was enough, Ariya. You we're enough, breathe.

I heard the door open before I moved my feet up so no one would know I was here. Covering my mouth as I sucked the sobs in.

"Ariya? Ariya are you in here?"


I watched her heels stop in front of the stall.

"I know you're in there, let me in."

I slowly let my feet down and unlocked the door.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed.

I hated being vulnerable, I hated people seeing me like this. I don't want people knowing me like this, this weak girl who cries. It sounds stupid.

"Aw babe, come here." She wrapped her arms around me and I sobbed into her shoulder.

"Are you alone?" I whispered.

"It's just me, no one else, just us."

"Please tell me what's going on, if it's with Rylan, or William. Let me help you, I don't like seeing you like this, what's wrong?" She smoothed my hair down and smiled sadly.

I bit my lip and watched her sadly.

"Is it Rylan?"

I shook my head.

"Is it, William."

I shook my head.

"Who is it." She said softly.

I sucked in a hard breath and dug my head into my shoulder.

"Khyson." I mumbled.

"Khyson? Mr. Johnson? What did he do? Was he rude to you? I can go tell Kameron t-"

"No, it's not that I-he." I folded my lip inwards and bit it. Taking a seat on the closed toilet seat, pressing my knees together with my head in my hands.

"Oh god, I think I'm gonna be sick." I stood up abruptly. Amara's eyes widened before I spun around and vomited into the toilet. Just the thought of it made my stomach curl.

"Jesus, Ariya, you're not okay.. what is it." I braced my elbow on my side and panted. The burning in my throat increasing.

"God.. I cant do this." I groaned.

"It hurts Amara."

"I know babe, I know, but I can't help you if you don't tell me." She sucked in a hard breath.

"Please don't make me do this, please." I begged.

"Khyson, Ariya. What did Khyson do?"

"I need.. he was..." I went on.

"Khyson is Rylans biological father."

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