《ʟᴏꜱᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ》12.


This is the first chapter of the New Years YAYAYAYAYYAYy 😋😩


I've been ignoring William for exactly three days, three painfully sex and love deprived days. It's a task.

I placed the turkey and cheese between the bread while Rylan ate his eggs.

"You ready for your play date today?"

His friend Julie had arranged a play date, I was talking to her dad and now-well you know.

"I'm so excited!" He jumped.

I smiled while grabbing his empty plate and taking it to the sink.

"Come on, you're gonna be late, let's go."


"Why the frown? You've been radiating your sadness against me all day." Kameron sighed. I stole a tomato from his salad and popped it in my mouth. I sighed while resting my elbows on the table.

"I just-"

"Relationship problems?" He pondered with an evil smirk. I sighed once again and pulled my purse to my lap.

I pulled my pills from my purse and popped the cap.

"What is that? Xanax?"

"Not exactly." I breathed, I tried to keep the fact that my anxiety is medicated to a low of only William but Kameron seems nice enough, I can trust him.

"Your anxiety is.. medicated?" He asked, his voice lowering in sorrow. I downed the pill with some water and nodded.

"I'm so-"

"No, it's fine I just-I don't tell a lot of people, please don't t-"

"I won't-tell anyone-that is." He nodded.


Until I saw him in the corner of my eye, standing at the door. His hands in his pockets and his eyes on me.

"Ariya, look at me. Breathe, breathe." His two hands cupped my face and I tried, I tried so hard.

The breaths were just too hard, too hard to intake. I couldn't.


"One more breath, one more breath for me, for me, Ariya."

I finally breathed and collapsed into his arms, pulling them around me, tugging and grabbing the skin.

"She won't be back."

"I hate her." I sniffed. He nodded as his chin lightly hit the top of my head.

"Come on." He picked me up in his arms, bridal style. Placing me in the passenger seat of his car.

"Let's go back to my place? Yeah?"

I shakily nodded my head and the car began to move.

I bit my chapped lip and hugged my arms over my body. Letting the pain flow through me, the ache resonate.

The car suddenly stopped and the door opened, Khyson pulled me into his arms and brought me inside.

"Is everything alright sweetie?" His grandmother asked. I hated letting her see me like this.

"She's just tired, nana. We're gonna go upstairs." I heard him tell her. I shifted in his arms as he walked up the stairs.


I felt the surface of his bed under my body and I squirmed.

"You're okay." He whispered.

"Don't you have work?" I softly whispered.

"Don't worry, I'm off today."

He's lying, it's Saturday he always works extra shifts at the mall on Saturdays.

His hand landed on my back and I sat up into a sitting position.

"Come on, arms up." He slid off my shirt and helped me into his, then sliding off my jeans.

He pulled the cover over and helped me under.

I felt his warm arms around my body and I sighed.

"What if she comes back?" I sucked in a large breath.

"She won't, she's not, you're okay." He kissed my forehead.

"How about I make you some tea? Hm?" He pondered.


"You don't have to." I sniffed.

"I want to." His hands gave mine a reassuring squeeze

Mr. Johnson grabbed his mug of tea from the counter and left the break room.

"Let's switch around the subject, how did you meet Amara?" I asked with a small smile.

"Oh! I was in the parking lot at-where was it.. uh Home Depot! Yeah! And she was working in the garden section so I asked her which flowers she'd thought my girlfriend would like and I bought them then gave them to her. She was happy so I asked her out."


"I would ask how you met Mr. Doctor but maybe that's not the best conversation piece right now." I nodded with a sheepish smile.


I knocked on the door of the condo door and waited, Rylan tightly holding onto my hand. The door then opened.

"You must me Julie's dad." He stuck his hand out and I smiled.

"Yes, you must be Ariya?" I nodded and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Come on in."

The moment he stepped aside a young girl I recognized popped up and pulled Rylan from my hand and into her arms.

"Hi, Rylan." She hugged him.

"Hi, Julie." He giggled.

"Go Play." He told both of them and they ran off.

Wow, his condo was about ten times bigger than my whole apartment.

"Fancy a drink?" He asked, I nodded and followed him to the small bar in the kitchen. He pulled my chair out and we both sat with glasses of water.

"Is your wife home?" I asked.

"We're actually.. divorced."

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean t-"

"It's quite alright, Ariya, you have nothing to be apologetic about." He flashed me a charming smile.

"Yeah, I'm not exactly on speaking terms with Rylan's father either." A small chuckled left my mouth.

"Julie is such a wonderful girl, Rylan talks about her all the time." I punctured the awkward silence.

"Yes, Julianna speaks about Rylan at all hours also." His British accent was thick.

"So.. where do you work?" I asked, looking around at his giant condominium.

"I'm a construction worker, I led the building of that firehouse two blocks down." He bunched the sleeves of his white shirt up to showcase his bulging muscles.

"That's amazing! Wow."

"Where do you happen to be employed?" He asked.

"I work down the block, the real estate development firm, um I work f-"

"Khyson Johnson, I'm well aware." He nodded.

"Oh, you two know eachother?"

"I worked on one of the buildings he leased, he's a very demanding person."

"Trust me, I know." I laughed.

"So, you have a.. partner?" He asked, inching forward.

"I do actually his name is William." I smiled.

This man really thinks he's slick.

"Cut the bullshit, William? Who dates a guy named William?" He laughed.

The amount of confidence he has is disturbing. My mouth shot open is disgust.

"He's real, trust me I would've made up a better name if I was lying to you." I shot him a wide smile and he sighed.

I'm just that good.

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