《ʟᴏꜱᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ》3.



"It's yellow?"



"No!" Rylan giggled.

He sat on a kitchen stool, his armed perched on the quartz with McDonald's that William had brought by.

"I thought it was yellow?" I perused with a cold bowl of cereal within my hands, before bringing the spoonful to my lips.

"It was." He dragged on with an evil grin.

"I give up." I shrugged.

"It's brown."


"Why do you like brown so much? It's literally compared to poop?" I laughed.

"Actually no." He desperately tried to cease his laughter with a palm on his chest. His eyes squinted with a gleam of happiness.

"Then why, you like poop ?" I teased him and he nudged me on his bed. I playfully fell back and lifted himself back up.

"No, your eyes are brown."

"Shut up!" I couldn't suppress the reddened blush arising on my cheeks before ducking my head to remain out of sight. His hand rested on my chin to pull it up.

"Brown is a beautiful colour." I smiled to him.

Rylan sat out on my bed with his iPad, peacefully watching SpongeBob as I changed in the closet. I tugged my clothes off and slipped a pair of stockings on. My bare feet worked against the carpet to grab my skirt from the other end of the room.

Zipping it up my curves while quickly slipping my blouse on, each button fitting through it's designated slit. Slightly tucking it in.

I gazed at myself in the fully body mirror while unprofessionally pushing the sleeves up and cracking my neck. Twisting around for Rylan to see.

"How do I look?" Playfully curtsying for him. He looked up from his device as his face glowed from the screen. The high pitch laugh of SpongeBob ringing throughout my ears.

"I think you look beautiful." He smiled, I climbed onto the bed and attacked his face with kisses until the doorbell rang.

Probably William.

Rylan's small palms shoved my chest and I chuckled before fully getting off the bed and walking down the hall to the front door. Unlocking the dead bolts before pulling on the knob.

"Hey." I smiled, quickly leaning up to peck his lips before rushing back into my room. I heard the door lock behind me.


"Hey buddy." William hopped on the bed with Rylan as he smiled.

"His inhalers are on the dresser, please don't take him out again there's food in the fridge, and if you have to I left a twenty on the counter, okay." I said while finishing the last touches on my hair and outfit.

"I know, I know." He sighed.

"You're gonna take him out.. aren't you." I sighed while looking at both of them with a hand on my hip.



William said no and Rylan said yes at the same time. I chuckled and buttoned the top button of my blouse.

"Shhhh!" William said to him.

I spritzed some perfume on and walked out of my bedroom door.

"Let me walk you out."

Not too long after I grabbed my purse and waited at the door for him to catch up.

"You know this whole pencil skirt, blouse outfit is really giving sexy librarian." He whispered in my ear as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Oh no, please don't bend me over the desk Mr. Smith, they're children here." I teased him. His face fell and I laughed.

"Ha, ha, ha, very funny."

William was pretty tall, fit. Stubble never reached his face, to think of it I don't think I've ever seen him with stubble or facial hair. He says he likes the feeling of a smooth face. I always tease him for having a baby face, he loves it.

"Okay well, good luck." He said, leaning down to attach our lips, I smiled against his soft ones before parting them and heading down the elevator.

I made my way down the building and into the parking garage taking my car to the address on the email. I parked.

The building was tall, the sign across read in bold.

The name was an eye catcher, Allure.

I grabbed my purse, making sure everything was in there for my four o'clock interview. The wind was slight as my heels clicked against the cemented parking lot. Going through the revolving doors to be met with a reception desk.

"Good afternoon." I smiled.

"Good afternoon, who are you here to see?" The young woman behind the desk seemed young. Not too older than me. Her hair short, reaching just her shoulders. A headset around her head.


"I have an interview with Mr. Johnson at four, I think we spoke on the phone?" I pressed.

"Oh yes! You must be Ariya Kingston, correct?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"Mr. Johnson was very impressed with your credentials." She nodded. I smiled and she returned it.

"He's running a bit late, you can take the lift to the top floor and wait there he should be in soon." She informed me.

I stepped inside the elevator, watching the doors close before a hand struck in between them. I quickly reached forward making sure the doors opened. A man slightly taller than me walked in, clad in slacks and a tie. His muscles and height prominent, I can assume a pair of reading classes resting on his head, a briefcase held in his left hand.

I felt his eyes as my finger clicked the button that read 39. Wondering why they couldn't round the floors to an even number.

"Big interview?" He asked. I nodded feeling cramped.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked.

"Well you're going to the top floor, Mr. Johnson's floor. There are exactly five offices up there, four of them are occupied, I know who occupies them. If you don't work up there the only other reason would be.. an interview."

His bluntness caught me off guard.

"What's your name?" He asked.

I gulped back the bile in my throat and spoke with fear.

"Ariya Kingston." I felt the need to say my full name, his gaze pierced my soul.

"Kameron.. with a k." He reached his hand out.

I chuckled.

"Well, Kameron with a k.. I'm scared shitless." The metal box filled with our laughter as his pearly whites shone.

"Lucky for you, I'm one of the lucky people who work on the 39th floor." He smirked. I noticed how he hadn't pressed a button.

The elevator doors opened and I walked out as he let me first.

"So, should I be scared?" I asked.

"I guess you'll find out." He smiled evilly at me before pushing the door of what I can assume was his office open.

The floor was large, four offices made up the space, the doors clear peeking into all of them. Except for one, two large double doors. The plaque beside the door read;

K. Johnson

No, that's silly Ariya. Johnson is such a common last name name, it's not him. It's not.

Until the back of a large guy came into my view. I could tell he was tall, his biceps bulged from his suit. His back muscles working as he walked to the door.

I stood up and his body turned to the side, his face still not visible.

"You must be here for the analyst opening." His voice was deep, raspy, hit all the right spots in my ear.

I nodded as if he could hear me.


His body stopped, as if my voice had triggered something until he kept walking.

"Follow me."

I followed his instructions as the doors opened to reveal a large office, the glass over looking the whole of New York City.

He walked up to the coat rack and hung his jacket up, his back still faced to me. He then began to walk to a filing cabinet, his back still faced me.

"You can sit."

I quickly sat down, my eyes running over his desk. An encased, signed basket ball sitting at the corner.

He loved basketball.

It's not him.

Lots of people like basketball, Ariya.

I drifted my eyes to his name plate.

But the words left me hurt, chocked up.

The silver letters processing the words, I almost thought I had been hallucinating.

Khyson Johnson


His body turned around to face mine and his face seemed to be as shaken up as mine.

Our eyes locked, I knew exactly who I was looking at. Like we had never parted, five years suddenly feeling like one minute.

The same man who I knew since the fourth grade.

The man who stuck with me no matter what.

Like we were still the same kids who planned our future together, the same university's, sharing an apartment.

The same kids who said they would never leave each other.


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