《A Love found in Affliction》Chapter Thirteen


"We are losing him!"

"WE ARE NOT! The defibrillator!" Elaine yelled

Then nurse handed her the defibrillator. Elaine positioned it.

"Charge! All clear!"

There was no change on the monitor.

"NO! NO! WILLIAM!" Elaine tried to shake her brother awake but he was covered in blood and her hands were covered in his blood.

"Ellie how could you?" Elaine turned around to see Sam carrying a baby.

"You killed his father Ellie...How could you do this to us?" Tears rolled down Sam's cheeks.

"Sam..." Elaine stepped towards Sam.

"You killed William...."

"Elaine wake up!" Aaron gently shook Elaine who was screaming in her sleep.

"It's me, Aaron" He said in a calm voice, trying to soothe her.

Elaine opened her eyes and looked at a pair of worried steel orbs staring at her. She tried to steady her breath as she looked around.

"It's okay. It was a bad dream. I am here." Aaron said as he pulled her close.

Elaine nodded and settled her head against his chest. She noticed that they were in his bedroom. She must have fallen asleep in the living room.

"You want to talk about it?" Aaron asked as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind her hair.

Elaine gulped, not wanting to relive it.

"It's alright. Go to sleep sweetheart. I am here." Soon Elaine drifted back to a fitful sleep.

In the morning Aaron woke up to his phone vibrating on the bedside table. He reached for it and switched off the alarm and fell back in the pillow. He looked at Elaine who was fast asleep next to him. He gently kissed her forehead and removed his arm from underneath her head and moved out of the bed.

He had a morning meeting today with one of the investor and he wanted to head in early and go over the project file once more. He went into bathroom for a shower, missing his morning workout because of his injury.

Elaine woke up and saw that Aaron was not in bed. She sat up and looked around his room. It was all black, dark blue and white, bare of any personal touch.

She checked her phone and went over her calendar. She needed to be at the hospital by 9 a.m. the latest, it was seven now. She stepped out of bed and at the same time Aaron stepped out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist and another one in his hand for his hair.

"You are up" He said.

Elaine simply gawked at him. Aaron smirked and stepped closer.

"Like what you see sweetheart?"

Elaine diverted her gaze and blushed. Her eyes fell on his scars and she reached out to trace the larger one, which extended around his torso.


Aaron stilled at her touch.

"How?" Elaine asked.

"A can opener. I was ten, wasn't able to open a can, asked for his help, he demonstrated."

Elaine gasped and stepped back. She looked at him but his face was clear of any emotion. His eyes were cold and unyielding. A ten year old...

They both stood still, neither of them moving. She didn't want to ask about how he got the other two smaller ones, but she needed to know. They were a part of him.

"And these?" Her voice barely a whisper as she gently traced the smaller scar along his lower abdomen.

"I don't remember. I was knocked out cold from the beating."

Elaine covered her face with her hands as she tried to control her tears.



"It's alright. He is dead now. It is all in the past."

"No it is not alright!"

"There is nothing I can do about it"


Aaron grabbed her arm and pulled her into his chest.

"I am okay alright?" He said as he held her face steady with his hands. He looked into her blue green eyes where a storm of anger was blazing.

"How did you bare all that?" She asked

"I don't know" Aaron shrugged. Elaine slipped her arms around his neck.

"You one hell of man Mr. Clark" She said as she placed a kiss on the corner of his mouth.

Aaron tilted his head and captured her lips and deepened the kiss. He pushed her back and they both fell into the bed.

"And you are one hell of a woman for putting up with me, Ms. Sparks" He said as he feathered kisses along her jaw and neck. One thing led to another and they were soon entangled in one another, the outside world forgotten as they pushed each other over the edge of ecstasy.

Aaron traced circles on her back as their heartbeats returned to normal. They laid together in comfortable silence, neither of them wanting to move but they couldn't just stay in their own little bubble forever.

"I have to shower again" Aaron smirked as he kept his head on his hand and gazed down at her.

"Same here. I have to get to work" Elaine pouted. Aaron laughed at her expression and kissed her pouting lips.

"Have dinner with me tonight?" Aaron asked.

"A date?"

"Yes a date. What time do you get off from the hospital?

"Around six"

"I will pick you up at eight from your place."

"Alright" Elaine kissed his cheek and got up, dragging the cover along with her. "But right now I have to hurry. " She headed towards the washroom.


"Do you mind if I join?"

Elaine turned around and raised her eyebrows at him while he flashed her a crooked smile.

"What part of "hurry" don't you understand?"

"Oh I know all about it. Let me demonstrate" He said and jumped off the bed and Elaine squealed as she ran towards the bathroom, yet despite her attempts to keep him out, they ended up showering together and more than showering.

"Look what you did! I am going to be so late" Elaine said as rummaged through her purse for her car keys.

She looked at him standing on the other side of the elevator, all composed and dashing in his navy blue suit. Well he was the CEO so no one was going to fire his ass for being late.

"I was just saving water" He said as he fixed his cufflinks.

Elaine ignored him and finally found her keys as the elevator opened at the ground level.

They both stepped out and Aaron's driver was already waiting for him outside.

"See you tonight" Aaron said as he pulled her in and kissed her. He then walked out like nothing happened and tapped his watch at her and mouthed "You are late" before he got in his car.

"Bastard" Elaine muttered but she felt elated. She had finally found a ray of sunshine after the storm she went through had started to subside.

Aaron reached his office building and cursed when he saw the paparazzi outside.

"What the hell is this circus for?" Aaron asked Jack, his driver.

"I am not aware sir. Mr. Steele hasn't conveyed any message about it" Jack said as he looked at his boss through the rearview mirror.

Aaron hated this and this time he didn't even know what it was about. His company hadn't made any big announcement about any upcoming event. He put on his aviators and stepped out with his poker face.




"What the fuck?" Aaron thought and anger boiled in his veins but he controlled it. He knew better than to lash out at these bastards. His security held them back as he ignored them and entered the building and strode towards the elevators. He pulled out his phone and called Dante.

"Where the hell are you?"

"In your office with Gregory." Dante replied in a calm voice.

"For fuck's sake what is going on out there? How the hell they knew about---" The elevator door slid open and Aaron came face to face with Dante who pulled the his phone away from his ear and disconnected the call.

"Keep your anger in check all right. Gregory is on it" Gregory Manchester was PR head of the company.

"The hell I will" Aaron growled and pushed past Dante.

Aaron barged into his office and everyone immediately stood up. There was Cecelia, Robert, Gregory and two of his team members.

"What in the world is going on Mr. Manchester?" Aaron asked as he slammed his palms on the table.

"A statement was released by Miss. Miller this morning from Milan." Gregory said as he swiped his tablet and handed it over to Aaron.

He took it and pressed the play button. It was a press conference.

"Is it true Ms. Miller that you underwent an abortion so you could continue with your pageant and broke up with your fiancée?"

"What rubbish!" Olivia said as she dabbed her eyes with a tissue. "I would have never aborted the baby. Family is very important to me but my fiancé, Aaron Wade Clark, was not ready for this. He said he didn't want to go through with this but I refused and then he threatened to leave me but I couldn't lose him. I love him! I underwent the abortion but despite that he broke up the engagement." Olivia broke down crying as her agent helped her up.

"Ms. Miller will not comment any further" He said and the video ended.

Aaron gripped the tablet so hard that the screen cracked.

"Aaron" Dante said as he took the tab from his hand.

"What is this woman trying to do?" Aaron asked as tried to keep the lid on his temper. How dare she throw the blame of murdering his baby on him?

"Sir, we got to know that someone leaked the abortion story to the press with the original version of it but that reflected badly on her image especially now that she is representing USA at the Ms. Universe pageant. She was hounded by paparazzi last night and when she found out that the media knew, she pulled this press conference stunt early this morning."

"I want to know who leaked the original story to the press" Aaron said to Gregory who nodded in response.

"Where is Olivia right now?" He asked Dante.

"She is still in Milan. She will be there for the next few days for a conference."

"Call up the pilot and tell him to get the jet ready for Milan in an hour" Aaron said to Cecelia and stormed out of the office.

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