《After Midnight》chapter thirty-one.


The last week has been an endless cycle of paranoia and frustration, both from Zayn and myself. No one has been able to contact Carlos, and no one, including the police, has been able to track his whereabouts.

Once Carlos went MIA, the police finally started to take his threats seriously. Since his disappearance, Zayn's been on high alert, inserting security cameras and taking extra precautions to ensure our safety.

The only thing I disagree with is Zayn's recent purchase of a gun. He tried to ease my worries by saying he didn't want one either, but he's been forced to. Odds are, his father owns a gun and isn't afraid to use it, so he's just trying to be prepared for any situation.

Rocky and Talia have been checking in daily, keeping us in the loop if Carlos tries to contact them. Safe to say, everyone is on their toes, praying Carlos doesn't become violent amid his disappearance.

The scariest part for me is that no one knows what he's trying to accomplish here. No one has even an inkling of how he's thinking/feeling right now.

"Scarlett?" My coworker, Andy, calls my name. I only now notice that he's standing in front of me. "Did you hear me?"

"No. Sorry, Andy, what'd you say?"

Andy's eyes gleam with worry, but I ignore it, acting as though I zoned out. "I asked if you finished compiling the publication dates for September."

I nod, trying to erase Carlos from my mind and jump back into work mode. I open my small filing cabinet within my desk and pull out the file, handing it to Andy.

"Thanks," he mumbles, grabbing it and walking back to his desk.

I turn my focus back into my work, completing all the paperwork that Natalie needs on her desk by the end of the day. Once I complete it, I'm free to head out for the day. I finish up just before five and head to 25 Hours to enjoy the rest of my evening in the comfort of my favorite cafe.

Zayn agreed to meet me after work if I'm still here, but I honestly don't plan to stay long. I want to get back to Zayn's place, make a nice dinner, and maybe watch a movie. I've been craving any kind of simplicity for the past couple of nights.

Everything has been so chaotic with police updates and work stuff that I haven't had time just to sit down and relax. I definitely consider 25 Hours a part of my self-care routine.


I pull into the familiar parking lot, parking my car, and heading into the cafe, seeing Bonnie immediately as I head to the cash register.

Bonnie's face lights up as she sees me, smiling happily. "Scarlett! How are you, sweet girl? I've missed you around here."

"I'm doing good, Bon. I've missed you, too. Sorry, I haven't been around much; life's been a bit chaotic." That's the understatement of the year.

"Don't you worry. What can I get you, dear? On the house." She offers kindly.

I recite my usual order but refuse to take it free and drop a five-dollar bill in the tip jar. Once she hands me my black coffee and chocolate chip cookie, I sit at my favorite table.

I pulled out a book I had brought and began to read as planned, feeling entirely at peace as the fireplace crackled behind me. It was relatively quiet besides the few lingering voices.

This really is my safe space.

After a few peaceful minutes of reading, Bonnie comes to my table, sitting down in front of me. "A man came looking for you the other day."

My eyes snap to her. "What? What did he look like? What did he say to you?"

Bonnie looks at me apprehensively. "He had a really long beard, blue eyes. He just said he saw you come here before and needed to tell you something. I thought it was bizarre, so I told him I didn't know who he was talking about."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Bon. I owe you one."

I don't feel any sense of comfort, though. This is my favorite palace in the world, and I'm not even safe here. If I'm not safe at an inconspicuous coffee shop, where am I safe?

How long has Carlos been following me if he's seen me come here enough times to know to look for me here?

A sudden wave of fear and anxiety passes through me as I take in all the possibilities.

"Is everything okay, Scarlett?" Bonnie asks, concern taking over her expressions.

"Yeah. Yes, I'm fine, just some guy that can't get the hint." I chose not to tell Bonnie the truth because, honestly, I don't want to put her in any kind of danger. Who knows what Carlos will do if he finds out Bonnie lied to him.

"Okay," Bonnie says, but she doesn't seem convinced. "If you need me, you know I'm here."

I nod, grabbing her hand and squeezing it tightly. "I know you are. I have to go, though. Thank you so much. I'll be back soon."


I shove my book and my uneaten cookie into my bag and head for my car. Zayn should be home from work now, showering and getting ready to meet me at 25 Hours, but I sent him a text informing him I'm already on my way to the apartment.

Sure enough, Zayn's lower half is covered by a white towel when I anxiously walk into his bedroom. I divert my attention to the very excited dogs and let their love relieve some of my anxiety.

"What's going on? I thought you wanted to meet at the cafe for a bit?" Zayn asks. He's rifling through his drawers, looking for clothes, causing his muscles to constrict in all the right places.

"Bonnie told me a man, your father, came looking for me at the cafe a few days ago. He knows where I work, where I go to therapy, and now my safe place. There's no telling what else he's learned about me." I ramble nervously, petting Bear the entire time, letting his soft fur bring me comfort.

Zayn just stares at me, sadness and anger flowing through his eyes all at once. "Fuck. I'm so sorry this is happening to you, baby. If there were any way I could've stopped this, I would've. I should've never put you in-"

I cut him off with a soft kiss to his lips, shamelessly roaming my hands over her biceps. "Stop it. This is not your fault. I don't blame you, and I never could blame you."

Zayn rolls his eyes, about to protest when I kiss him again. Our heated touching doesn't go anywhere, though; both of us are far too anxious and tired to give into our libido. Zayn pulls on a pair of plaid pajama pants and pulls me into his arms as we lay in bed, the dogs cuddling up at our feet.

He turns on New Girl, our new favorite show to watch together, and we cuddle in silence, Zayn's strong arms resting tightly around my torso.

"Z?" I mutter, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, baby?" He says tiredly.

I contemplate what to say next because I want to be strong for him and not make his worries any worse, but I also want to be honest. "I'm scared," I whisper.

It feels far too vulnerable to say, but I want to get it off my chest. I've been putting on a brave face for weeks, pretending that Carlos' empty threats aren't terrifying me, but they are. I can hardly walk to the mailbox without feeling like I'm being watched.

Zayn leans over me, cupping my cheek. "I'm scared, too, but I will always protect you. I will ensure nothing happens to you, baby. No matter what, baby. I'm not going to let my damn father hurt another woman that I love."

I freeze in his arms, and I can tell Zayn realizes what he's said, too, because his eyes go wide and his breathing stills.

"You love me?" I ask after a minute of silence.

Zayn's lips attack my own, kissing me with a passion I've never felt before. His teeth nip at my bottom lip as his hand on my cheek wraps around the back of my neck, pulling me even closer.

When he breaks the kiss, his eyes linger on mine, allowing me to analyze the unknown emotions floating in his beautiful green orbs. "I am in love with you, Scarlett. Have been for a while."

He says it almost casually as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. I just stare at him in shock, my eyes so wide I feel like they might pop out of their sockets.

Zayn just chuckles, flopping back down beside me and pulling me even closer. He goes back to watching the show as if he didn't just tell me the most soul-stopping news ever. I reach for the remote and pause the show, sitting up to face him.

"What did you just say?"

Zayn chuckles again, propping himself up on his elbows. "I said I'm in love with you."

His words finally register, and I am smiling from ear to ear, jumping into his lap and wrapping my arms around his neck, kissing every inch of his face.

Once I'm done attacking him, I pull back, staying in his lap. "I'm in love with you, Zayn Miller."

The most handsome smile appears on his face, accompanied by a light blush, making my heart stop all over again. We're so caught up in one another, falling under the covers and making love as time passes us by, no longer worrying about our problems.

The only thing on our minds is the love we have for each other, and for now, that's all I need.

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