《After Midnight》chapter fourteen.


After screaming at the world with Scarlett, I felt a calm I've never felt in my life. Next to this beautiful woman, I feel light. I can't even describe it.

That's why I asked her a stupid question. One I probably shouldn't have asked, but I had to because I need to. Almost like I had an epiphany and realized that I want her in my life. More than just completing a bucket list.

"Go to dinner with me, Scarlett." I blurt, grabbing her hand so she can look at me. I love her eyes. They're a simple brown, nothing overly special, but so beautiful.

I watch those chocolate brown iris' widen and stare back into my green ones. The look of shock on her face is priceless. God, I hope she says yes.

"Um, what?"

"Dinner. Go with me to dinner," I repeat, squeezing her hand gently. I should've asked. I probably sound like a dick demanding her to come with me.

She pauses for a second, and then a bright smile graces her face. "Okay."

"Okay?" I question. I feel like I dreamt that.

She giggles. She fucking giggles making the most adorable sound, and nods. "Yes. Let's go to dinner."

I can't help the boyish smile that appears, and I pull her into a hug, spinning her like a fucking cliche. She squeals and laughs the whole time.

This hill must have some magical romantic energy or some shit because Rocky and I have had some amazing moments up here.

"Today is a great day," she says happily once I stop spinning her.

"And why's that?"

"Well, um, you and I got that job today," she looks down, almost as if she's too shy to brag about her accomplishments.

I pick up her chin gently. "You got the job?"

She nods, a small smile on her lips. And for that, I give her another spin. "Congratulations, beautiful."

She tucks her hair behind her ear and anxiously looks down again. I wish she'd stop doing that. "Thank you, Zayn."

The moonlight is practically fucking taunting me as it shines perfectly onto her glossed lips. I could pull her in and kiss her right here, right now, but something in me tells me not to, so I don't.

She sits down and lets her legs hang over the slope of the hill. "I don't want to leave," she whispers.

I sit next to her, our shoulders touching. "Me either,"

We've already been here for well over an hour, just relaxing and enjoying one another's company. We've talked about so much random shit and even played rock paper scissors. Rock paper fucking scissors. I'm nearly twenty-six years old, and this woman brings me back to being a lovestruck teenager.

"Do you think sometimes the world isn't as horrible as it appears?" She says quietly. So quietly that I almost didn't catch it.

I thought about my answer for a second. I have a feeling Scarlett has a lot more going on in her mind than she lets on. I've been around people with depression, my mom specifically, and they share many of the same habits. I don't want to assume anything, and I really fucking hope I'm wrong.

"I think it can be really good, but sometimes really awful, too," I answer honestly. I've experienced the awful, and I know she has too, but the good makes up for it when it comes. It always does.

"Sometimes, when it's good, I think about when it'll be bad again," she speaks low as if she's afraid that if she's too loud, someone else might hear. "Like I can't embrace the happiness because I know it won't last."


I take her hand and intertwine our fingers, letting goosebumps trail up my arm. "Maybe when the bad thoughts come back, you replace them with memories that made you happy, and then the bad won't be as consuming." God, I sound like a therapist.

She drops her head onto my shoulder, sighing heavily. "I'll think about today."

"Yeah," I smile, wrapping my arm loosely around her waist. "Today was good."


It's been five long days since I saw Scarlett last, and she is graduating today. I wanted to go, but she only had a certain amount of tickets for her family, and she insisted it wasn't a big deal. She's only walking the stage for her mom.

She's selfless, to the point where she'll do anything for other's happiness, even if she doesn't want to. I wish I were like that, but I'm definitely not.

Work is hard to get through. I've only been here for two hours, and it feels like seven. I want this day to be over so I can go pick up Scarlett for dinner. I promised her somewhere fancy to celebrate.

She's going to spend the afternoon with her family after she walks the stage. Even though I couldn't be there, I wanted her to know I was thinking of her, so I had flowers sent to her apartment this morning.

She texted me a picture of her with them, and a 'thank you.' She looked genuinely happy, smiling with her teeth and her eyes, something I rarely saw with her. Jordyn poked her head in the back of the picture, making me laugh.

"What are you so smiley about?" Adelaide asks. She's grumpy today because of all the paperwork we have to get through.

"No reason," I mumbled, switching off my phone and turning back to my computer.

"Liar," she huffs. "I bet it's that girl."

I roll my eyes. "None of your business, Adelaide."

She laughs evilly. "Well, I don't pay you to be on your phone, so shut it off, then."

"Fair," I hide my smile. "You were right, though."

She pumps her fist in the air with a victory cheer, looking absolutely ridiculous. The office has a running joke that Adelaide and I never get anything done. We're always goofing off and taking breaks for "brain games," as Adelaide calls them, and food.

Jokes on them, though, because we finish all our work. I mean, we get out of the office several hours later than everyone else, but still, we get it done.

I've gotten more work done in these past five days than my entire college career. I guess Adelaide has Scarlett to thank for that. She clears the cobwebs, as weird as it sounds. I've never felt what I feel when I'm with her, and it leaves me fucking giddy even when I'm not with her.

She started calling me on the nights that she couldn't meet at 25 Hours. We've both been swamped, anyway, so a phone call seemed like the world. She called me last night at three in the morning, and I just knew it was because she was nervous about graduation.

"Can't stop thinking about me, beautiful?" I teased her after picking up the phone.

"You wish. I can't sleep," she lazily responds.

"Me either. You have a big day tomorrow. Are you excited?"

Scarlett then spent the next twenty minutes rambling about all her nerves regarding walking the stage today. All I wanted to do was hug her to ease all the anxiety she was having, but I couldn't, so silently listening had to be enough.


By five in the morning, Scarlett hung up and swore she'd fall asleep. She texted me this morning informing me that she did, in fact, sleep a single hour, which didn't surprise me at all. I thought my insomnia was bad until I met her. She's practically a fucking vampire.

I can hear Scarlett let out a large yawn. "Tired?"

"Yes. Exhausted, frankly."

"Go to sleep," I answer.

She laughs. "I would if I could."

I didn't press her on it at the time, but I really want to know what keeps her awake at night. I know she's got something deep going on inside her head, but I haven't got a clue what it is. I see the pain behind her gorgeous coffee-colored eyes, and it's taken everything in me not to turn into a fucking therapist every time I'm around her.

Before I can continue thinking about Scarlett incessantly, my phone rings, Talia's name flashes on my screen.

"Hey, Tals," I say, rubbing the exhaustion from my eyes.

"Zayn," she responds, sounding serious. "We need to talk."

I look at Adelaide and see she's working intently, so I chose to step outside. In reality, I'm simply trying to buy myself time for whatever Talia is about to drop on me. I rarely hear her sound this serious, especially with me.

"Okay. What's going on?" I question. As I walk outside, I see the dark puffy clouds heading my way and feel a slight drizzle right as I sit on the steps.

Great. I can get fucking soaked while Talia ruins my week with whatever she's about to drop on me.

"It's about your brother," she says bleakly. Fuck.

"Just tell me, Talia,"

It's silent for a few moments before I hear shouting on the other line, causing me to pull my phone away from my ear.


I roll my eyes. "Seriously with the dramatics? You scared the fuck out of me."

"Sorry, future brother-in-law. I couldn't lose the opportunity." Talia and Rocky laugh relentlessly, making my own smile appear as well.

"I love you guys. Now tell me the date."

"August Twenty-Fifth, so plenty of time for you to find a date and plan a super amazing Bachelor party." She informs me happily.

"I don't have to find a date," I said cockily. Talia has always hated my ego, and she's actually the one that got rid of most of it. I used to be a very self-centered, egotistical kid, but Talia always kept me in check, especially around women.

"Ew. You're annoying. You haven't even spoken to a woman since the stone age." She jokes. Based on her information, she's right. I took a break from sleeping around and wanted to focus fully on myself and my career. Little does she know I've met the most beautiful woman and I have no doubt in my mind that she'll be accompanying me to this wedding.

I hear Rocky laugh. "You're wrong about that one, baby." My brother informs his fiance.

"Wait a sec! He has a-" Talia's muffled voice asks before Rocky ends the call. Great. What the hell does he tell her about me?

Now I have to convince Scarlett somehow to accompany me to this wedding. I've got a few months to ensure that happens.

Somehow everything is starting to feel normal again, like I can breathe, finally. That is until my father's situation comes up again. Regardless, Rocky is happy, and I want him to stay happy for as long as possible.

Adelaide and I make it out of the office around seven, which is practically perfect timing. I have an hour to take care of the dogs and get ready for my dinner with Scarlett.

Before I could decide on a suit, Scarlett's name appeared on my phone. "Hello?" I answer, trying not to smile too damn much.

"I am officially a college graduate!" She replies happily.

"Congratulations, Scarlett." I praise. I wish I could see the big smile she's undoubtedly holding.

"Thank you, Zayn. Are we still on for dinner tonight?" She asks.

"We are. Dress fancy. I'll pick you up at eight," I say. I don't want my child-like excitement to be too obvious.

"See you then!" She exclaims. I hear her say hello to someone before she ends the call. I've never really seen the bright, happy Scarlett. I usually am greeted with the calm and reserved Scarlett. I want to see more of that eccentric personality she holds back all the time.

It's fucking embarrassing how nervous and excited I am to be in this woman's presence. My stomach feels like it's in knots, and I haven't stopped smiling since she hung up on me.

What the fuck, Zayn? How are you already whipped and haven't even gotten a kiss?

I decided on the dark grey suit and a blue tie. Scarlett mentioned something about a navy blue dress on the phone, so I'm really banking on her wearing that. I pair it with my black loafers and a long black coat in case the rain picks up again.

I play with the dogs a bit and give them some love before heading out the door. I anxiously make my way to Scarlett's apartment and head up the stairs to her complex. I reach her door and knock softly.

I wait a minute or so before Jordyn opens the door, looking mischievous. "Why, hello there, Zayn. Come on in," she says, a tantalizing smirk on her lips.

"Should I be scared of that look you've got?" I joke, entering the apartment cautiously.

She rolls her eyes and kicks the door closed. "Of course not! I'm as kind as can be,"

"Sure you are," a male voice says, entering the kitchen. "Hey, I'm Riley, Jordyn's boyfriend." He puts his hand out for me to shake, and I do.

"I'm Zayn," we start getting into small talk, and Jordyn offers me water while I wait. Apparently, Scarlett's mother wouldn't stop talking, causing her to be late. "Oh, congratulations, by the way, Jordyn." She thanks me and gets into complaining about the ceremony. Riley shakes his head and tells her she's too high maintenance.

I watch them argue and wait patiently for Scarlett to appear. God, I can't wait to see her.

The wait is well worth it, though, because when Scarlett comes out of her room, dressed in that beautiful skin-tight navy blue dress- my heart just about stopped.

How the fuck did I find this gorgeous woman?

Hi guys! I'm so sorry about the long-overdue chapter. I've been dealing with some things personally that put writing on hold, but I'm back! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know your thoughts!

Thanks for reading

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