《We Met At Our Wedding ( JJK FF )》Sequel: Part 3/3
After giving the taxi driver the address Taehyung gave you, you arrived there in about 40 min.
"Do you want me to wait, Miss?" the driver asked as he looked at you through the mirror.
You smiled gently at him, "No it's okay, my h-- boyfriend is in there waiting for me, thank you....." You spoke then paid him, "Have a safe drive." you added.
Just a few second after you walked out the taxi, You spotted the cottage, it looked as if it was straight out of a fairytale with a happy ending or a picture book for little kids. It looked like many things. The small house hunkered low on the moor like a child in the elements trying to keep warm. Yet it looked alive and welcoming with a thin silver trail curling from the crooked stone chimney. The sides were the same grey slabs as the low walls in the dales and the roof was a darker slate.
Taehyung said it belongs to Yoongi's family but you have never heard of that, not that it's important information but you wished you knew.
It was around 7pm, so the sun was about to call it a day and travel to the other side of the planet. The wind that almost rocked you back on your heels this morning is now no more than enough to make your raincoat flap. It flows between the buttonholes, chilling your skin beneath and tousles your hair to the ringlets Jungkook like so much. It's just as well he does, because after being blown for so long you'll never get a comb through it without half a gallon of conditioner.
You stood in front of the door and took a deep breath before knocking on it, wondering what you'll do when he opens, slap him, or hug him? or just wait for him to react?
You knocked once.
"Jungkook? are you in there?" you raised your voice and called but you received no answer. "Jungkook?" again, no answer.
He isn't here?
Taehyung lied to me?
"Nah impossible." you shook your head then placed your ear on the door hoping to hear something but nothing.
You knocked, again and again, maybe he is sleeping?
But he's a light sleeper.
"J-Jungkook," You called with the last knock, nothing.
Did he leave again?
You looked around the house, the sun is no longer on sight, the warmth and the light it gave is no longer with you. Now only dark clouds and heavy winds are around you.
As you sat next to the door, giving up on finding him, you closed your eyes. a drop of tears finally fell down, and the man you love is not here to whip it away. You inhale and exhale a large amount of cold air before placing your hand gently on the lower part of your belly, "Did h-he really left us?" your voice cracked in the end and more tears threatened to fall.
All you wanted to do is to have him in your arms, kiss him, and say everything will be alright. That's all.
You waited.
And waited.
You waited hoping he'll come, open the door and take you inside with him, listen to you and you listening to him, share your problems and thought, and most importantly share the beautiful news you have.
Being pregnant is beautiful, right?
Being a mother was always one of your dreams, having a little version of you and Jungkook was something magical you wanted to feel.
B-but .......... did he?
Your heart fell to your stomach and a sob finally broke past your lips, tears after tears. "Or he knew and that's why he left?"
You couldn't help but think about the worst, imagine bad things and crying about more. Maybe that's the side effect of having a soul growing inside you, but .......... am I sure it's wrong?
That's it?
I won't see him again?
"No, no, no ......" You shook your head but tears kept on falling, the tears feel hot, like a blazing fire, in the cold night.
With a sinking heart, you force your heavy feet to stand up to walk toward the door again.
You knocked.
Kept on Knocking, again, and again. Your fingers are on fire, hurting but no compared to your heart. the thoughts of you not seeing him again burned you, and the thoughts of this being your fault killed you.
But then,
You heard him, his voice ..........
You turned and saw him standing there, His eyes so big as it widened when he caught your face, his heart ached when he saw you, breathing heavily, cheeks pink from the cold weather, and the worst part was, tears keep flowing out your eyes.
You were crying.
Jungkook placed down the bag he was holding and walked toward you, quickly pulling you inside his arms, "I am sorry," he mumbled.
You didn't hug him back, as if you didn't believe he was here. It was weird how your mind came up with all those negative thoughts in just a few minutes.
Just a few minutes earlier, you thought your world has fallen apart.
But, he's here.
Suddenly, you sobbed, wailing so loud. You couldn't contain yourself, it's so overwhelming. "I t-thought y-you left me," You cried into his chest, finally locking your arms onto his torso, so tightly, afraid he'll disappear.
"What? No No, Baby... I'd never," He caressed your back gently holding into his arms more protectively, "I am so sorry, I should have told you, I am sorry ........ Don't cry please,"
"RIGHT," You suddenly pushed him away, "AM I A JOKE TO YOU JEON JUNGKOOK?" you slapped his chest with all the power you've had left, your fists are tight as you hit him over and over again, the man whined in pain but didn't move nor stop you.
He deserves that.
"If you said you wanted some time alone, I WOULD UNDERSTAND YOU DAMN ASSHOLE," You breathed as your hands fell down tired, "If y-you just ...... told m-me- ..."
"I am sorry," The man looked down, defeated, and in pain.
Again, his actions made you sad.
You looked away and whipped away your tears, "Open the door, I am cold..."
Without a second of thinking, he opened the door and both of you walked in.
The second warmth made your body shiver as you walked directly toward the fireplace and sat on the floor, Jungkook watched as you extended your head toward the fire to warm them up.
He didn't think you'd be this sad, even before he met you, whenever he feels defeated or confused he liked to take a few days away from everyone. But this was the first time he hated himself for doing it.
With slow steps, he walked toward you and sat down on the floor next to you. at first, he didn't talk but after a few minutes he knew he was the one who should start, "D-do you wa----"
"Don't talk,"
He immediately shut his mouth and looked down, took a deep sigh, and bite his lips.
She's mad.
After another five or six minutes you let out a deep sighed then looked around the place, "What's this smell?" you sniffed in disgust, "Have you been eating fish or something?"
"Huh? No .... I didn't,"
"Well, it smells like it." You rolled your eyes when you noticed the man trying to sniff the place, You stood up and looked down at him, "Grab your things, we're going home."
"L-let's stay the night here, it's getting dark,"
"It's disgusting, can't you smell the rotten scent?" You asked, "I don't even know how you could stay here, I thought you're sensitive to smells ....." you added as you walked to want looks like a mini-fridge to grab some water.
"I am but there's no such a smell baby," Confused he followed you, "There's a lake nearby, but only if you're turning into spiderman you'd be able to smell that...." he chuckled but immediately stopped and bite his lips when you glared at him.
"Why did you leave?" you decided to ask directly, you watched as he looked down and sighed, his both hands inside his pocket he leaned against the wall then looked at the window.
"I suppose you heard what happened," He said slowly.
"Yeah I did, so what? Is it the end of the world? The end of your career?" You questioned and moved steps toward him, and looked up at him, "If everyone runs away as soon as they made a mistake, would you think we'll have any Doctors left? Teachers? Engineers? Pilots? Mothers? Fathers? .... anyone, Jungkook you're a grown man you should know this by now."
"I didn't say I don't,"
"Then what? Why did you leave everything and came here alone making everyone worried? Making me worried," Your voice came out soft as a whisper making the man's heart skip a beat at that, "Your life isn't only yours anymore, the people who loves you have their own rights on it as well .... "
"I know."
"You know?" You looked at him in the eyes, disappointed "You know and yet you decided to ignore all that and hide in this place?"
He didn't answer.
You waited for a few minutes, just looked at him then talked, "Jungkook sshi!"
The man looked up at your eyes surprised when you called him that, he swallowed hard noticing the expression on your face.
You took a deep breath then you said, "Do you want to break up?"
"W-Wh .... What?" His eyes widened and he shook his head right away,"No, of course not..... Why would yo--"
"Then what the hell did you mean by this?" Starting to get really angry, "You're acting immature and I don't like it, If you started to dislike me being around you then go ahead and te------"
"Y/N ah what the hell are you saying? Dislike being with you? Are you serious right now?" he cut you off.
"Yeah, I am serious." You bite your lips looking at him, "YOU IGNORED ME JEON JUNGKOOK, WHAT DID YOU THINK I WILL FEEL?"
When you raised your voice like that, he was surprised, yet he totally understands. "I am sorry."
"I just ........ I just don't l-like the feeling I am having right now." You lower your tone and looked down at the water bottle in your hands, "I f-feel like ......... like it's easy for you to leave me just like that," you voice cracked by the end making Jungkook hate himself.
He fucked up.
"Baby," The man took a few steps toward you, at this point he didn't know if you still allow him to touch you and this feeling was the worse, he just wanted to wrap his arms around you and apologize over and over again.
"We're supposed to share everything together, the good and the bad," You turned your head away to hide your tears,. "Aren't we?," You choked, barely holding back your tears.
That's it.
Jungkook immediately wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close, gently rubbing your arm. Despite the heaviness in your stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of your body pressed against his. You sink into the warmth of his side. "I am so sorry Y/N, I w-was embarrassed to face anyone ......... especially you,"
You didn't say anything and just grabbed tightly on his shirt, tears already wetting it but you didn't care at this point.
"You mean the world to me Y/N," He added, his voice came out like a whisper "I don't want to give you any excuses because I really did fuck up, but please .......d-don't ever say or think I dislike the time with you, I am the happiest with you I swear, Baby, I won't do it again I swear."
You nodded then pulled away from him a little, enough to look up into his eyes. You waited a few seconds the spoke, "You do smell like fish."
"Huh?" He blinked twice, confused then immediately grabbed his shirt to smell it, "I do not."
"You do," You rolled your eyes and pushed him away, turning back to your water and finally drinking, Jungkook kept smelling his clothes with a cute look in his face that made you smile, "You didn't take a shower in three days, did you?"
"W-what? No...." he shook his head many times, "Baby I swear I did, and ........ since when I don't? plus ...... after all those sweet words your boyfriend said, this is my reward?" his cute confused look was something you'd die for.
"Reward ha? you wanna reward?" You glared at him and then before he could say something back you stared at the bag he placed in the table earlier, "What did you buy?"
"Huh?" he followed your gaze, "Ah that ...... I bought some Ramen, what some?"
You nodded happily, "Let's eat I am so hungry because of you." You placed the water in the sink and grabbed the bag taking the six packets of Ramen that Jungkook bought. "Six? Why six? since when you eat that much? .......or w-wait a second ..........You- ........" you pointed your finger at his face threatening
"It's not what you think, D-Don't even think about it baby, It's just ...... I w-was planning to stay tomorrow here too that's why I bought many ........ that's it I swear." He raised his hands in a surrender position.
" 'It's not what you think' ? What did I think?" confused you looked at him carefully as he bite his lips and swallowed hard.
"N-nothing, nevermind princess .......LET'S EAT." He excitedly said.
"You're so weird." You rolled your eyes and started to prepare the Ramen with him.
After you placed the cooked Ramen in the table, you and Jungkook sat together to eat.
"Oww so delicious, I almost died of hunger," You smiled while chewing, the man just smiled back as he stared at you, "Why aren't you eating? You're not hungry?"
"I am eating...." he laughed and started to eat as well, "So who told you I am here?"
"Kim Taehyung." you answered right away, "After I threatened him."
Jungkook laughed, "I didn't tell him I was here though,"
"So who did you tell?" you looked up at him with a bored expression, you wanted to forget what happens and here he was mentioning it.
"No one." he sighed, "I thought staying alone will help me think."
"It did?"
He shook his head, "Not at all,"
You placed your chopsticks down and looked at him, "Is this case that hard? I mean can't you solve it?"
"Of course, I can, and I will as soon as we get back." He bite his lips and lowers his eyes, "It's just ..... at that moment I freaked out, I didn't know what to do .......... I guess I still have a lot to learn to be a better a lawyer." he looked at you back with a sweet smile, you couldn't help but return it as you moved your hand to hold his.
"You are a great lawyer," You said, soft and calm, "But, since this job you do is a huge responsibility ..... It's always good to learn more and .......I..... as your girlfriend, I will support you, always."
He smiled tightening the hold on your hand, "It will be a better support if you moved in back with me," He showed you a cute puppy face, "Please Baby, I get really sad whenever I wake up and you aren't there ...... don't you feel that too?
You sighed and took your hand from his getting back eating, "We already talked about it, Jungkook."
"We said after marriage, right?"
"Right."You nodded but you didn't look at him.
"Then, Let's get married."
When he said that you looked at him with widened eyes; at the sight of the beautiful ring in his hand, "H-how ......... where did you get this?"
"It's always in my pocket," He answered then smiled at your confused expression, "I bought it the day we got our divorce, I was just waiting for us to talk about marriage again.......... I don't want to be just your boyfriend, I liked us better as a husband and wife ...... Please....marry me baby, please " his eyes begging eyes made you laugh.
"You're so weird, you always had it? For real?" you asked and he nodded three times, you took a deep breath then stared into his black eyes, "You know ......... this sudden decision will ruin all that we thought about. "
"Baby, don't you know that sudden, weird, and unexpected things lead to a beautiful happy endings?" He smiled the sweetest, you know what he meant.
and unexpected.
"It's how we met." You whispered. smiling.
"It's how we met," he repeated, this times he took your left hand and slowly placed the ring gently in your finger, " November 18th, remember this date baby......... our engagement anniversary."
You laughed.
After dinner, Jungkook helped you clean the dishes after he begged you to agree to stay the night here saying it's fun, and since tomorrow is the weekends you agreed.
Instead of the bedroom that has a one-place bed, Jungkook placed brackets near the fireplace so you two can sleep comfortably and still get the warmth you needed for the night.
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