《We Met At Our Wedding ( JJK FF )》Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Four: Weekend with the In Laws Pt1
"Can I tell you something? "
You looked at Jungkook who leaned against the desk, Looking down at rolex but not for the time but just how he was playing with it.
His face formed into a small smile before he looked up at you. " I wan----"
Jungkook was interrupted by the knock on your door.
" Y/N Honey can you come to the kitchen for a second? " Your Mom said from the other side of the door.
You looked at Jungkook who cleared his throat and walked to look from the window beside your bed.
You thought for a minute, then said. " Mmmmm I will get you something to wear.."
You bite your lips and walked out from the room, but before going to the kitchen you took a pants and simple shirt from your father's closet to Jungkook to wear. " Alright.." He laughed nervously and nodded.
" Mom? Is everything okay? " You entered the kitchen to see your Mom busy preparing the food.
" Yeah yeah everything is okay but ......" She stopped chopping the vegetables and turned to look at you " Before your Father comes back, Do you realize he is-------"
" I know." You interrupted her looking down and sighed " I am sorry Mom but that's just how it happened..If I can turn back time I wouldn't do it ...... I swear "
Your mother sighed and nodded, You knew she'll understand " Oh Honey, I am not mad at you but I can't help with your father..... The fact that you didn't even ask for his blessing hurt him a lot. He tired to hide it from you on that day but ..... "
You didn't have anything to say, Apologize ? These days the word sorry is so meaningless and overused. Saying sorry doesn't fix the heartbreak you have caused them, sorry is just a word.
" I just don't understand, Now That I met Jungkook , He doesn't seem to be a person who'll do that. " She told you " Well... To be honest I didn't feel at ease on your wedding day....You weren't the bride I imagined " she then smiled softly as if she was hiding the pain she felt once which broke your heart again and again.
" Mom!"
" Tell me, why did you cry on that day?" She looked at you, her saddened expression made the tears you were trying hard to hide fell, The tears slowly fell down there face. She could tell you were crying....... She's your Mother, It was stupid from you to think your parents won't noticed.
" I...... I w-was nervous I guess." You wiped your tears and looked down again " Please don't get think about it, I am pretty sure everyone feel the same, I bet you did....." You tired to light up the mood with a joke.
Your Mom's heart sank when she saw your tears, She was so worried when you didn't call and visit by now that you were there she just want to take care of you the way she always do.." Okay Okay, Let's forget anything.." She smiled at you " Go wait for your father in the garden, Welcome him and talk before you enter...Go...."
You nodded and smiled before running toward the front door.
You walked out the house, Now that you are looking around, It was strange, being here again after so long. Despite how long you have been away, you still remembered everything about the place; the blue hydrangeas planted in the front yard, the soft tinkling of the wind chimes that reminded you of summer afternoons. The blue paint had faded since you had last seen it, but you still recognized it. It looked like the color of the sky before a bad storm.
Fallen leaves littered the walkway, bathing it in dark red and orange, You stepped on them with a satisfying crunch just like what when you were a child. You smiled painfully suddenly unsure why you hadn't returned in so long.
" So, It's true you came..." Your father's voice stopped you for what you were doing, stealing your breath and the heat from your skin. Suddenly your defenses are just paper, paper that is being soaked by the rapidly falling briny drops. Before you can draw in the air your body needs you run toward him and hugged him.
" I missed you so much.....Appa." You breathed and smiled when he hugged you back, Slowly pulling away you looked at him . His mouth was slightly turned down, his eyebrows were curved downwards too; he looked like he was ready to cry - just looked like that though. He's strong, he doesn't usually cry over things like this. His face showed feelings of sorrow and that was your weakness. " I am sorry...."
He sighed and nodded " Where is your husband?"
" Appa.....it w-was not his fault." You bite your lips and looked down " Please don't be hard on him, huh! "
" I have words for hi--------"
Suddenly the front door clicked open interrupting your Dad's words " Y/N Ah those clothes made me look o---------Oh..." Jungkook froze when he sees the old man standing next to you, Your father's sorrow expression turned deadly as soon as he saw the man which Jungkook could feel. " Hello Sir....." Jungkook desperately tried to hide how fearful he was as he bowed respectfully.
Your father rolled his eyes and looked at you coldly " Why this man is wearing my clothes ?"
" Huh? " You blinked
" Oh I am sorry Sir, we cam--------" Jungkook stopped when your father gave him a glare making you chuckle.
" Tell him not to talk when he isn't asked to..." Your Dad told you but still have his cold eyes on Jungkook's who was horrified by now and that made you feel sorry for him.
" Okay.." You said smiling, you weren't expecting your father to even talk to you and were kinda happy he was showing a pretty normal reaction to the man who stool his daughter........I guess. You thought.
You watched your father walk away inside the house, Finally giving Jungkook time to breathe.
" Your Dad doesn't like me.." He rubbed the back of his neck looking at the direction your Dad walked.
"Well, At least my Mom does..." You faked a laugh and patted his arm.
" Mmmmm, Your Dad never killed someone, right? " Jungkook looked down at you with his begging eyes.
You laughed then smiled gently " Thank you for doing this.." You said slowly " Really thank you."
Jungkook looked away embarrassed " No no, don't worry about it..."
You watched Jungkook walking back inside the house, You wait for some time before following him.
As soon as you entered you looked for your father but he was nowhere to be seen, Jungkook was sitting in the sofa all nervous and probably scared while you could hear your mother's talking to what you assume was your aunt in the phone.
" Where is he ? " You mouthed to Jungkook who pointed to the door in the corner, Your parent's room. You nodded and walked o the man " Do you want a drink or something?"
Jungkook shook his head very fast " J-just stay here, okay? "
" Jungkook relax okay!" You sat next to him and patted his arm " I think we're fine, after all he let us in...."
The man blinked and his eyes widened " So you weren't sure we'll get in? Wow ... "
" Chill ...." You smiled
" How ? ha? " His cute pouting made you laugh, Jungkook glared at you when he saw how you dissolves into a puddle of laughter, He could see your stomach shaking as you fights a new gale of giggles. " Funny ? "
You nodded " I am s-sorry but you look so cute..."
The man rolled his eyes and sighed.
As long as she's happy.
" Y/N ....." Your father familiar voice enjoyed you two, Jungkook stood up immediately and bowed.
You tried to hide your laugh as you stood up and walked toward him " Yes? "
" Prepare two coffees, Bring them to the backyard." Your father ordered then pointed at Jungkook " As for you, you're coming with me."
" Yes Sir.." Jungkook didn't need time to think when he nodded.
Your father walked passed you two to the back door.
" Go.." You waved with your hand to Jungkook to follow but he hesitated and run toward you.
" What if asked questions ? " The man whispered ear your ear.
" Well, He will...That's what fathers do." You gave him and -obviously- look but he held your arm and pulled you closer.
" Y/N ah you don't understand.....We didn't prepare what if asked questions about how did you meet and stuff." The panicked tone Jungkook used made you swallow " He'll know we're lying in a second..... I.Don't.Want.To.Do.Die ." The man bite his lips and looked at the back door your father just walked from.
" J-Just don't give too much details and unnecessary information, We'll manage.....Now go, he'll get angry..." You pushed Jungkook toward the door while he was shaking his head like a child refusing to go to school. " Come on you're a great lawyer, You should know how to act in those kinda situations.." You whispered-yelled at him.
" They didn't teach us how to face the angry father of your wife in Harvard, Do they? " He whispered back.
You let go of his arm and blinked "You studied in Harvard ?"
" Emm I didn't mentioned that? " Jungkook nodded then faked a cry when you shook your head " We're so screwed ..."
With slow steps Jungkook walked in the backyard, It was lovingly paved and roses had been planted in circular beds but the man didn't have much time to admire the scene and walked toward the small table by the corner where your father was seated.
Without saying anything Jungkook sat down and looked around for a second " It's beautiful here..." Trying to kill the awkward moon he said but your father wasn't buying it.
Few minutes has passed and no one talked, While your father was staring at his daughter's husband, Jungkook didn't dare to look up and kept waiting for your father to say something.
" Explain...." Your father's cold voice finally broke the silence, Jungkook up at your Dad before taking a deep breath, Never in his life he imagined he'd be in this situation as in taking the blame for someone else, Someone he hates.
Jungkook kept reminding himself that he wasn't doing this for Mark but for you and it's totally worth it.
" I don't have any excuse to justify what I did, All I can say is..... It was never Y/N's fault." Jungkook looked at your father " If you won't accept me I will understand but I promise I will never give up trying to get things right between us, Not for me but for Y/N."
Your father sighed and nodded. " You might think it's old fashion or people are more free with their lives that they don't need their parents permission or advice anymore but when it comes to a daughter..... " Finally Jungkook could see your father smile, Even if it was small and full of pain, Jungkook took it a good start " When you're a father to a girl, You always see her a flower waiting to bloom, or a delicate spring leaf, I know she is so much more. She has her own wings, her own propulsion and her own inner strength........ But a father's heart will never trust anyone when it comes to her."
Jungkook nodded and kept listening carefully.
" And that works for you too, I will never trust you." The words your Dad said were honest, he didn't try to sugarcoat them letting Jungkook know exactly what he's facing.
In fact, Jungkook agrees....... Your father doesn't know him but he's judging him over Mark's actions and if there's one thing Mark never deserve is your father's trust.
" I understand." Jungkook nodded then looked to his right when he felt someone walking toward them.
It was you.
With an awkward smile in your you place the tray in the small table " Black sugar free for my amazing father and extra sweet one for my husband..."
" Thank you." Jungkook looked up and smiled at you and you imminently understood that the conversation is going well.
" Enjoy.." You smiled at your father then excused yourself, They both watched you leaving.
Your father cleared his throat, coffee in hand, he asked "What is it that you do?" his tone casual and light.
" Oh! I am a Lawyer.... " Jungkook answered hoping your father will be impressed with that, The man has always been proud of his job especially that he's good at it. " I own a law firm now."
The older man took another sip and then continues, serious faced. " Own a law firm at the age of 24 ? "
Jungkook's face crumples again then awkwardly laughed " Well I can't say my parents didn't help me." The man swallowed hard " After I graduated and had experience my father helped me with the share capital, So it was easy especially that I studied in Harvard. " Jungkook finished with that.
Your father nodded " I see......" He kinda knew that, after all it was hard to believe that a middle class family will be able to afford a wedding like the one you had.
Your father makes his face straighter than a poker player and says " Do you know how to play basketball?"
" Huh?" Jungkook raised his eyebrow confused with your father's random question. " Y-yeah I sometimes play with my friends.."
" Prepare yourself then, we have a game tomorrow."
After lunch and doing the dishes, You walked back to your room to find Jungkook smiling while looking down at your childhood photo album.
" What do you think you're doing?" You blushed and run to take the album from his hands but immediately stood up from your bed and raised the album up.
" Why? Your mom gave it to me.." Jungkook winked then laughed when you couldn't reach the album.........well....... Because you're shorter.
" Still, you need permission. " You rolled your eyes then walked and climbed the bed taking the album from his hands. " What if there's pictures I don't want you to see? "
The man smirked " You mean the one of you covered in mud ?" Your eyes widened when he said that, your mom liked to take embarrassing pictures of you as a child because to her those are the ones that held a beautiful memories. " Or the one of you kissing that clown boy ? "
" Yaaaaa " You yelled and he laughed seeing how embarrassed you were.
Jumping off the bed you wanted to walk to place the album back into its place but were stopped by Jungkook who blocked your way.
" Well, those pictures are meant to be shown someday to somebody..... And who's better than your husband to see them? " Jungkook added walking closer to you, An evil smirk appeared on his lips as he walked closer and closer.
"W-w-what are you doing?." He ignored your question and kept walking closer until your butt hit the disk.
" About the thing I needed to tell you this morning....." The man looked down and said, his tone calm yet serious. " There's something I want to discuss with you........about our f-future."
Looking at his dark eyes staring down at you, you have to admit you nearly stopped breathing for that moment, Your lungs forgot how to do their work.
He's beautiful..
" A-Alright...But..." You swallowed the lump in your throat and placed your hands on his chest to push him away but regret it immediately when you felt the hard muscles of his making you blush right away." I..... t....think you need to keep a d....distance so we can talk c..comfortably, Right?."You punched his arm, hard enough for him to pout at you.
They say but your heart totally stopped breathing.
Maybe it's your time to die?
" Fi------" Before Jungkook speak, A knock interrupted him.
You laughed when he cursed and walked away from you immediately when the door gets open and your mom entered.
" I am sorry sweetheart if i interrupted something." Your Mom chuckled and looked at both of you, you sighed when realized that she probably noticed your red face.
" No Mom, You interrupted nothing." You lied and fake a laughed before glaring at Jungkook who sat in your bed now.
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