《We Met At Our Wedding ( JJK FF )》Chapter Twenty Three


Chapter Twenty Three: Knock Knock


You were laying in the bed with your phone in your hand when Jungkook came out of the shower wearing the hotel's night suit, same as yours expect for the color, His was night blue while yours was pink and white.

You couldn't hide the blush in your face when looking at both of you in a couple outfit wondering how you get lucky to even be around a man like him, His tall, well-built personality, his handsome face, and the powerful aura emanating from him made your eyes not being able to tear your gaze away from his ruthless handsome face.

" Did they send dinner or not yet? " Jungkook asked while rubbing his wet hair with the small white towel.

" You ordered ? " You asked and moved to sit in the bed placing your phone down.

" Of course, we didn't eat." He walked to the room service phone but stopped when a knock was heard. " Oh must be our dinner." He gave you a smile and walked toward the door.

Wait.....What if it was a woman? Your mind panicked for some reason as you jumped out the bed and yelled " WAIT......I will get it " You run toward the door when Jungkook stood confused looking at you opening the door.

Yep... A woman.

" Your dinner is ready Miss." A young lady smiled at you.

" T...Thank you." You faked a smile and opened the door wider for her to push the dinner cart inside.

You walked with her inside the room where Jungkook was standing.

" Enjoying your dinner." The lady looked up at Jungkook then smiled which you didn't like.

" Yeah we will thank you." You immediately walked between them and faked another smiled letting the lady knows she can never flirt with him.

" Let us know if you need anything." With this she walked away and closed the door after her.

Jungkook being the man he is was clueless of what just happened. " You okay?"

" I am fine." You nodded right away "Let's eat."


" Knock Knock " Jungkook said while holding his chicken wing

"Who's there? " You decided to play along


"Love who?"

"Holy Nations." The man laughed

You raised and eye brow "What? That's not even a joke."

"It wasn't one. Knock Knock." he smiled and said again.

You sighed and rolled your eyes " Who's there?"


"Love who?"

"Sanctify. This will be our battle cry." He laughed again for no reason

"That. Is. Not. A. Joke!!!" You glared at him

"Correct." he smiled then sipped again from the glass of wine next to him

Your face showed an exasperated huff but you just rolled your eyes and focused on your food.

"Knock knock." he said again

"No. I'm not doing your jokes. They aren't funny." you ignored him

"Knock Knock." he repeated

" Go Away!" You glared at him

"Knock Knock." he whined this time

You sighed "Who's there?"


"Love who?"

"Everyone. Now that was the punch line. Like it?" He laughed and this time you stood up and hit his head.

" What, I've had enough of your games. GO AWAY!!..." You rolled your eyes when he pretended the hit hurt him " Go to sleep Jungkook, You're drunk."

" I am......n..not drunk " He lay down on the ground and smiled.


" Get your ass up, You'll get sick" You rolled your eyes again feeling like a mother scolding her child.

" Where should I sleep then? " He sat again and looked at you.

" Huh? " you swallowed when thinking about what he said, well there was a sofa in the corner but it was short, Jungkook's tall body won't fit.

You sleep there?

You watched Jungkook standing up yawning " I will take the couch." He rubbed his tired eyes with the insides of his palms.

" It's too small." You said then looked at the bed, It was a king sized bed so more than enough for both of you but.....are you ready having him next to you?

I mean.....what's the worst that can happen ?

You fall in love with him?

Well... You already are.

"The bed is big, It's fine with me if you'd like to take the other side of it" Your cheeks turned red, Never in your life you thought you'll tell a man that.

"Miss Y/N ?" Jungkook suddenly raised an eyebrow looking at you.

You bite your lip and looked at him too "W..What?"

"Are you trying to take advantage of half-drunk handsome man and make him sleep with you?" The man smirked when he watched the expression on your face.

Your eyes widened " YAAAA " you shouted at him then throw a pillow over his face " Don't be ridiculous, Idiot .......FINE sleep on the floor I DO NOT CARE." You rolled your eyes and walked sat on the bed hearing the man's annoying laugh.

" I am joking.." He walked and sat in the other side.

" Well, your jokes are annoying." You tried hiding the smile on your face by laying on the bed with your back facing Jungkook. "Hurry up, I don't like the lights on when I sleep."

" Unexpected from someone who has horror movie hangover every time they see a h-----------okay okay I am just joking " Jungkook laughed when you turned and grabbed the pillow ready to hit him again.

" I told you your jokes are annoying." You glared at him fighting the laugh in you when he raised his both arms as if he's being arrested.

" Alright drop your weapon." He smiled "Think about it, hurting people is never the solution."

You finally couldn't hold your laugh " You're stupid."

You turned around again and laughed.

Jungkook had the sweetest smile in his face while listening to your giggles, the smiled was slowly fading when remembering that this could end any minute.

You could wake up tomorrow and say you're leaving, you could fell for some else and move on.

You could ask for divorce .......that you both agreed to on the wedding day.

He sighed then turned the lights off, laying in the bed under the blanket.

"Knock Knock." Jungkook whispered

" Go to sleep." Your voice came out weak, he knew you were falling asleep.

"Knock Knock."

"Who's there?" You whispered


This time your voice was almost heard, you were probably in the dream land by now "Love....w..who? "

" Love you."


In the middle of the night you suddenly woke up, knowing that you had a bad dream from the racing heart you feel but can't remember anything from it expect that your parents were there.

You still feel guilty that you didn't tell them the truth and worst .... not calling them nor visiting them.


You laid with your hand under your head and facing towards the outside of the bed. You could scarcely feel warm breath on the back of your neck and you froze totally forgetting that Jungkook was sleeping next to you until you felt the bed move slightly and the warmth was gone.

You breathed a heavy sigh and reached over to your phone to look at the time. You scanned your eyes over the digital writing to see that it was 2:46 am. You frowned at the clock on your screen and placed it gently back down on the side drawer.

You laid silently for a few more minutes until you'd finally had enough and decided to go and occupy yourself with something until you felt tired again.

You slowly rose from your laying position, being careful not to wake the sleeping man next to you, You removed the covers from your lower body and swung your legs over the bed, your feet meeting the cold floor.

As you pushed off the plush mattress to stand up a hand caught your wrist and pulled you back down. ' Damn it I woke him up...' You cursed in your head as you turned to look at Jungkook.

"Y/N ah , are you ok?" The dark haired man continued to hold your wrist tightly as if he thought you'd be taken away from him if he let go.

"I just can't sleep that's all. It's nothing really." You quietly replied.

"Is there something on your mind?"

"Not particularly..."You gave him a sweet smile.

"Do you want to talk about it?" The concern in his tired eyes sent a warm feeling to your heart, the fact that he cares gave you some hope.

You shook your head backwards and forwards and stayed silent showing that you didn't want to go into the topic any further. Jungkook tugged on your wrist again.

"At least lay with me? I won't go to sleep until you do... So please Y/N just this time?" You could practically feel him giving you that cute look he used on you when he wanted something and you gave in.

"Okay.." You nodded with a smile.

He let go of your wrist as you placed the duvet back over your body, this time you rolled over to face him. Jungkook managed to wriggle his slender arm underneath you and wrapped it around you bringing you closer to him making your heart skip a beat " Do you mind?" he whispered.

You swallowed but it felt too good for you to refuse, You shook your head and answered by placing your head on his chest and draped an arm over his torso. You could hear his heartbeat flickering through his chest and it calmed you down.

Your eyelids began to feel heavy and you snuggled into him more. You felt Jungkook sigh slightly as he relaxed after he realized that you must be drifting off to sleep.


You woke to the gentle patter of rain on the window and thunder rumbling from far away. Looking at your side, Jungkook wasn't there and by the sound of the shower you knew he was already bathing.

You pushed the blankets off, immediately feeling the warmth of sleep begin to slip away. You swung your feet over the side of the bed and sat up, rubbing the crust from your eyes. you stood up, your bare feet pressing softly against the cold floor, and walked towards the window.

The glass was splattered with rain drops, as even more came down. The clouds swirled lightly, their pale grey color suggesting a long, mild storm.

" You woke up? " Jungkook asks the question smoothly, You turned to face him.

" No, I am actually sleep walking.. Wahhhhhh " You joked and acted as if you were a zombie making the fresh from shower man laughing.

" Good morning...." he rubbed his wet hair and walked to stand by the window next to you.

" Good morning." You smiled and gazed at the window again "Seems like it will rain the days to come as well."

" Good thing we could have the helicopter ride before that then." he said, The low rumble of his voice is comforting. " So, What happened last night? "

" Huh? " You swallowed and your eyes widened " Nothing, what happened? "

" Chill.." Jungkook messed your already messed up hair and chuckled, The chuckle that replies is that soft, rolling thunder that billows across the dark skies on a stormy night " I didn't mean when you literally hugged me to sleep, I mean what happened that you woke up in the middle of the night..... bothered." He smirked when he saw your cheeks light up.

You rolled your eyes embarrassed "That's brave for someone saying ..' I won't go to sleep until you do... So please Y/N just this time? ' " You imitated him in a funny tone then smiled when you noticed his cheeks lighting up " But....I kinda needed that. " You pouted under your breath not sure if he heard " I guess I had a bad dream.."

Jungkook nodded understanding " About what? "

" I don't remember actually...." You chuckled and looked at him " I just know my parents were there."

Jungkook watched as you looked through the window with a pained smile.

He paused for a while then talked again "Do you want to go and visit them? ... Together? "

" Together ? " He saw the shock register on your face before you could hide it. A small smile played on his lips and he nodded.

" Why not? They think we're really married, don't they? " Jungkook added.

You looked up biting your lip thinking then looked at him again " But you know......... They hate you."

" Huh? "

"Well, Not you but Mark....well not exactly Mark but whoever I married." You sighed " When Mark and I decided to marry I didn't tell them about it and they haven't meet him yet at the time, Every time we decide to go visit them Mark had something important in work.....So He never met them."

" Your parents didn't know the man you were about to marry?" Jungkook raised his eye brows finding it hard to believe " And the man you were about to marry had more important things to do than meeting the parents of his fiance? .... That's what you mean ? "

" Pretty much."

" Wow.....Just when I thought the level of his 'bitching' can't get any lower " Jungkook cursed under his breath then sighed. " Alright, I will sacrifice my reputation for you...."

You chuckled " You don't have to do that."

"I know." He looked down at your eyes "But I will."


" Just how your car was in the hotel's parking lot while we came by helicopter? " You asked Jungkook while in the car heading to your parents.

" I asked my driver to bring it here, what's the big deal?" He said like it was a normal thing to do.

" You driver? "

"Well, one of my father's.....but yeah that counts too."

You shook your head and sighed " Rich people..."

Jungkook laughed " What about it? My parents are rich you know.."

" I get it I get it......" You chuckled " I mean...... I didn't ask about the helicopter and here I am surprised because of a car.... stupid me."

" Can I agree? " He joked but you glared at him.

" Dare."

" Your usual weapon isn't here so..... You.are.stu------ awwwww " He whined when you pinched his arm " I am driving, Are you trying to kill us.........Crazy woman ." His voice made you laugh.

" Yeah yeah whatever...."


After about an hour drive, You finally guided Jungkook to stop by the side.

" That's your parent's house ?" The man asked and looked from the window.

" Yep...." You smiled brightly "That's where i grow up..."

You were happy yet nervous of their reaction, Your father didn't sound that angry in the wedding but still you know he is a bit disappointed.

You don't even want to think about what might have happened if you didn't meet Jungkook and your parents knew about Mark.

" Shall we? " Jungkook woke you up from your thoughts and you nodded.

Walking out the car, the rain had stopped by now and the sky were slowly turning blue.

The neighborhood didn't change, it was as quiet as always that was totally different from the city you are living in now.

You walked slowly toward the door with Jungkook next to you.

You took a deep breath before ringing the bell.

" I am coming..." Your mother sweet voice was heard from the inside, The door was open and her eyes widened " Y/N ah...."

" Hi Mom!." You smiled

" Honey...." She immediately hugged you and you gladly hugged her back " We miss you sweetheart...."

" I did too.." She pulled away a little then looked at the man next to you, It was the second time she sees him.

" Hello Mother! I am Jeon Jungkook..It's nice meeting you again." He said as polite as he can be and bowed respectably.

Your mother looked at you then at him again " Hello! ."

" Mom.." You gave her a begging look to act normal toward Jungkook who didn't do anything obviously.

" Alright alright, give me a hug son...." She welcomed him in her arms and he gladly leaned to hug her back making you smile. " Get inside it's cold......Your father will be here in few minutes." she opened the door wider and you two entered.

The feeling of being back to the house you ran around as a child and lived more than 20 years in was overwhelming, everything was the same expect for the TV.

"What do you want me to cook for you? I will call your father to buy the ingredients." Your mother held your hand as she sat with you in the couch smiling.

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