《We Met At Our Wedding ( JJK FF )》Chapter Sixteen
Chapter sixteen: Your way
You lay down the bed as soon as you finished putting your things in the closet, It was about 3pm.
You cleaned the kitchen,the living room and the bathroom.....You wanted to clean Jungkook's bedroom but you were scared he won't like it so you decided to ask him when he comes back if you can clean it another time when he's not around.
After you took a rest a little you decided to call Soyeon.
She picked up after two rings.
"Pleasedon'tkillmeIhadtotellhim" She said very fast that you couldn't understand but kinda knew what she meant.
"Speak like a human first, Idiot." You chuckled
" Oh! Sorry..." She awkwardly laughed "So what happened last night? where are you now?"
" I am in his house."You said "I can't believe you told him....But I guess it's better."
" I knew it's better, You two already helped each other in something worst I mean what's the big deal for a rich guy to have a roommate.."She laughed
"Rich or not, some people enjoy living alone." You sighed "What if he doesn't like living with other?"
"Come on, he was about to get married..Right I know it isn't the same but he's super young to be thinking of marriage which means he doesn't like being alone." The girl said through the phone making you laugh
" I didn't know you got a PhD in psychology " You joked
" I am serious Y/N, You also need someone to talk to those days, Just use each other" She added "Until you get in your feet again, stay there and be nice, okay? "
" Be nice? really? " You laughed " Anyway, I guess I can pay back the loan now since I won't care about the rent, It will take me about four months to be able to save the money back to have my own house so I guess I will try to stay here"
" Yeah and send me the address later maybe I will pass by some day."She said
" Alright I will." You smiled "I actually was going to come to you today but I am so tired now ."
After taking a rest you took a shower than decided to cook something for dinner, While you were busy you heard as if someone is typing the password of the door but it wouldn't open.
Maybe Jungkook forget he changed it?
You grabbed a cloth napkin and walked to the door and stood there listening as if two men were arguing, the door finally was open, You saw Jungkook entering then a bother looking man you know.
" The hell man, Why you changed the password? " Taehyung followed Jungkook inside " It's not l-----Oh! Y/N ah you are you doing here?"The man said as soon as he saw you.
" She lives here now." Jungkook throw his jacket in the sofa and sat "And that's why I changed the password, I don't trust any of you now that I have her living here, does that answer you question my dear Hyung? "
" Woowww..." Taehyung shook his head disappointed "Do I look like someone that might hurt a cat? I am nice..." He said and looked at you " Isn't that right Y/N ? What's the password?"
" Don't tell him." Jungkook looked at you " Him and anyone who'll ask you, alright? "
"Shut up." Taehyung throw his jacket on Jungkook face "I won't come anyway."The man rolled his eyes and walked to sit next to the younger one.
"Mmmm Welcome back?" You finally had the chance to say something which made the men laugh.
"Thank you Y/N." Jungkook nodded "Seems like you cleaned the place..." he looked around " It's really not necessary, a lady comes twice a week to clean you don't have to bother yourself."
You nodded "I get bored so...Mmmm by the way, Do you guys perhaps want cake? "You awkwardly smiled when they looked at you and blinked.
" Let me guess, you get bored?" Taehyung laughed and you nodded. " I want cake..." he raised his hand and walked toward the kitchen.
This is how two weeks passed, Jungkook would leave the house at 7:30am and offer to drive you to work in his way when you have a morning shift, he won't come home until you're already sleeping. It was hard for you two to have a conversation expect for the one in the car, he would ask if anything is missing in the house or if your work is going well and you'd ask the same, Just basic conversation between roommates.
Tonight you arrived home around 11pm after you checked up all the patients needs before leaving, You could see Jungkook shoes by the corner while taking off yours.
He's home.
You entered the living room to see the man laying on the couch in a twisted position, Sleeping with one leg hanging over the side and dangling down, His breathing whispered through the air until it reached your ears making you quietly tiptoe toward him, You kneeled down near him while focusing on your breathing trying to keep it as quiet as possible.
You watched his eyelids closed against the dim light of the room and his breathing deep and relaxed, all the muscles in his face and body were totally at peace, like a baby in its' first throes of slumber and before REM kicked in. Not a twitch, not a spasm, barely any movement of his chest rising and falling with each intake of air such was the depth of his oblivion. This was a body totally at peace, at rest, at one with itself, rejuvenating the mind and muscles before the onset of yet another day of turmoil.
You stood up slowly afraid that you may possibly wake him up as you walked toward the room to grab a blanket, You came back and put the blanket over his body to keep him warm and slowly as if it was the most normal thing to do, you pushed his hair back and plant a kiss on his forehead, You froze when Jungkook shifted slighting and his breathing stocked for a moment before picking up its steady pace, gratefully not causing his to wake up.
You felt the butterflies in your stomach flapping their wings to the beat of your heart as you thought of what you just did, eyes couldn't focus on something else but his kissable lips that were highlighted by the moonlight that shone gently on his face.
You looked away nervously, but you couldn't hid the red glow that came over your face caused by your own thoughts that were now giving you the urge to lay down next to him, You run back to your room.
The rest of the night was spent just like the start, Your mind drifting in and out of a fidgety slumber, not quit catching the rest you needed.
You might have slept 3 or 4 hours before waking up around dawn just to stare around the room and think.
At 7:00am, You gave up on trying to sleep. demonstratively throwing your blanket aside, you put your feet back to the ground tiptoed back into the living room.
The familiar, constant breathing was still audible, but something in the air has changed.
"Y/N?" Jungkook's raspy morning voice rang out to you before you had even fully stepped into the room.
"Jungkook?" You stupidly asked, well aware that it is obviously him.
You entered the living room to find Jungkook sitting up on the couch, his feet placed on the ground and his face hidden in his hands while his elbow s were propped up on his thighs. To be completely honest, he looked like he had barely gotten any sleep.
Did he feel when I kissed his forehead?
He's mad about it? Thinks I am trying something on him?
Questions you ask yourself while watching him, he lifted his head to lock his eyes with yours, the paleness of his skin nearly making your breathing falter,but on closer inspection you saw that it was only the bad incidence of light, the sun streaming in through the windows made everything look brighter.
patting on the spot next to him, he silently asked you to sit down.
He knew? Obviously he knew..... and he's mad. you bite your lips.
You did as he wished.
"I am sorry, Jungkook" You broke the silence, not giving him the chance to speak first.
Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "For what?"
" For the k-kiss." You sputtered, avoiding eye contact. Suddenly the carpet was very interesting, Jungkook was a lawyer that's why he probably wanted you to confess first...It's a work habit. You thought "I u-usually work with children....Whenever I put them to bed i k-kiss their foreheads so I automatically thought you .....you kn------"
" Y/N ah." Jungkook suddenly stopped you, you looked at him" I literally don't know what you're talking about." He laughed "But i can guess......."
You froze.
Your cheeks flushed to the color of scarlet as a hue of red spread throughout them as they burned from embarrassment.
" You d-didn't feel it? "You asked and he nodded still laughing his heart out.
" You kissed my forehead when you put the blanket over my body?" He asked but not quit wanting to know the answer because he already know.
You looked down closing your eyes, cursing the stupid mind you have while hearing the man laughing " Alright....Stop that's not funny." You stood up and looked away, cheeks still burning
" It is funny, You could have just pretend it didn't happen ..I wouldn't even know."He laughed
"I don't know." You rolled your eyes " You're a lawyer, I thought you wanted me to confess, Why did you ask me to sit if that isn't what you wanted? " You sighed and sat back giving up.
" I just wanted to ask if you're available today. " Jungkook smiled, His voice just above a whisper " And even if i was a lawyer I won't be one at home, Plus why would you apologize for that...." his hand now messed up your hair playfully "I think it's cute. "
You pushed his hand away and fixed your hair but couldn't deny the butterflies having a party inside your body.
After a little pause, You answered "Honestly Jungkook, I thought you'll be uncomfortable." You looked up at his eyes that were focusing on yours now." I m-mean we live together and all but I shouldn't invade your privacy." You just told him everything you were thinking about, honestly without sugarcoating anything which made him amazed.
Jungkook nodded "Yeah you're actually right, I could have sue you for sexual harassment just now" He joked but the way he said was serious that you almost fell for it if he didn't laugh.
" AAhh You scared me." You raised your voice and throw the pillow next to you on his face."Not funny at all Jungkook, At all." you rolled your eyes and walked away to the kitchen yet still hearing him laughing.
" Great Y/N, You just embarrassed yourself real good" You cursed yourself and opened the fridge to figure out what to make for breakfast.
You could hear Jungkook's giggles in the hallway as he made his way to the bathroom.
About 20 minutes later while you wear putting the eggs on the table.
"By the way you didn't answer " You heard Jungkook's voice suddenly " Are you busy today?"
You looked up only to have your eyes widening, Jungkook came out of the bathroom directly to the kitchen where you were, wearing a black bathrobe, His hair is slick back and wet as he was trying to dry it with a white towel but you could clearly see that water kept dripping from his wet hair with few droplets making their way down his neck causing your heart to skip a beat.
"Huh?" you swallowed the lump in your throat and turned to grab the glasses as if nothing happened.
"You know......the thing i asked you earlier." He added and walked toward you and sat down." I have been working non stop those days and I really need some fresh air before the trial on Monday and Mmm.....I hate going out alone, so.... want to join? "
You finally put the last thing in the table and sat down as well.
Jungkook looked at the enormous platter of food you prepared in this short time. Eggs, ham, piles of fried potatoes. A tureen of fruit sits in ice to keep it chilled and an elegant glass of orange juice and this ...made him smile. It's not that he never ate breakfast with you but somehow today was giving him good mood.
" How about you go put on something first?" you smiled and placed your elbows on the table before your chin rested in your crossed hands.
Jungkook smirked and ignored you, grabbing the glass of juice sipping before talking again "Why? You finally realised that I am hot and irresistible ?" He winked
You shook your head trying to control your mind from reacting to his teasing." Nah, I have seen better." You lied.
Jungkook was probably the most handsome man your eyes saw, let alone his teasing and confidence that was a dangerous combo for one person to have.
The man rolled his eyes. "Come on, I have seen your type, and I am sorry dear wife but I guess you're totally blind " Jungkook run his fingers through his hair and smirked when he saw you sighing.
"Whatever, Eat now." You shook your head and gave up, You know you'd never win in this conversation. Jungkook surely know that he was attractive and for someone with low self esteem as yourself you won't dare to disagree. " I am free today, Where do you want to go?"
" Mmmmm I don't know, Just something different." He told you while eating his ham. "Like what do you usually do to have fun or something? "
You took a sip of the juice then looked at him."Are you sure you want do it my way? "You smiled when thinking of the best idea.
"Yeah, I want to fresh my mind with something new." He nodded "let's do it your way.'
"O-okay..." You looked down at your food immediately when noticing his bathrobe was exposing his chest a little and you didn't want your cheeks to turn red again this morning. " Just make sure to wear something comfortable and not new." you winked at him
You dragged Jungkook to the fish market of Noryangjin-dong, a place by the border of Seoul near the ocean.
" W-what? where are we going?" Jungkook asked confused but still follow you, You turned and smile at him.
" You'll see."You winked and smiled back, probably the brightest Jungkook has witnessed on your face.
" Are we buying fish or something? We could have b-------"
" Shut up, Oh my god you talk a lot..." You walked behind him and start to push him forward " We aren't buying any fish, I don't like seafood.." You laughed at the way he was looking around surprised by everything he's seeing.
" If you don't like i-------"
" Hallmoniiiii" You suddenly run away from him to an old lady wearing a red apron which made it obvious she was here to sell, you hugged her not caring about the dirt in her clothes caused by the fish and all.
Jungkook stood there confused while watching the old lady greeting you back and calling the other ladies to welcome you.
" Jungkook, come here...." You finally remember he was there and waved to him to step closer " Meet Mrs.Nam, She's fishing and selling in this market for 34 years...." You smiled when Jungkook bowed to her.
"Aygooo So handsome."The lady walked toward Jungkook, Her hands cupped his cheeks, holding him steady so she can stare at his face, You laughed at the way Jungkook had to lean down so she can reach him, the lady was way shorter even than you. " Isoul-ah come see how handsome he is....." Jungkook's eyes widened and he looked at you for help when many old ladies surrounded him.
You laughed your heart out and walked under the fish table to grab two apron " Hallmonii Let the man go, we have work...."
" Ohh Mrs.Nam, You'll sell a lot with him helping you " Lady one said.
"I would buy everything from him" Lady two whispered and laughed.
The ladies laughed and each went to her table to sell her things.
You walked toward Jungkook and pulled the apron around his neck as he stood frozen watching you. " W-what are we......" He blinked
"You're not Lawyer Jeon today, you are fish-man Jeon and we're not buying, we're selling.."You blinked and wore yours "Come on rich guy, we have octopusmussels, shrimp,scallop, prawn, tuna, trout and oysters.... Pick any of those and help me clean them." You pointed at the sea creatures with a bright smile on your face "Then you'll need to sell as many as possible, I will give you a candy for each one you sell." You finished with a wink.
Jungkook was still progressing what's going on, the bad smell of fish that was making him throw up just seconds ago seems to get him to smile now, well.......Not exactly the smell but your own smile that was making him kind of happy, He didn't spend so much time with you but he could tell this smile was ....... the purest one since you met.
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