《We Met At Our Wedding ( JJK FF )》Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven: Annabelle comes home
While you were busy adding the eggs to the butter-sugar mixture you prepared before you didn't notice the man standing by the kitchen door staring at you smiling how messy you were with the flour all over your face and your hair which was combed in a messy bun while the apron hugged your small waist, It was a new scene inside Jungkook's house which the man enjoyed.
You grabbed the chair next to you and climbed it to get the the kitchen scale that was on top of the pantry.
" Need Help ? "
" EMMAAA " You jumped at the sudden voice that made you lose your balance, You closed your eyes waiting for the pain, Everything happened in a second, No pain....... ?
You opened your eyes to stare at the man's brown eyes looking exactly at yours " You okay ? "
" Oh! ? Y-Yeah..." You bite your lips and looked away from him before getting surprised by another voice.
" What happened ? are y-------H-Hyung ? " You both looked at Jungkook who came running from his bedroom when he heard your scream, Jungkook held a small towel in his hands which he was obviously using to dry his hair, He was wearing a black pants and nothing on top........ Wait what ?
Your eyes went wide and you looked away immediately before having your face burning at the close distance between you and this new guy who had his arm around you " Oh S-Sorry..." You stepped back and run to finish your baking pretending nothing happened.
The man laughed and your cheeks went as red as a danger flag.
" Hmmmm What are you doing here; Hyung ? " Jungkook asked in a bored tone.
" What do you mean jerk, I was invited for a dinner ..." The man replied and you could hear that he went toward the door where Jungkook was.
Yeah you couldn't leave this information to yourself, Even though you looked at him for one or two seconds you could say his body was no joke, Your mind was saying that you had a glimpse of a tattoo but you didn't want to stare long enough to find out.
It's not that it's the first time you see a man shirtless, You have seen Mark and many guys in the beach and the fact that Jungkook had this reaction from you concerned you.
Remember Y/N ...... Be his friend.... only.
" Whatever..." You heard Jungkook leaving the place then the only sound you heard was the new man's laugh.
" He makes me annoyed, this dude.." He laughed and you turned to face him again.
" Oh!... T-Thank you for catching me." You smiled at him.
He shook his head " No problem, by the way... My name is Kim Taehyung " He waved his hand flashing a very cute smile.
" Y/N..."
" Well, Miss Y/N.. " The man called Taehyung walked toward you with slow steps and a smirk in his face " I will be honest, I can't take my eyes off of you " He saw the shock register on your face before you could hide it. A small smile played on his lips, Iguess he gets that a lot. It wasn't what he said though, his words were like vanilla pudding, sweet in their ordinary sort of way, Of course they made your face burn, it was the richness of his tones – luxurious and deep.
You let out a nervous laugh " I ..... I h-have t---------"
" Hyung Stop being creepy..." Jungkook's voice joined again, this time he was wearing a shirt, Thanks god.... Or not ?
" Your phone has been ringing for a quite sometime now. " With a bored empty tone, Jungkook added leaning against the door frame.
" Oh really? " Taehyung smirked again, no even looking at jungkook but still checking you out which was so awkward. " I will be back." The man winked and walked toward Jungkook only to pat his shoulder and disappear.
" Should I get prepared or something ? " You looked at Jungkook " Are all your friends that coming tonight the same as the two I met ? " You shook your head and laughed when Jungkook did the same.
" You're actually safe, These two are the worst." Jungkook replied before walking toward you to see what's in the table " You baked ? "
" Ah... Right, Can you get me the scale from up there ? " You asked him before running to the oven to get the cake out.
Jungkook didn't say a word and did what you said naturally.
In that moment the front door was heard open and a loud voice next " I AM HERE ....."
It was Jimin.
Later that day
" And ...... Done." You smiled as you placed the last touch to the dinner table " Thank You Jin sshi..." You thanked Jungkook's oldest friend, Kim Seokjin who offered to help you as soon as he entered the house with another friend called Min Yoongi who didn't say a word to you expect for Hi!
You met another two friend, Jung Hoseok and Kim Namjoon who were incredibly nice, Maybe Jungkook was right saying Jimin and Taehyung were the worst.
You smiled at yourself in the thoughts that you may be their friend in the future too, They were so caring and funny, Jungkook didn't stop laughing as soon as they start talking about their day or any random thing popped up in their mind, You noticed how beautiful and happy his laugh was, people might think of laughing as a noise that comes from the mouth, but when the man you married laughed it was nothing like that. The laugh was in his eyes, in the way his face changed into that vision of relaxed joy and unrestrained mirth. Yet truly, it wasn't in his face either. His laugh came from within, it was just the way he was wired.
You somehow wanted him to laugh like this all the time, you feel like you just want be around him while being this happy for a few minutes was better than a whole day of self-absorbed pampering in some all-day-spar. Just the sound of his and his friends gales, his snickers, his giggles, was enough to transport you far far away from your worries and the tension of your life.
Maybe the doctors you work with were right when saying laughing lowers blood pressure, Improves cardiac health and reduces stress hormone levels.
Maybe because of that you're feeling this way.
Hoseok was the loudest though, when it comes to laughing, He would fall in the ground and lose his breath which you found so cute.
Jin smiled when he noticed you looking at his friends with a warm smile, When Jimin called him and said you wanted to prepare the dinner yourself, he stopped everything he was doing and came running to join you, The man loved when his friends and loved ones taste his food but since they were always busy he hadn't the chance to gather them together as they used to do, Jin liked you before even start a conversation with you, He doesn't know the behind the scene story of your marriage but he was thankfully that it was you and not someone else married to his youngest friend now.
" Y/N sshi ? " Jin waved his hand to get your attention and you jumped feeling embarrassed.
" Oh S-sorry .." You laughed and tried to change the mood by asking a random question " When will the guests arrive ? "
Jin held a napkin to clean his hands before answering " About 30 min or something....."
" Ahh then I will have to change.." You gave him a last smile before walking away, You walked slowly to take your bag from the coffee table in the living room making everyone stare at you so you laughed bitterly" W-why did you guys stop..... keep talking I will j-just........ammm Jungkook sshi, Where can I change ? "
The men smiled looking at their maknea trying to avoid their gaze when he stood up asking you to follow him and you did.
You followed him to the last door in the hallway.
" This is the guest room, you can use it freely..." He opened the door and showed you a smaller room with navy blue walls that were decorated with many wall frame " And that's the bathroom.." he pointed to he opposite door.
You nodded understanding " Thank you...."
" Call me if you needed anything, I will be in the living room." He finished his words and walked back to his friends.
You took a deep breath before entering the room, closing the door after you, The first thing you did was lay down the bed, The comforter on the bed was so fluffy and soft, the pillows were overwhelming, the softness against your skin was unbelievable, you could just sleep on this bed this is like a cloud, it comforted you like a warm hand trying to help. You loved the softness, the quiet, the sense of rest this place was giving you, since it was far from the living room you couldn't hear the boys anymore nor the outside world, comparing this to the kitchen and the dining room which both were facing the side of the highway that you could hear the cars and the sound of the daily life of people as well as anyone comes in the house or just talk in the living room.
You fought the need to sleep and stood up to get ready.
The creamy sheets of the silk dress slipped onto your shoulders, It was a blue dress, above the knee, comfortable and not so revealing, it was perfect for a dinner and meeting new people.
You walked out the room and headed to the living room to meet the boys " Are the guests here yet ? "You announced your presence with a question which made them look at you.
" N-not yet..." Jungkook answered and looked away, You looked beautiful he can't deny but he needs to be careful if he doesn't want any teasing for the rest of his life.
When you nodded and turned to check if anything was missing, They noticed your beautiful black hair lies long and loose, obscuring the open back of your dress, yet allowing glimpses of snow white skin beneath which made the guys smirk before looking at their friend who was glaring at Taehyung, the man who still didn't get ashamed from the obvious checking-out thing he was doing to you.
" Where was she ? "Taehyung whispered under his breath but enough for them to hear.
" Taehyung-ah, Stop your games you'll make her uncomfortable " Hoseok slapped his arm playfully.
" But I am serious." Taehyung's face showed nothing but a sense of a joke " Saying she's different from the girls I dated may sound cliché but she's really something I want to have."
" Forget it." Jungkook stated and stood up " The same as I made it clear that none of you get closer to the girls in my company, same goes to Y/N, So Hyung........... be mature." The youngest rolled his eyes and walked away finding you leaving the boys chuckling and others whispering to each other.
Hours later
The dinner went nice, Everyone had fun and they all liked the food you made with the help of Jin, You were so thankful for that.
Went finally the guests left, You throw yourself in the sofa followed by two men you didn't even know since you were closing your eyes.
" I am so full.." That was Jimin's voice followed by a laugh from him " That woman Rita sure knows how to make jokes...."
You smiled at the thought of her, She was one of Jungkook's colleagues, very beautiful and has a sense of humor that made all of us laugh.
" It's just 11:30...... let's watch a movie ." You opened your eyes when Hoseok suggested, You bite your lips and stood up.
" Amm I guess I should go....It's getting late " You rubbed your arm looking at the boys.
" Why ? " Taehyung blinked his eyes " Just stay and watch a movie with us, I will drive you to your house after." He flashed his beautiful smile that was vanished with a yell when someone throw a pillow at his face making him fall in the sofa " Yaaaaaaa who di------- " you laughed when Taehyung swallowed his words as he find out Yoongi did it.
" It's o------" You were about to speak but stopped when Jungkook walked next to you and whispered.
" A movie after all your hard work today is the least you can do to relax " The man sweetly said " I will be the one driving you back, don't worry.."
" I d-don't want to cause you any trouble, I know you're tired as well.." A smile flashed across your face from beneath reems of hair.
" Then stay." He said right away looking down at your eyes, like he was swimming inside noticing the quick of your pupil then the pinkish red flash that was slowly forming in your cheeks which made him rephrase his words " I m-mean there's a guest room, They always do that so i d-don't see why you can't..." his voice was gentle as silence.
Understanding what he said, your awkwardness slowly fades as well as the blush, Even though it was gone quickly, it was still there. you dipped your head down shyly. your mouth is almost too dry to speak. you nodded like an idiot and then croak out " I .... I t-think it's fun to watch a movie..." Casting your eyes to the side, he could see the shape of your face like a silhouette. It gracefully moved up and over your cheek bones then slanted sharply at your mouth. Your baby fair skin only gave you an extremely ethereal quality that glowed out of your near translucent skin.
You would be stupid if you didn't feel his gaze on you, Each of your shoulders curled in, towards your chest. You were as statue at this time, drilled down with a sense of being completely exposed, on display. Each of your fingers were laced together with one another, holding herself together amidst you fragility.
" AAhhmm ...." Jin coughed and you train your eyes to him ignoring Jungkook's cologne. Why does he have to smell that way?
As if I needed more awkwardness. You thought, You always had a night for men's cologne, when Mark use to put it in you would stay next to him all day with no shame.
" What ? " Jungkook's voice went back to cold and empty as he rolled his eyes at the six men staring at you two like you were a scene for TV.
You noticed the same way but were too embarrassed to keep the situation so you changed it " D-do you guys want some tea ? "
The men dissolves into a puddle of laughter and you could see their stomach shaking as they fights a new gale of giggles. before you could stop yourself your poker straight mouth twitched upwards and you were giggling despite yourself..
You excused yourself and walked down the hallway toward the bathroom before the situation gets any weirder.
" Jungkookie, Your wife wants tea.... Go make her some since you're so sweet and lovely.." Jimin burst into a loud harsh cackle of laughter.
" Couldn't you put a sock in it, Hyung ? " Jungkook gave him a scary glare " I am not the one dating a different girl every month , So you can't tease me about how I treat a girl " Jungkook snapped and sat in the couch annoyed
" He's technically right." Namjoon nodded
" It's too late and we're fed up with your stupid jokes – cork it and let's choose a movie." Jin being the oldest was always the one stopping the unnecessary teasing.
" B-but he hurt my feelings, Hyung." Jimin being dramatic he faked a cry only to receive a punch in the arm from Jungkook. " AAhhh and he's bullying me, HYUNGGG."
" SHUT UP ." Jin finally lost his cool and yell making everyone freeze. " Good..... Some silence."
Wanting to be comfortable, you wore back the clothes you came with, though they were a bit dirty but that's all you got.
The boys were already gathered around the TV with snacks in the table and the floor when you stood up and stared at them.
" Here, Y/N ah I saved you the best place..." Jin waved his hand and you smiled walking toward him to the end of the couch sitting next to him.
" So, What are we watching ? " You asked whiling putting a pillow on your lap.
" Annabelle comes home ..." Jin answered trying to look creepy but it only made you laugh.
" Do you watch horror movie usually ? " Jungkook asked suddenly.
You nodded " They're my favorites along with crime "
" Oh! interesting." He nodded and you noticed their reactions.
" Why guys ? Did you really thought all girls love romance and fairytale stories ? " You laughed.
" The one I met, yes..." Jimin said " So, You don't get scared or something?.."
" Not really, I just get startled if something pop up of nowhere, But not scared..." You answered
" Oh!.. T-that's cool." He faked a laugh
" Seems that it's just you and Hoseok Hyung tonight..." Jungkook teased Jimin showing an evil smile.
" Jin Hyung..." Jimin whined
" Stop, the movie is starting.." The oldest friend announced.
You smiled at them before looking at the huge TV screen, They turned the lights off to set the mood before the start of the movie.
You ate your chips while watching, sometimes you would scream with Jimin and Hoseok when a loud sound or Annabelle popping up but always end up laughing, the other men seems to enjoy Jimin and Hoseok's reactions same as you.
In the middle of the movie things went quiet and all of you were focused on the story until a gentle sound of someone whimpering was heard.
" Y/N sshi ? Are you c-crying ? " Namjoon suddenly asked, confused and a bit worried.
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