《Long Sleeves are my Friend [Complete]》Chapter 21


"Ah Ha! You're out of money!" Izzy yells taking the remainder of our money. I groan in disbelief.

"Dang it!" Clara and I say in unison. Izzy and Xander high-five while laughing at us.

"Good game everyone," Amanda says. Adam grumbles with disapproval and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Don't be mad because you were the first one to lose," Amanda says.

"It was Tony's fault!" Adam replies gesturing towards Tony.

"No, It wasn't! You should have saved some money instead of buying everything!" Tony exclaims. They start to banter and we just laugh at them.

"Alright cut it out. You're acting like children," Amanda says playfully.

"They are children," Xander says under his breath.

"You to Alexander," she says giving him a pointed look.

"Alright, I think it's time we head home. It's getting late," Amanda says. Everyone nods in agreement saying goodbye and giving hugs.

"Bye guys thank you for coming," Carol says waving goodbye as everyone leaves.

"Bye guys," I say smiling at them.

"Bye Emilia!" Izzy says running to me. I lean down and wrap my arms around her.

"Bye Izzy, I'll see you again soon, okay?" I say to her letting go. She nods her head and runs back to Amanda.

"Bye Emilia see you at school tomorrow," Xander says.

"Bye Xander, see you later," I say sending a small wave with a smile on my face. They leave and the door shuts. There is complete silence when the door shuts.

"U-Uh, I-I'm gonna go to bed. Thanks again for letting me stay here...grandma," I say to her giving her a goodnight hug. It's kind of strange calling her that after being told she wasn't even alive but it's nice to know I have some good family left.

"Goodnight sweety," She says letting go and heading down the hall to her room.

I enter my room and put on my pajamas flopping into bed. Fatigue instantly washes over me and I instantly fall asleep.

I search through the fridge trying to find some food for my growling stomach. I can't sleep because it won't stop. I move things around, trying to find something quick.

"What do you think you're doing?!" My father says behind me making me jump out of my skin. I didn't even hear him!

"I-I'm sorry, I-I was hungry and I-" He smacks me across the face before I can finish my sentence.

"You fat bitch! You don't get to eat! You're already getting too big!" He yells in my face. He pushes me causing me to fall to the floor.

"I-I'm sorry, plea-" I groan when he kicks me in the stomach.

"SHUT UP! Begging won't help you!" He says. He repeatedly kicking me. I clutch my stomach to try easing the pain.

"Please...." I say trailing off.


I fly up looking around the room. I grab my chest trying to calm my racing heart. I look over at the clock on the nightstand. 6:30 am. I get up and head to the bathroom doing my routine. I go back to my room and grab undergarments from my bag slipping them on.

I look at myself in the tall mirror and grimace in disgust. I look at the jagged, bumpy scar in a giant X in the middle of my stomach and my 2 other scars on my side and thigh. I look up and down my body as my memories of my dream playing over in my head again.

'You fat bitch'

'You're already getting too big'

"Who would want to see such an ugly body?" I whisper to myself, running my fingers over my scars. I wipe the tears forming in my eyes pulling out of my self-pitiful thoughts.

I put on my t-shirt and sweatpants, grabbing my hoodie pulling it over my head. I slip on my converse and grab my book bag, heading for the door.

"Honey? Where are you going? I made you some breakfast," Carol says to me.

"Oh, I-I uh...o-okay, thank you," I say sitting down at the table. There is so much food. Eggs, pancakes, biscuits and gravy, sausage and bacon. I can't eat all this.

"I didn't know what you like so eat as much as you want!" she says sitting down and grabbing some food as well. I grab a biscuit and some eggs, so I don't eat too much.

"Thank you, that was delicious," I say as I finish my food. 'fat'

I grab my book bag and walk to the door. I open the door and see Xander standing there with his hand up about to knock.

"Hey Emilia. I'm gonna take you to school if that's okay?" He says to me.

"O-Okay. Bye, grandma. Have a good day," I say.

"Bye, sweety, Oh here is some money sweety," she says handing me a 20.

"Thanks, but you don't have to," I say trying to hand it back to her.

"I insist, take it," She says pushing it back to me. I reluctantly take it feeling slightly guilty. People are too nice to me. I follow Xander out the door to his car.

"Ready to go back to school?" He asks chuckling lightly. I sigh.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I say smiling lightly. Don't get me wrong I love school and learning, I just don't like people very much, you know what I mean?

He glances over at me before turning back to the road.

We arrive at the school and we hop out heading towards the school together. Everyone giving us curious glances and whispering about us.

'What are they doing together?'

'Are they dating?'

'Makenna isn't gonna like that.'


'That girl is gonna get whats coming to her.'

Get whats coming to me? What does that mean? I start getting anxious at their sort of threats. What did I do?

I continue walking with Xander and we meet Tony, Adam, and Clara in the hallway.

"Hey Emilia and Xander," Clara says.

"Hey," We say in unison. I look over at Xander and a giggle escapes my lips.

"Okay, 'Love Birds', Class is about to start. See you guys later," Adams says causing my face to flush red.

"Shut up Adam," Xander says sending him a hard glare.

"Yeah, Yeah. Whatever bye," Adam says waving off heading down the hall with Tony and Clara to their classes.

"What class do you have?" Xander asks me.

"I have trig with Mr. Carter," I say.

"I'll walk you to class," he says walking alongside me.

"What class do you have?" I ask.

"I have English, but I have time to walk you,"

"You don't have to do that, I can walk by myself," I say.

"Doesn't matter we are here now," He says a smirk playing on his face. I roll my eyes.

"Bye Xander," I say walking to into class, yay math.


The bell finally rings for lunch and I head out of my classroom.

I suddenly get pushed and my head hits the lockers. I wince in pain grabbing my head.

"Where do you think you're going, bitch?" I turn and see Makenna and her minions. I stay quiet.

"Can't even speak?" One of her friend's tut. There is nowhere to go because they could easily block me if I try to escape.

"I heard you still have been around Xander? Will you ever learn?!" She screeches out causing me to wince slightly. She raises her hand and smacks me in the face. I wince in pain grabbing my possible red cheek.

"Oh, would you look at that girls? Looks like someone tried to kill themselves. Aww, you couldn't even finish the job? How pathetic. You should try again, you might actually succeed," She spits out while her friends laugh. I look and see my sleeve had rolled up. I quickly push it down as tears form in my eyes.

"Don't mess with Xander again bitch, or everyone will know about your suicide attempt," She says with disgust before walking down the hall. I get up and run for the bathroom.

I burst through the door and check for anyone in here. I sigh in silent relief. I lean against the wall and slide down to the floor. I pull my knees to my chest, wrapping my arm them. Silent tears fall down my face.

'You can't even kill yourself!'

More tears fall down my face and I try controlling my breathing. I hear a knock on the bathroom door.

"Emilia? Is that you in there?" Xander? I don't respond. I just want him to leave! I hear mumbling on the other side of the door before it opens. Clara walks in and she sees me on the floor. She runs over to me sitting on the floor next to me.

"Emilia? What happened? What's wrong?" she says concern and sadness lacing her voice. I just shake my head unable to speak. I cuddle closer to myself. She tries to wrap her arms around me but I flinch away. She withdraws her hands and just sits there.

"If you think I'm going to leave, your dead wrong Emilia," She says. My tears stop falling and I look over at Clara. She holds sympathy in her eyes.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" she asks. I sigh a long sigh before speaking.

"Makenna, s-she saw m-my-" I stop and feel more tears roll down my face.

"I'm gonna smack a bitch!" She says with anger.

"No, don't get involved it's my problem, not yours," I say trying to convince her with pleading eyes.

"No. I'm not gonna stand around doing nothing. We are here for you Emilia," She says with seriousness in her voice.

"She said she would tell everyone about my attempt," I say to her.

"Why would she do that?" I give her an 'are you serious' look.

"Right, yeah, duh," She says shaking her head. I hear another knock on the door.

"Are you guys alright?" I hear Adam say.

"Yeah, just a minute," Clara yells back. We stand up and head for the door. I follow behind Clara out the door. Everyone looking at me with concern but doesn't ask about it.

The bell rings for the end of lunch. We say our goodbyes and head for class. Xander walks alongside me. He doesn't say anything just walks with me to our class. We enter and take our seats next to each other waiting for the teacher.

"Alright class remember projects due tomorrow," She says before starting the notes.

Crap! I forget about the project, we haven't even finished it yet!

"Don't worry about the project. I finished it up," He whispers in my ear. He leans back over in his seat and I look over at him. I mouth a 'thank you' before getting my notebook out.


The bell rings for the end of the day and I start walking outside.

"Emilia? Hey, wait," I turn and see Xander walking towards me.

"What's up?" I say slightly distant

"I drove you here, remember? " He says with a frown. I mentally facepalm. I forgot but I look around and don't see anyone, specifically Makenna. I don't see anyone, good.

"Yeah, I forgot," I say waving my hand dismissively. He nods his head and we head towards the houses.

'What am I going to do?'


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