《Long Sleeves are my Friend [Complete]》Chapter 20


I wake up to a warmth around me. I cuddle into the warmth but freeze. I put my hand out and feel- Crap! I slowly look up and see a sleeping Xander. His face looks so peaceful. I lift my hand and softly touch his cheek. I continue to look at his face and then his eyes suddenly opened. I stopped my movements and pulled my hand down.

"S-Sorry," I say looking down.

"What are you apologizing for?" He asks a smirk playing on his lips.

"For touching your face," I say in a duh tone. He chuckles causing his chest to vibrate. I shuffle as a blush forms on my cheeks.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I say getting up from the bed. I feel cold air go down my back and shiver. I try to reach for the strings on my back but I feel Xander's fingers lightly brush against my back as he ties the string. I blush darker and place my feet on the floor.

"T-Thank you," I say walking to the bathroom.

"No problem Emilia," He says getting up as well.

I enter the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I gasp in shock. My hair is sticking up in different directions like a rats nest. I have dark circles under my eyes.

I shake my head and use the bathroom and wash my hands. I exit the room to see Tony, Adam, and Clara? What are they doing here?

They look over at me with small smiles on their faces. I flush in embarrassment because of my hospital gown. I shuffle on my feet slightly looking down.

"Hey Emilia," They say.

"Hey," I say putting my head down shamefully.

"How are you feeling?" Clara says grabbing my hand in hers.

"I-I'm fine. You really didn't have to come you guys," I say looking at them. They look at me with confusion.

"Of course we had to! What kind of friends would we be?" Adam says. Small laughter erupts from everyone in the room. Friends?

"T-Thank you," I say to them with a smile on my face. There is a knock on the door and then it opens. Amanda, Izzy, and Carol walk in.

"Looks like the whole family is here," Amanda says looking around the room at everyone. Everyone laughs and I smile. Everyone is here for me?

There is another knock on the door and everyone turns their heads. The door opens and the doctor walks in.

"Oh, my. Lots of people. Okay, I have to check on Emilia if you guys could leave for a few moments, please?" Doctor Stevens says to everyone.

Everyone starts heading out the door. I hear the click of the door and Doctor Stevens ushers me to sit on the bed.


"How are you feeling today sweety?" She asks me with a small smile on her face.

"I-I'm good," I say as I sit on the bed.

"Alright sweety, I'm just gonna check your vitals and check your wounds. Are you in any pain?" She asks while writing on her clipboard.


"Okay, I'm gonna check your bandages then you are set to leave," She says giving me a smile.

"Ok," I say with a forced smile.

I feel the wrap being pulled and look down at my arms. I shiver in disgust.

"You will have to come back in a week or so to get the stitches out, but you don't have to were the wraps. It needs air so bacteria doesn't form," She says to me. Great, now everyone can see my pathetic attempt to kill myself.

"Can you sit up for me dear?" She says in a soft voice. I nod and sit up. She pulls down my gown to show my stomach. She peels back the wrap.

"It's all healing nicely Emilia," She says. I nod my head at her.

"I'll call you family back in," She says heading out the door.

"Okay," Moments later I hear a knock and tell them to enter.

Everyone walks in with smiles on there faces. I hug myself to hide my arms from their views.

"We heard you get to leave today!" Izzy screams with excitement. Everyone laughs at her excitement.


Amanda walks over to me handing me a stack of clothes with shoes on top.

"Thank you," I say taking the clothes from her and heading back into the bathroom. I put on the clothes and walk out of the room. Everyone goes quiet for a few moments.

"So Emilia, your father still hasn't contacted us, so you can stay with Carol for while," Amanda says gesturing towards her.

"I wouldn't want to cause you guys any trouble," I say looking back and forth between them.

"No no, it's no trouble at all Emilia," Carol says to me.

"O-Okay," I say unsure if there being honest or not.

"Xander, could you take Emilia and help grab some of her stuff?" Amanda asks Xander.

"Sounds good, Let's get going," He says looking over at me.

"Everyone can meet at my house for dinner!" Carol says.

"Alright," Everyone says heading out the door.

I follow Xander outside to his car. We get in and head to my house. The ride is silent and I continue to hold my arms to hide my cuts. I'm so ashamed, I bet they think that I'm pathetic. I shuffle slightly gripping my stomach.

"Emilia?" Xander says suddenly.


"Hmm?" I say looking over at him. He glances at me then back at the road.

"We are here for you Emilia. I hope you know that and you don't have to hide either. We aren't going to judge you," he says. I look back out the window with my arms still wrapped around myself. I just don't want people to see my pathetic attempt.

We make it to the house and I don't see any cars. Where are they? He parks the car and we get out heading to the door. I unlock the door from the key under the pot and enter the house. Xander follows behind me as I walk up the stairs to my room.

I grab my duffle bag from my closet. I set it on the bed and grab a few outfits and pajamas from the closet folding them in the duffle bag. I also grab a hoodie putting it over my head. They always make me feel comfortable. I go to my drawer and grab undergarments holding them close to me hide them. I quickly throw them in.

I look over at Xander and see he isn't even looking my way. He is standing at my desk looking down at something. I walk over to see what's caught his attention. My eyes widen as he stares at my sketchbook. No one has ever looked at them. I'm not very confident in my art, I just don't think it's that good. I look at his shocked face and a smile forms on his face.

"Emila, these are amazing! I didn't know you could draw like this," He says. It's a drawing of Lydia with a smile on her face.

"Who is this?" He asks.

"I-It's Lydia," I say with a sad smile on my face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mea-"

"No, it's okay," I say grabbing it from him putting it in my bag with my pencils. I look around the room seeing if I need anything else.

I go to grab my bag but Xander takes it before I can. I frown at him.

"I can carry it myself you know," I say in a duh tone teaching for it but he pulls it out of my reach.

"I don't underestimate you but I could carry it for you," He says. I give him a fake glare and follow him out of the house. He puts my stuff in the back seat and we enter the car driving towards his house.

He parks in his driveway and we walk over to Carol's house and knock on the door. The door opens and Carol appears.

"Honey you don't have to knock you are gonna be living here after all," She says pulling me into a hug. We let go and we enter the house. I look around the house and see everyone here.

Amanda, Izzy, Clara, Tony, and Adam.

"Follow me to your room dear," Carol says to me. I try to grab my bag but Xander holds it out of my reach.

"I think I can carry it now," I say giving him a pointed look.

"Nope, I got it," He says. I roll my eyes and follow Carol down the hall.

She opens the door and I enter after her. It's about the same size as mine. There is a small desk in the corner and the bed is yellow with small blue flowers on it. The walls are baby blue giving it a nice color.

"Thank you so much. I like the room," I say smiling. Xander puts my bag on the bed and leaves the room.

"It use to be your mothers room," She says to me with a sad smile forming on her lips. I stay quiet, not knowing what to say. I go over and give her a hug.

"I'm sorry," She says to me.

"Why are you sorry?" I ask laughing with tears forming in my eyes.

"She left you, and didn't even tell you about me. I wish I could have met you sooner," she says pulling away with her hands still holding my shoulder. She gives me genuine smile that makes me smile too.

"I'm glad I know you now," She says to me. I hesitate for a moment before speaking.

"Would it be okay if I call you grandma?" I say to her hesitation in my voice. She looks at me ewitha joyous smile on her face.

"Of course you can sweety!" She says bring me back into a hug.

"I thought you would never ask," She says with a slight laugh and I laugh with her. We pull apart and start walking out into the living room.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Xander asks.

"Monopoly?" Adams asks.

"Yeah let's do that!" Izzy says jumping in excitement. Everyone nods in agreement.

Xander grabs the game and we set up the table.

"I'll be the banker," Amanda says. Everyone picks there teams. It's me and Clara, Tony and Adam, Izzy and Xander, and Amanda and Carol.

"Okay, let's start!" Xander says. We pick our pieces and start the game. I look around at everyone talking, laughing and smiling. I feel a smile tug at my lips.

It's been a while since I finally feel at home.

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