《Long Sleeves are my Friend [Complete]》Chapter 3 ✔


I rush toward the bathroom, bursting through the door. I enter finally letting the tears spill. I glance at my reflection. I look into the green eyes, once full of color and life but are dull. What have I done to deserve this? Why did people have to mess with me? What makes me so unlikeable?

'You're ugly!'

'You're fat!'

'You're a whore just like your mother!'

'You are a waste of fucking space!'

'Just kill yourself already!'

All these words start flooding my mind, drowning me in my thoughts. I pull up my sleeve, looking at my arm as more tears flow down my cheeks. Scars litter my arm and fresh scabs are crusted over. I pick at the scabs, trying to get some type of relief, but none came.

What have I become? What would Lydia think of me know? But why does it matter? She's not here anymore and never will be. It's my fault. If I didn't distract her...she would still be here. If I wasn't so stupid I wouldn't be dead.

It's all my fault. Everything is always my fault.

I look at my wet and slightly matted hair from the unknown liquid. I grimace at the smell of chocolate milk. I turn the water on trying to rinse and brush through the knots.

Once I'm sort of satisfied with the results, I pull my hood over and tuck my hair in.

I push the door and start to head down the hall.

I jump when I feel a tight grip on my forearm. I wince from the already formed bruises and look up into the piercing eyes of my brother, making fear washes over me.

"I saw you were staring at that guy. You like him or something? Think he can help you? Fat-fucking-chance. You know what dad would think? Maybe if he hits you enough you'll finally understand nobody will ever like you or care about you. You're gonna be alone for the rest of your miserable life," he spits with so much hate lacing his tone. I cower slightly, trying to get out of his grasp. I know I've heard him say these things before but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes as I stare at him without saying a word. His grips tighten, and a low whimper escapes me. He glares at me, but it then turns into a frown, noticing some people in the hall. He drags me down the hall, towards the entrance of the school. Once we exit the building we continue to his car.

We abruptly stop and turns me to face him, glaring in my face.


"You will speak to me when you are spoken to bitch! Maybe I should take you home and teach you a lesson now you fucking whore!" He whisper-yells and starts digging his fingers harder into my arm, a yelp escaping my lips. He grumbles when I continue to stay silent. He grumbles, starting to pull me to the side of the car.

"S-Shouldn't I finish my day first?" I say, barely audible but he hears me turning around facing me with an angry expression.

"You think you can tell me what to do?! Why do you think I should do that?" He tuts with a smirk growing on his face.

"The teachers...they might get suspicious if I'm n-not in class the first day, when I was t-this morning," I stammer out, trying to reason with him, to hopefully delay the inevitable. He narrows his eyes at me for a moment before releasing me. I retract my arm quickly pulling it to my chest, trying to relieve the pain.

"Fine. But don't think you're getting out of it, I'll see you at home," He taunts with a chuckle while walking back into the school.

I stay still for a moment, taking everything in. I feel my heart drop knowing the beating I'm going to get when I get home. I sigh before starting to head back into the school. I notice a guy leaning on a car and feel my eyes widen. Did he see everything? He is looking dead at me with a stoic expression on his face.

I tear my gaze away from his and shake my head.

I enter the school and instantly hear the bell ring and people start coming from all directions. I feel anxiety as people start surrounding me, giving me curious glances. I start walking again and head for my next class, not wanting this day to end.

I find the class and stare straight to the back and take a seat in the last row. I slump in my chair and put my head on my desk trying to calm my anxious mind and fast beating heart. I hear the other student's footsteps entering the room and hear a seat chair scrap loudly beside me.

I glance up and see the same captivating blue eyes. It's him, from the cafeteria and the parking lot. I quickly turn when he stares back at me. I feel a blush creep up my cheeks and I face the front as the teacher walks in.

"Hello everyone! We have a new student in our class. Emilia, would you stand please?" she asks with a joyful expression. I slowly push my chair back and stand. Everyone stares at me with their intense eyes. I avoid their gaze and look down.


"Welcome to our class Emilia. Is there anything you would like to tell us about yourself?" she asked with a smile. I waited a moment before speaking.

"I like to draw," I whisper. She nods in satisfaction and I silently sigh, taking a seat, shifting uncomfortably in my chair.

"Make sure to make her feel at home, you guys," I mentally chuckle at her statement. If she only knew.

After a moment she begins class and I take out my notebook ready to take notes.

"You're in my seat you know?" I hear someone whisper from beside me. My heart sank and I look over at him trying to mask my fear.

"I-I'm sorry, I can move..." I trail off as I start to pack my stuff to move but he stops me with a wave of his hands.

"Nah, it's fine. I'm Xander," he says with a smirk etched on his face. I look around and notice girls staring at him while whispering and giggling. I instantly tense. My face turns into a slight frown and I turn back to the front.

"Emilia," I mumble.

"Nice to meet you," he replies. I don't say anything back. He may be friends with Anthony already. He seems like the type to hang with my brother. I open my notebook and start to take the notes from the board.

I jump slightly when a tiny piece of paper hits me landing on the floor. I ignore it and continue with my notes.

Another piece hits me landing on the desk, I brush it off containing my rising annoyance.

I finally look up when another hits me. I quickly glance up to see who the perpetrator is. Xander is facing the front but looks like he is fighting to contain this smirk.

I turn back to my notes, not saying a thing. I don't want to give him what he wants, which is my irritation. I also don't want him to embarrass me because that the last thing I want after what happened.

He doesn't through anymore, and I silently sigh in relief. I continue writing my notes from the board and the bell rings and everyone starts to pack up their things.

"Alright, see you guys next time. You are dismissed," She says, as we file out of the room. I'm the last one out of the classroom and I head to my next class.


It's the end of the day now and my heart sinks into my chest, knowing what coming. I start heading down the hall towards my locker with my head sagging low.

Suddenly someone bumps roughly into my shoulder causing my books to tumble to the ground. I bend down to start picking up my stuff, but someone puts their foot on it. My eyes travel up and I feel my eyes widen slightly as I meet her snarky looking face.

"Aww, did someone drop their stuff? Better pick it up," she fakes concern making anger rise in me, but don't have the will to fight back. Weak.

She turns on her heel while laughing with her friends.

I start picking up my things everyone walking around me while giving me quick glances. No one helping. I understand though. Who would want to help me?

Someone's hand comes into my line of vision and I look up to see the girl from this morning. Clara, I believe?

"Hey, let me help," She says, helping me pick up my books. She picks up my sketchbook and smiles at me.

"You draw?" She asks as she hands it to me. I stuff it in my bag with a small nod.

"That's awesome! Maybe I could see sometime?" She asks with a hopeful smile.

"Maybe," I reply and stand up.

"Okay. Do you want a ride home? I think the buses left," She says looking behind me. I turn my head and force a smile.

"N-No thanks, I walk home," I speak quickly.

"Are you sure? I don't mind, it's really no trouble," She insists, while gently grabbing my shoulder. I flinch slightly hoping she doesn't notice but nothing ever goes my way.

"Hey, are you alright?" she asks with concern lacing her voice.

"Yeah, I-I'm just clumsy," I say with a fake laugh.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow Emilia," She says with a wave before heading down the hall. I soon follow when I get my baring's.

I push myself out the entrance and start walking home, every step worse than the last.

Once I get home I quietly enter the front door, hoping my brother wasn't there. I slowly shut the door behind me to be as quiet as I can.

"Welcome home sis," he says, a wicked smile growing on his face and dread fill in the pit of my stomach.

Here we go...

Hey everyone, back again with another update. Tell me what you think, I hope I've kept your interest still.

EDIT: hope you enjoyed!

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