《My Stalker》7. Soon


Music. Music has the ability the uplift your spirit and make you feel better even when you feel like trash. That is why I chose my favorite song as my ringtone but sometimes i regret doing that and by sometimes I mean right now as Jason Derulo is screaming in my ear. I let out a groan answering the phone.


"Get ready we are going shopping. See ya in 40 minutes"

"Thank you for waking me up Sienna. I am having a great morning, how is yours?" sarcasm dripping from my every word.

"Don't be such a grouch, love you bye'' she hung up completely ignoring my sarcasm.

I get out of bed and hop right in the shower. So much for a day off. Walked into my closet to see an outfit layed out with a note attached.

As if it isn't bad enough that he just walks into my house whenever he feels like he's deciding what i wear? Fuck that. I put the entire outfit back in their original places and choose my own outfit. I quickly change and put my hair up into a messy bun. Knowing that this creep always seems to be watching me I couldn't risk changing out in the open. I grabbed my phone and head down to make myself something easy and quick to eat.

I got up and walked out the door and locked it.

"Finally the princess has left her palace"

"Not by choice" I scoff.

We pulled out of my driveway and made our way to the mall.

"Can we please go to Starbucks first?"

"Yes M'am"

As we walk through the doors the place seems to have a little buzz but like a sore thumb one table stands out. Sitting at that table was a guy with a black hoodie, black sunglasses, very smooth hair and he wore a smirk as he watched me. I frown as my phone lit up with a text.


I ignored it and I ordered my frappe. I handed the girl a 5 dollar bill.

"don't worry that guy over there paid for you" she giggled.

"How the fuck did he do that and I just got here?"

"Well he described you perfectly. You are dating a gem"

"I am not dating anyone!"

I looked over at his table to see his seat vacant. I let out a frustrated groan. I grab my drink and leave starbucks to look for Sienna. I spot her by the Tacobell sitting with some guy who works there judging by his clothing.

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