《Love Can't Be Tamed》Chapter Seven
I woke up to the sound of a camera snapping. I looked up and it was the guys of course.
"Shit he's waking up." Jungkook said.
I yawned and tried to get up but when I looked down I realized, Precious was laying on my chest. I don't even know how we got in this position. I smiled and moved her hair out her face, she began to move around. I through my head back and faked sleep.
I felt her eyes on me and she moved hair out of my face and touched my cheek.
"So cute." She whispered.
I began moving and she gasp and hopped off me causing her to fall. I immediately sat up to help her up.
"Are you ok?" I asked.
"Yeah did I sleep here? What time is it?" She asked.
"Yeah I think and uh it's 9:00 a.m." I said looking at my phone.
She grabbed her phone and her jacket slipping it on.
"Good morning Precious ." Hobi said.
"Good morning, I'll be back later guys." She said running off quickly.
I chuckled and began cleaning up the mess from yesterday. Everyone came into the living room and smirked at me.
"Can I get some help?" I asked.
"Look at this I'm so jealous." Jungkook said showing Yoongi his phone.
"Let me see." Jimin said.
Everyone surrounded Jungkook as he showed them something on his phone.
"What are you guys looking at?" I asked.
Jungkook immediately put his phone behind his back as I stepped closer.
"Nothing." He said quickly.
"Let me see." I said.
"See what?" He asked.
"Give me the damn phone." I said.
He smacked his lips and gave me his phone. It was a picture of Precious and I asleep, she looked beautiful. I sent the picture to myself.
"Now can you guys help me clean up?" I asked.
They nodded and we began to clean up.
Once I made it in the house, I let out a frustrating scream. What the hell is going on with me? I went to the bathroom and noticed some of my makeup was gone, I must've slept good. I took a shower and put something comfortable on. I check my emails and then the itinerary.
They had to practice today, and go over there vocals. They also had a promotional event tonight aka a concert. This was going to be a busy day I was not ready for it. I grabbed my bag and went back to the house. The living room was clean and I seen Taehyung and Yoongi in the living room.
"Good morning guys." I smiled and sat by Taehyung.
"Morning." They said.
"Are you guys ready for the day?" I asked messing with Taehyung hair.
He scrunched his face and smiled.
"No I just want to stay home." Yoongi groaned.
"I know but I'll try to make it fun ok." I said.
He nodded and everyone else began coming in and sitting down. I stood up and began explaining todays schedule.
"Ok guys today is a six hour dance practice, after that vocals which we will have to travel for and then last for today is the Promotional event we have to go there right after the vocal practice." I said.
"Vocal practice." Taehyung groaned making a face.
"I hate dancing." Namjoon said.
I sigh.
"If I could clear this whole schedule for you guys I would but I don't have power to do so." I said.
"It's okay Precious." Hobi said smiling.
He's so bright and funny I just love 'em. I was knocked out of my thoughts when Sejin entered the house.
"Hey guys." He said waving.
Everyone waved except Namjoon who just got on his phone.
"So I'm pretty sure Ms.Love went over today's schedule so let's get started." He said clapping his hands.
The boys went to the dance room and I went to the kitchen to get them bottles of water.
"What are you doing?" Sejin asked.
"Oh hey Sejin, I'm just getting water for the guys." I said smiling at him.
"Has everything been going well? They haven't been causing trouble for you?" He asked.
"Oh no they're great." I said.
He nodded and followed me to the practice room where the boys were doing stretches. I sat in a near by chair and looked at Namjoon. His veins were showing in his arms and child was I hypnotized.
My phone began ringing and it was Jin-Soo. I stepped outside to answer making sure the door was closed.
"Hey Jin." I said.
"Girl what the hell happened last night was everything ok?" She asked.
I face palmed myself and sighed.
"I'm sorry about last night how about dinner on me tomorrow night." I suggested.
"Ok call me when you're free ok I have to get back to work." She said.
"Ok love you." I said.
"Love you to." She said hanging up.
I walked back into the practice room to see the guys getting into formation. The first number they were doing was 'Mic drop.'
"OK 5,4,3,2,1!" Sejin yelled as they began dancing.
I was bobbing my head to the music as Hobi began lip syncing. The dancing was going good at least I thought. It was Namjoon verse when Sejin decided to stop the music.
"Namjoon it's down up down side get it right start over, from Namjoons verse." He said turning the music on.
I watched Namjoon clenched his jaw and got back in position. I felt bad because I thought it looked good but clearly someone else seen something I didn't.
"Stop stop stop." Sejin said.
"Jin put more emotion into it look hype." Sejin said.
"Start over from the top." He said.
They groaned as he played the music again. This went on for about four hours through every song and I was getting fed up. They were on the choreography for DNA.
"No no no." Sejin said stopping the music.
Everyone was tired and stressed out.
"How about a break?" I asked.
Sejin sigh and nodded his head. I grabbed the bottles of water and passed them out. I watched Namjoon walk outside and I followed him.
"Hey you ok?" I asked sitting beside him.
His head was down and I seen a few sweat beads drop of his nose. When he looked up he was crying.
"Hey don't you dare cry." I said.
"I'm so tired of this shit we work so hard and for what a Grammy nomination?" He asked sniffing.
"Namjoon." I sighed.
"I mean this is what we go through, we put so much blood, sweat and tears into this busy and we receive nothing." He said.
"Namjoon look at me." I said.
He sniffed and turned his head toward me. I cupped his face and wiped his eyes.
"Don't cry, the Grammys are a scam it's favoritism for sure don't let an award justify your hard work. You did good in practice I didn't see anything wrong with the dance. Sejin just being an ass clearly." I said as I continued wiping his face.
He grabbed my hands and kissed it. I tried to hide my blush as much as I could. Thanks to my skin tone I hope he didn't notice.
"Thank you." He said looking at me.
"No problem, you did good now get your head in the game and do what you love to do." I said.
He smiled and stood up, he was still holding my hand. I looked up at him and he looked at me with low eyes. It was like he had me in a trance and he leaned in.
"Yo." Jimin said.
We quickly moved away from one another and looked at him. He was smirking, and I scratched my head avoiding his face.
We all went back inside where practice continued and surprisingly Sejin didn't stop it. After practice the boys went to shower and Sejin sat down by me.
"What did you and Namjoon talk about?" He asked.
"Just giving him some encouraging words, you were kind of giving him a hard time." I said.
He nodded understanding, before he could say anything his phone rung. He stepped outside and came back a few minutes later.
"Are you going with the boys to the promotional event?" He asked.
"Not that I know of I thought I was just dropping them off." I said.
"So I was supposed to go but I got called into the office for something can you go in attendance for me?" He asked.
Hell no I will not be on national television in a racist ass country. I'm black ass hell in a studio with a lot of Kpop idols and fans. I will faint or worse die.
"Yeah I don't know about that Sejin." I said.
"Please I'm sure the boys will love it if you come." He said.
I thought about it for a second and since I never seen them perform it would be an experience.
"Fine what do I have to do?" I asked.
"All you have to do is introduce them out for there performance...in front of millions of people." He said whispering the last part.
"Hell no." I said standing up.
"Pleaaaasee." He begged.
I sighed and took a deep breath.
"Ok." I said.
He clapped his hand and said thank you repeatedly when the guys came out.
"What you so happy about?" Jimin asked Sejin.
"Precious will be introducing you guys for the show." He said smiling.
Everyone clapped there hands and smiled. Little did they know a bitch was shaking in her boots.
"I'll be back guys, looks like I have to pack a dress." I said leaving.
I went to my house and searched for a dress. I knew I couldn't go looking a damn mess since I was going to be on National Television. After countless of hours I gave up and decided to call Jin-soo.
"Hey what's up?" She asked.
"Hey you know that dress I wore for that party last year is it still at home?" I asked.
"The silver one yeah where you going?" She asked.
"I have to attend this upscale event and I have to be presentable." I said.
"Ok girl I see you, don't forget dinner tomorrow." She said.
"I won't, thanks." I said hanging up.
I grabbed my make up back and packed a few things before heading back to the boys house.
"You ready guys?" I asked.
They nodded.
"You got your outfits?" I asked double checking.
"Yes we have everything do you have everything?" Namjoon asked.
I smiled and nodded. We made it to there vocal practice and I immediately went home to pick up the dress. I only wore this dress one time and I rocked it. I hope it still fits, I grabbed my clear heel and went back to there practice.
"Ok guys go get changed." I said.
They nodded and went to the rest room. I went to the lady's room and quickly did my make up. I only had a hour and I decided to do my hair in a high pony tail with my natural hair. Once I was finished I slipped on my dress and it fit like a glove.
"Come on Precious." I heard Namjoon say outside the door.
"Just a second." I said slipping on my heels.
I gave my self a quick look over and smiled. I opened the door and was met with Namjoon, it looked like he was about to knock again. He looked at me from head to toe and he was speech less.
I smiled and walked past him and looked over everyone. They looked good in there outfits.
"Precious you look good." Taehyung commented.
"Thanks Tae let's go the limos waiting." I said.
Namjoon jogged in front of me and opened the door to the limo for me.
"You look beautiful." He whispered.
I smiled and entered the limo, Namjoon was the last to get in and once we pulled up. Every news station, paparazzi and anyone who had access to a camera were here.
Everyone got out and I was last. To say I felt uncomfortable was an understatement. I walked behind the boys as they stopped to take photos and sign autographs.
"Who is that?" I heard people asked.
"She's pretty."
"Her boobs are huge."
"What has Korea come to."
I took a deep breath as I followed behind Namjoon and Hobi up the steps. Namjoon stopped causing hobi to stop and grabbed my hand to help me, hobi noticed and he grabbed my other hand to help also. I was fine with Namjoon but the press couldn't put both of them in a dating scandal.
The crowd saw this and immediately started taking pictures and asking questions. We ignored them and made it inside. Since the boys were last to perform we were immediately seated.
We danced and sang to the idols performing and then we were escorted to the back where the boys had to get ready.
They were in hair and make up when the director told me where I will be coming in.
"Can I have your name?" She asked.
"Precious Love." I said.
"And your relationship with the boys?" She asked.
"Assistant." I said.
"Ok so the intercom will introduce you and then you will introduce the boys good luck." She said walking away.
The more I thought about facing everyone, the more nervous I became. I couldn't do this, I turned around to be met with Namjoons chest.
"Hey you ok?" He asked concerned.
"No I feel like I'm gonna puke." I gagged.
"Hey listen to me just picture everyone in there underwear." He said.
Hobi came up and looked at me and seen how nervous I was.
"She's nervous." Namjoon explained.
"Remember you said fuck what everyone thinks it's time to take your own advice." Hobi said patting my shoulder.
I sighed and nodded.
"Guys we need you in your places." The director said.
Namjoon nodded.
"You got this." He said patting my head.
He walked away and the director began counting down. The instructor said my name my relationship with boys and I was told to walk to the front of the stage. I heard applause as I was walking grow louder and I smiled as I made it to the podium.
As the audience grows silence I began to speak.
"These men have out there own blood sweat and tears into every product they have put in the world. They have impact Korea like no other. It is in great honor to introduce to you all BTS!" I yelled as the lights went dim.
I was immediately sent to my seat and I watched as they began performing. Everyone was up in there seat singing and dancing. For me not to be a bts fan I was enjoying myself. I was singing every verse like it was mine and I guess Namjoon noticed when he began rapping. I was rapping with him. He looked at me like I was the only girl in the room.
"Thank you, it has been a honor performing tonight our soft tour will be next month you can get the tickets on our website thank you." Namjoon said.
The crowd scream as he waved and took a bow.
I smiled as he took a glance at me, they walked off stage and made it back to there seats.
"Can we get food after this?" Yoongi asked.
"Sure what are you guys in the mood for?" I asked.
"Ramen." Taehyung said.
Everyone nodded.
"Homemade." Hobi said.
"Ok we can cook together if you guys want." I said.
They nodded and we continued watching the show. Once the show was over we immediately headed home. I went home to change and my phone began ringing.
"Hello." I said.
"Woah woah Jin I know you're upset but I couldn't say anything I wanted to tell you but I couldn't." I said.
"We're best friends Precious I wouldn't have went boy crazy if I knew my best friend in the whole world was living with my favorite boy band." She said.
I sighed. She's right, she crazy but not that crazy.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"We will talk tomorrow and you will tell me everything." She said.
"Fine." I said.
We chatted a little more before hanging up. I was on my phone walking to the guys house, when I came across an article titled "Who is BTS New Assistant?" I continued looking through the article and came across a video.
"We would've thought BTS would have stole the show but who really Stole the show was there Beautiful assistant, The boys seem to take a liking to her as well here's a few pictures."
It was a picture of Namjoon and hobi Helping me up the stairs. I screenshot it and smiled as I read the comments. Of course there were some cruel ones but I chose to ignore them. I placed my phone in my pocket and made it in the house.
The guys were clapping at me and smiling.
"What's going on?" I asked laughing.
"Your trending." Hobi said excitedly.
I smiled.
"Guys stop it I'm sure this will blow over." I said.
"Nope you're definitely apart of the family now." Jimin said.
They all ganged up and hugged me. I laughed and groaned.
"You look good tonight where did you get that dress from?" Jin asked.
"It was something old in my closet I don't exactly remember." I said.
"You did great with the introduction by the way." Jungkook said.
"Yeah it's better than Sejin he speaks from the papers the ceo gives him other than the heart thanks Precious." Yoongi said.
"It's nothing guys, let's cook." I said.
We all began making ramen together, we laughed and made jokes while we were eating. We cleaned up and it was late so almost everyone was in there rooms.
"Ok good night guys." I said.
"Good night." Hobi said.
"It's pretty dark I think Namjoon should walk you to the house." Yoongi said.
"Right Namjoon." Hobi said shoving him.
- In Serial27 Chapters
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 〭✴ ̽ ࣩBOOK 2 OF DELICATE⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 6TH OCTOBER 2020 ࿐ྂ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ •*⁀➷ COMPLETED !!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☁︎ 11 PM (PHT / GMT+8) ✓⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❝ Our life is a compilation⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀of mishaps, jeopardy and⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀unfortunate events. Do you⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀promise to stay with me?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Value me as much as I do⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀you? ❞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀➘ 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 tewkesbury⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀and y/n fights for feminism⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀in the house of the lords⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀leaving their lives at stake.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Promises were uttered and⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀responsibilities were pressed.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Will they make it through? or⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀will everything fall apart?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𖣌 ⃝𖣘 highest rankings ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀➳⌗2 in tewkesbury⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀➳⌗32 in holmes⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀➳⌗128 in sherlockholmes⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀➳⌗118 in netflix⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀➳⌗26 in milliebobbybrown⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀➳⌗25 in henrycavill⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀➳⌗7 in samclaflin⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀➳⌗17 in mycroftholmes⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀➳⌗9 in helenabonhamcarter⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀➳⌗15 in louispartridge⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀➳⌗64 in enolaholmes⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀➳⌗1 in eudoriaholmes⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀➳⌗3 in viscounttewksbury⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀➳⌗6 in lordtewksbury⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀➳⌗11 in viscounttewkesbury⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀➳⌗8 in lordtewkesbury⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀➳⌗280 in xreader
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