《All I wanted》22.


I was dismissed from my last class 10 minutes ago. 10 minutes of me stalling. I know Theo doesn't have the patients to wait for anyone so I walk out of the building mentally preparing myself for the 15-minute walk home. I stop in my tracks as I see Theo's car parked out front.

"What took you so fucking long?" Who's in a pissy mood now I mutter under my breath. I walk to his car and get in. I immediately feel the air shift.

"So are you going to tell why you're such in a bad mood?" He looks at me then back at the road.

"I can ask you the same thing." I fire back.

"I'm only like this because you took forever. Did you think I was just going to forget and ditch you or something?"

"Yes." I simply admit.

"I'm not like that anymore. I would never leave you." He grips the steering wheel tighter making his knuckles white.

I don't say anything back. I have so many questions to ask him but I hold back. After a few more minutes of driving, we arrive in front of my house.

"Thanks." I take off my seatbelt but Theo stops me. "What?" I say harshly.

"Is that all your going to say?"

"Did you really think that you can just give me a ride then everything would go back to normal and we could be friends again?" I slightly raise my voice. I never had to yell at anyone but being around Theo changes that. He's the only person I had to yell at.

"That's the thing, I don't want to just be friends...I want more." He says in a softer tone than me.

"Stop, just stop! What is this a joke? Did you lose a bet or something? I'm not as dumb as you think Theo. I know what "more" means from you." I scoff and get out of the car.


I hear Theo shut his door and follow behind me.

"Athena I'm serious. How can I prove it to you." He stops in front of me.

"Let me think." I tap my finger on my chin pretending to think. "By leaving me alone." I continue walking towards my porch and get my keys out to open my door.

"Athene please just promise me that you'll think about it. I won't stop trying until I hear an answer from you." He begs with a defeated look.

"I already gave you my answer. No." I insert the key in the keyhole. I try to open my door but the keys get pulled out.

"Theo give it back." I reach for my keys.

"Not until you tell me you'll think about it." He raises them higher.

"Ok ok! Fine, whatever just please give me back my keys." He lowers his hand and I grab my keys back from him.

"Thank you. See that wasn't so hard." He grins. Does he find me being annoyed amusing? He is so confusing! One moment he's serious then the next he smiling at my annoyance.

He walks down my porch and opens his car door but before getting in he sends me a small wave and smile. He then drives down the street.

I didn't have to think about it. I still stand with my answer. And my answer is no.

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