《All I wanted》5.


After getting back from lunch, I head to my 4th, 5th, and finally my 6th period. Can you guess what class it is? If you guessed precalculus you were right.

As much as I want to just drive off with Lucas after school I can't let Mrs.Henry down. We are currently waiting for Theo to come by the class so that Mrs.Henry can check up on us. Should I tell her about me and Theo's "study session" yesterday? No, I'm not going to give up on him just yet. Just like what Mrs.Henry said, he has potential.

Surprisingly, Theo comes by the class and Mrs.Henry lets us go. Same as yesterday, Theo is walking out on me and walking straight to his car. I'm not letting him get away this time.

"Hey! Wait!" I pick up my pace to match his. "Can you just let me tutor you? We don't even have to be friends. I'll just work with you and that's all. You can forget that I exist when this is all over. All I'm trying to do is help and cooperate with you." I'm out of breath.

"I'll say this one more time. I don't need a tutor. Plus I can't be seen hanging out with you." What's wrong with me?

"Please. Don't make this harder than it already is."

He opens his car door. He thinks of his answer.

"Get in."


"I said get in. Hurry, I don't want anyone to see me with you."Asshole.

We drive in complete and awkward silence. We finally arrive at his house.

"You live down the street right?"

"Yeah, why?" I say with a confused voice and face.

"Good, because I wasn't going to drive you back." Huge Asshole.


We get inside his house. I take in my surroundings. His house is modern and clean except for some toys scattered around. He has the same layout as my house. A tall and beautiful woman comes out of the kitchen.

"I thought I heard someone come in." She kisses Theo's cheek and he hides his embarrassment by turning the other way. She finally notices me.

"And who's this beautiful young lady!" She gives me a brief hug.

"This is Athena Davis my...tutor." He says the last part almost in a whisper.

"Oh right, I did get an e-mail about the whole tutoring thing." She smiles at me. "Well, I'm glad a girl is here to teach my son something and not just come over here to.."She pauses before continuing her answer, which I knew what she was talking about.

"Why don't I just let you guys get to work. I have to go to work myself. Theo don't forget to feed your sister. She's taking her nap. Have fun guys." She grabs her keys and purse but she turns around again.

"Davis? As in Mary Davis that lives down the street?" She points at me.

"Yup. That's my mom." I smile nodding my head.

"Ohh Gotchu. I knew your last name and face looked familiar. Well tell your mom I said hi. Ok, I gotta go bye kids!" She heads out the door.

"Well, that's my mom." He sits down.

"She's very nice. How about your dad?" I forgot not to ask that around him.

"He's umm..not around. He's not worth talking about but you're not here so that we can get to know each other and be friends remember?" He says a bit harsh.

"Right, sorry." I sit down next to him and take out my books out from my bag.

We start our uncomfortable and awkward study session.


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