《LILLIAN ✩》11 - Walls


I walk out of the room and immediately become blown away at how beautiful his home is.

Most millionaire business home owners all have the same interior. Modern with sleek finishes. Minimalistic.

But not this house.

My head looks around as I pat my small, socked feet down the halls. Intricate dirty gold details are placed all over the walls and ceilings. It's almost as if Klein turned down the Togo so brightness to increase the eerie feeling of this place.

There are even artificial torches on the wall.

I round a corner and spot a large double staircase, "Klein?" My voice echoes.

No response. I walk down the staircase and continue to search.

Just as I'm about to call for him again, I hear noises coming from the kitchen. I walk inside and take notice of him cooking on the stove.

"Hi." I say awkwardly, "Esther should be here soon." I sit on a stool, still wearing his large buttoned shirt.

He turns round and I notice he has an apron on, "You shouldn't be out of bed."

I begin to twirl a strand of hair in my fingers, "I couldn't have been too bad. I had one- two drinks or so."

He pours noodles in a pot and walks towards me, "Lillian, we got out of the car and you fell on the grass and went to sleep."

My eyes widen, "That sounds n-normal." I whisper, "For a drunk person, I guess."

"You then proceeded to try and rip my shirt off my body because it looked comfortable." He leaned his body against the counter while watching my expression change.

My face drops, "I'm so sorry. That's so unprofessional of me. I'm sorry for ruining your ball."

"I understand if you'd want to fire me-"


"I thought we were getting past this professional business, no?"

I look down towards the counter and sigh, "Don't you have that blonde woman living here or something? That's- that can't be good for your relationship."

"You're the first woman to ever step foot in my house, aside from my mother, Lillian." He clenches his jaw.

I watch as his gaze analyzes mine, "I've only known you for a week. What makes me so special, Klein?"

He stares at me for a few moments, almost as if he is contemplating what words should come out of his mouth next.

I open my mouth to say more, "How did we get here?"

He doesn't respond and just stares. The same puzzling expression rests on his face.

"I know I play dumb. I know I'm naive and a stranger to the real world, but I know how employment is supposed to be, Klein. I'm not stupid."

"I never said you were."

"I just want to know why you say all those sexual things about me. That is what I can't figure out." At this point my voice gets quiet again. It tends to happen when I speak about things I'm not so confident about.

"It makes me feel so giddy and nervous at the same time. I like it, but I don't. I don't like how I like it. If that makes sense." I put my head down out of embarrassment, "God, I'm so sorry. I'm so weird."

"Forgive me."

"I like everything about you, Lillian." He says sincerely and pauses for a bit.

"I'm afraid if I said anything further, I'd have you pinned up against the wall." He gestures towards the wall a few feet away from us.


I look at the wall and lick my lips, recollecting the memories of the elevator, and the scene after blondie left screaming.

A sigh escapes my lips and I rest my forehead in my hands, "I don't fully get what you're supposed to do against walls."

"Oh, you will." He whispered under his breath.

My stomach drops.

The doorbell rings 2 times.

My head pops up and a small smile makes way on my face, "I'll get it!"

He gestures ahead for me to go first and I hop of the stool. Skipping towards the door, I waste no time and swing it open.

Esther stands there with a small suitcase in hand and I immediately jump on her frail frame for a tight hug.

She hugs me back and all the weight of my anxiety from recent events washes away.

Still in the embrace, she speaks, "I've packed you your favorites. Mr. Grey said you wouldn't be going in the office, so there's no business attire, dear."

I slowly release her while biting on my bottom lip like a child, smiling.

"You got your funny little socks you like, a book, and a small puzzle just in case."

Suddenly, Esther's face drops.

Mine immediately follows.


I frown, "Yes?"

She looks behind me, where Mr. Grey is standing with his hands in his pockets, "Why is she wearing a shirt of yours? Did you- Oh my god."

"Did we what? I'm confused, Esther." I begin to panic.

"No." He brings all the noise to a halt, "We didn't do anything. All she had was her ball gown." He quiets back down again.

Esther places her hand over her heart and let's out a breath of relief.

"Don't worry, everything between Ms. Aird and I will be kept professional." He states.

I can't lie, I feel like my heart was stabbed with a small needle.

I smile and nod.

She pulls me in for one last hug, "That's good to hear." Esther rubs my back slightly and looks at him, "Thank you for flying me out, Mr. Grey. That was extremely kind of you."

He gives her a slight smile and nod.

"I must go now. My plane boards soon." She hands me the suitcase.

Tears begin to flood my eyes as I watch her walk away. I've never been away from Esther overnight before, I don't know how I'll be able to handle these next 3 nights.

I wait by the door, fiddling with my large shirt, making sure she makes it to her car okay. Once I see her drive away, I slowly back in and close the door.

Turning around, I spot Klein leaning against the large pillar in his foyer, eyeing me up and down.

He doesn't say a word, but his eyes are speaking wonders as they scan me slowly. My white painted toenails, my gold ankle bracelet, a scar I got when I was 13 rests on my knee. It's all on blast to his hungry looking eyes.

I look down and wiggle my toes nervously.

He clicks his tongue, then licks his lips.

He begins to adjust his stance, making it look like he's coming towards me, but instead he spins on his heel and walks back towards the kitchen.

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