
"Wife..." Devon said in a hushed tone.

The lightning illuminated his condition. His formal maroon long-sleeved shirt hugged his upper toned body emphasizing his broad shoulders. His usual combed-back hairstyle was a little bit drenched. And his face has an unfamiliar five o'clock shadow on it.

Natalia took a step back. "What are you doing here? How did you---"

"I'm one of the investors of Zion Suites.. and I have my ways, Natalia." His voice sounded dangerous like a hungry leopard and he said her name with a hidden craving.

She sighed looking at the man. She wasn't that heartless to let a person stay drenched and become sick eventually. Frowning, she switched on the lights and unwillingly let Devon sat on her grey-colored sofa.

Devon watched her quietly while drying his hair. He just looked at Natalia entering one of the bedrooms and came back with a clean towel and a large white unisex t-shirt which she laid beside him. His wife went to the open kitchen and prepared a hot drink.

Natalia set the mug on the coffee table beside the sofa. A chocolate aroma filled the living room. She noticed Devon stood up and unbuttoned his shirt exposing his muscle-filled chest. She gawked at his bare upper body and quickly averted her eyes away.

Devon chuckled as a pink pigment graced her cheeks. He straightened his back and towered over Natalia.

"Remember, this is all yours, my wife." Her husband whispered to her ear as he completely took his t-shirt off.

Natalia instinctively retreated.

She simply watched as Devon changed his clothes and gulped the hot drink simultaneously. The new t-shirt hugged his body really well.

"Please leave." She said to him carelessly because she didn't want to be distracted anymore. 'And it's really getting late.'


To her surprise, he obeyed and looked at her with a smile of triumph before exiting the unit.

Natalia couldn't comprehend what had happened. Her heart was beating a little bit faster.


Devon reached the parking zone and sat inside his car. He longed for her. He desired her to be at his side, on their bed and be one again with Natalia. But he decided to take it slow. He wanted his wife to trust him.

He looked at an envelope over the passenger seat with somber eyes. He stretched his hand and got hold of the document that says divorce.

Devon then drove away.


Early in the morning, Natalia message her father and brother to let them know she's fine. She also sent for Deedee to cook lunch as she starts to catch up with the financial reports of The Bell Shop.

Natalia decided earlier that she won't be visiting the establishment to avoid any unplanned encounters and just settled to meet her CEO at the condo.

She also requested the reception area not to bother her with any unwanted visitors except her family and her personal staffs.

Cal, Joz and Deedee arrived after an hour.

"Young madam...this..." Deedee called her attention while doing some cleaning.

Natalia lifted her head and saw the maroon t-shirt at the hands of the maid.

'That shameless man...'

"Throw it away." She firmly ordered.

Gratefully, Deedee didn't asked anything or chose not to pry.

Focusing on what's more important, she's thinking about the reward she thought Trish deserves.

While reading the last batch of the documents via email, the woman arrived and joined her for lunch.

"How have you been, boss?" Natalia teased the lovely and smart lady. Trish snorted.

"When will you resume the position?" The woman asked instead.


"Why do I need to do that, when I have you?" Natalia blinked shoving a spoonful of corden bleu in her mouth.

"I do have a life aside from work." Trish said in a matter-of-fact tone. She didn't hid her dismay. All these years, she's been loyal and work meticulously for Natalia and oversee her assets. She's grateful but she wanted to enjoy her maiden season more.

"I know. But you're meant for this. Trish, you're a better CEO than me. Far better. I saw that you've also cared for the company. That's why.....I have decided to formally give it to you." Natalia stated casually hiding her smile. She couldn't let go of Trish, a woman who has wits, guts and a beautiful face. She needs it all.

"I....No. This is your company. You've founded it. It's rightfully yours." Trish countered as she stopped eating.

"Yes. But technically, it's yours as stated on the legal papers." Natalia grinned and continued to eat.

She got to know Trish Vene after graduating. The red-haired woman was an intern at Zimmer Company at the time while she, too had done a handful special projects under her father. Even though they weren't the best of friends, they clicked and somehow she was able to convinced the lovely lady to work as her CEO with a very tempting salary as well as sponsoring the woman's brother to study abroad.

Under Trish, the shop has now ten branches across the states and the company already bought a bulding for it's central operations.

"I still won't accept it but, I will continue to be the CEO of The Bell Shop. As the legal owner and CEO, I'm ordering you to be present on important meetings from now on since you're finally free. Also, you need to share the burden of decision making with me." Trish said with a firm tone looking at her intently.

'This smart woman..tsk.'

"Alright. Alright." Natalia sighed and agreed.

After few more updates and instructions, Trish bid her goodbye.

When the woman opened the door, Jake was already standing at the other side.

The man gave a smile but not really a smile. "Vene."

"Zimmer." Trish greeted flatly and went on her way.

"Be good brother." Natalia said amusingly as she witnessed the simple exchange and the look on her brother's eyes.

"Always." Jake simply said as he made his way to the sofa.

"What brought you here anyway?" She asked after several minutes of silence giving him a cup of coffe.

"Dad." Jake started while looking at his sister.

"I told him, I'm fine. No need to worry." She answered while drinking her tea.

"He's not in his best condition." Jake continued.

"O-kay. We will bring him to the experts and let them check him up." She proposed immediately.

Her brother shut his eyes for a while. Natalia's mood changed quickly as she guessed the next few words that Jake will spiel.



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