《HIS UNFORGETFUL WIFE ✅ [Unedited]》4. Old friend



My feet brought me to a secluded roof terrace. Every time I wanted to be alone and think, this was the place to be. No one visits this area anymore, except yours truly.

Looking at the serenity ahead of me, I've searched deep inside to see if I was affected of the scenarios earlier.....

but .

I should reward Deedee for a job well done.

I am excited to return to my true home--- at my father and brother's side.

I am excited to make my own choices, may it be a good or a bad one.

I am thrilled to correct or be corrected by the result of my future wrong decisions.

I...simply....cannot...wait to start my life again.

(End of Natalia's POV)

* * * * * * *

After having some time alone, Natalia was welcomed by Daniel and Jake at the hallway just outside the banquet hall.

The trio didn't say anything but moved in synchronization and made their way out of the mansion...not looking back and not regretting anything.

'Phase one is over.' Natalia beamed at herself and enjoyed the warmth feeling coming from her family.

Meanwhile inside the hall, some of the guests were still surprised with what they'd witnessed and some didn't care. But one thing is for sure, the scene will surely caused a stir at the elite society....and also the business world.

"I...I'm..sorry. This is my fault." Ariel stated with a small voice. She started tearing up and Victoria consoled her along side Ariel's family.

"No one was at fault here my dear." The matriarch soothed the young woman.

All of them were captivated by Ariel's soft and tamed demeanor so no one blamed her.

"What's been done has been done. I'm going to contact our PR department in case the story blows up." Euro Yushkova said with resolve.

Thankfully, the media people who documented the event were under Yushkova's control. So Euro didn't panic a lot.

In contrast, the man of the hour was silent and didn't give any response to the two families. Instead, Devon made his way to the main door of the mansion which made his mother called for him.


"Where are you going, son?" Victoria spoke as she consoled Ariel.

He didn't even glance at his mother when he said, "I'm bringing back my wife."

Nobody in the room said anything as Devon emanated a dangerous stance.

* * * * * * *

Morning came.

Natalia slept in her old room at the Zimmer estate. She opened her new phone to check the time. Eight o'clock.

She recreated the scenes from last night inside her mind and chuckled. She couldn't believe what she did.

"Young Madam. The breakfast is ready." Deedee knocked and notified her. The loyal maid was never forgotten. Natalia kind of sneaked her out with the help of Daniel's guards before they went home.

Natalia just stepped out of the bathroom when she heard Deedee. She enjoyed her milk bath so much and started to take care of her skin again following what Milda told her yesterday.

"Alright. Thank you, Dee."

She chose to wear a blueish summer dress and put her hair in a high ponytail. Natalia then walked down towards the dinning hall.

She missed everything about this house. The walls adorned by her paintings, the carpeted hallways, and their loyal workers that helped maintained the whole estate.

The trio ate their first meal of the day peacefully. After having breakfast, they went to the study room to catch up with one another.

Daniel is thinking if his daughter will be willing to open up. He usually doesn't interfere with the life of his children but after yesterday, he curious about the actual life Natalia has been living with the past three years.

And since his daughter wouldn't talk, he'll just have someone investigate the past events.

Daniel stood quietly while Jake was sitting on the couch with Natalia. She sensed the resolve of her father.

"Don't....father. Let me handle them. They wouldn't do anything to me under your care."

"Indeed they won't." Daniel reassured drinking his tea.

"They wouldn't dare." Jake seconded.

After updating their lives and discussing various things aside from the Yushkova, Natalia then logged in on her social media accounts.


Thankful for Jake who patiently assisted her on doing various steps of security settings and troubleshooting to check and make sure that the Yushkovas wouldn't and couldn't monitor her activities from now on, atleast digitally.

Her assumption was right, no news about the incident last night was posted online. The Yushkova family is adamant on keeping their reputation blemish-free.

* * * * * * *

Later that day, wearing a Ziv white sleeveless top covered by old rose blazer and paired by a trouser with the same color, Natalia went back to her father's study.

"Dad, I'm going to step out for awhile."

"Bring guards with you." Daniel told her while scanning the work documents on his table.

"Of course." She gave him a peck on the cheeks and leave him to his work.

Cal and Joz, who were assigned as her personal guards three years ago, appeared in front of Natalia as she stepped out of the main doors.

"Young madam." Cal greeted. The guard is less silent than Joz who are always calm and rigid.

"You guys...." She chirped and sat on her car getting ready for her next step.

"Where to, young madam?"

"The State court." She shortly replied adjusting her shades.

The car drove away not knowing another vehicle followed.

Natalia planned to submit her divorce petition to the court and let the process begin. She know this will be a long battle but hope that justice will be served. It has to.

After submitting, she visited her favorite salon and let herself be pampered. Thanking the skills of her brother, she was able to contact her other friend, Luna, to accompany her.

Luna Lee was originally part of the three-woman group that she had back in college days. Her other friend fell out of the group because Ariel coveted her friendship with Natalia and successfully drove Luna out by using a this-biss-kiss-my-man kind of reasoning.

Regretfully, she believed everything Ariel told her. She had been blindly swayed by Ariel's fictitious words.

Naive, I know.

Seeing her old friend pushed open the salon door, they greeted each other with long stares. No one spoke.

"Luna..." She said looking gloomy breaking the silence.

"Is she with you?" Her friend rudely asked.

"No... She won't be anymore." Natalia replied with a sheepish smile.

Then silence again.

Suddenly, her friend hugged her.

Both of them were in tears as she filled in Luna about what happened during the years of her absence.

"So, when will phase two start?" Her friend inquired. Natalia just gave her a wink.

* * * * * * *

It was raining hard when the two old friends gone on their separate ways.

Natalia called her father to let him know that she will be spending the night on her condo unit at the city. It's nearer to her current location than the Zimmer estate.

She owned a three bedroom unit at Zion Suites---one of the most luxurious housing units there is. Well, co-owner in papers, since she had Trish to maintain the unit while she's away.

The unit suited her preferences. Minimalist and exclusive. As part of Zion Suites' policy, not everyone can enter unless an owner permits or you are one of the residents.

Natalia finally convinced Cal and Joz to return at the estate for she felt like she wanted to be alone for the night.

She bargained with them that they can fetch her early in the morning to pacify their minds...and draw the that's-an-order card.

Slipping her dress off and changing to a night lingerie, she texted Trish and notified the CEO that she will visit the shop tomorrow.

Done with her night routine, she walked towards the master's bedroom and looked at the window.

'It's still raining.'

She resentfully put on her robe and went to the entrance.

"Cal...Joz.. didn't I say--" She stopped breathing for a moment after opening the door.


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