《My Rude boy[J.Jk Ff][Completed] ✔》part 34.



After we went outside of the restaurant. I saw hana and her Secretary was heading towards her car.Then suddenly she tripped off her leg.I tried to run to her but her Secretary caught her before she fell.he caught her from her waist!!!how dare he?!!

Then I saw he was blushing furiously. I clenched my fist.

"Thanks oppa"she said and smiled at him.

Oppa?!!!she called him oppa?!but he is just a Secretary right?why would she call him oppa?are they dating?

My jealous was rising.

Then they drove away.

I went to a night club and called taehyung hyung.

I was drunk when he came.

"Hey kook,what's up?"

He sat beside me.

"Everything is fucked up hyung"

I said with my drunken voice.

"What's wrong?"

"She came"


I drank gain.

"My love"


I nodded and drank again.

"I can't get her back hyung.I promised her dad.but I can't hyung!I just want to run to her and hug her like there's no tomorrow. But this stupid promise is fucking my life."

Taehyung started to drink also.

"Seems like Destiny doesn't want you guys to stay away from each other."

"No hyung!destiny only wants to hurt me.it took everything from me.it sent hana to me again but I can't make her mine.it's a torture for me hyung.seeing her in front of me is a torture because we are not mean to be."

"But jungkook we are not in contact with mafia now.And you're a successful CEO of a big company. Hana's father will understand. Maybe he will give you a chance"

Then he drank a glass again.

"Do you think so?"

"Yes.just give a try.don't give up on your love."


"B-But I told her to forget everything "

I pouted and drank gain.

"Then don't let her forget.glue to her like a leech."

"Leech?"I made a confused face.

"I'm not a leech hyung"

I pouted.

"Aigoo.you're so cute kookie.I know you're not a leech but act like a one.you should drink often so I can see your rare cute side "

Next day.

I was heading towards the meeting room.All were arrived.I saw my love was there too.she looked at me with her cold eyes.

Then I took my seat next to her.Thank God she is a CEO.otherwise she will sit far away from me.

"Let's start"I ordered.

It went for a while.All day I was staring at her on purpose. I saw she was becoming uncomfortable.


What's wrong with him.he was staring at me in the whole meeting. Oh God!you're making things more worse jungkook.

After the meeting.

When I was about to go out he called me.I was frozened.

"Ms.park?I want to discuss something with you"

I turned to him and nodded.

After all the people went outside he gestured me to come closer to him.I went and sat beside him.

"Yes Mr.Jeon? "

He raised an eyebrow.

"Mr.Jeon? Last time I checked it was jungkook"

What's wrong with him?is he drunk?

"Well Mr.Jeon as I remember you told me we are only business partners. We are not friends.so I have no reason to call you by your name anymore. "

He smirked. What the hell?!

"But you can call me jungkook "

"No.but thank you.I'd prefer to call you Mr.jeon.besides we are not even close to call by our names"


He poked his inside of the cheek with his tongue.

"So why did you call me?"

"Oh yeah.I want you to come to my place today"

I raised my eyebrow.

"Excuse me?!"

I frowned.

He smirked.

"I meant for our business works.we are the CEOs of our companies. So it will be easier for us to discuss things with each other.what were you thinking Ms. Park?hope you were not thinking about dirty things"

"I'm sorry for my rudeness. But you sounded like that.and I think we don't need to discuss things with each other.everything will be discussed in these meetings. "

"But won't it be efficient to discuss things earlier? Our time will be saved.you can move to America quickly."

I thought about a bit.yes he is right. I can move to America quickly if we do this quickly. Small meeting with him won't affect me right? Just for few hours.


I accepted.


Yes!!!now you park hana.ready to fall for me again.I will try my best to get back you.I know you still love me.and I still love you too.please hana.don't try to run away.thanks taehyung hyung for bringing my senses back.

I waited at my apartment for her impatiently. Calm down jungkook.

Then I heard the door bell.she came.

I ran to the door and opened it.there stood my love of my life.

"Come in"I said with my cold voice.

I made her sit on the couch.

"Want to drink something? Tea?or juice?"

"A glass of water is enough "



Wow he has a clean apartment. I didn't think it will be this clean.I wonder what happen to his old house where he used to live.

Then he came with water and gave me.


Jungkook was wearing a black short and a white t shirt.Wow he really looks hot.w-wait!aish!!hana!stop with it.

Then he came with his laptop and sat beside me.Oh God why did he sit so close?my heart is literally jumping.

Then we started to work and discuss things.

Then I showed him something in my laptop.

"Mr.jeon.just take a look at this."

He then leaned towards me and looked at my laptop.His face was literally touching my face.

Oh God! Why did I show this?he is leaning too close.

My cheeks started to burn.I moved away a bit.

Then he looked at me to say something. But he stopped himself and stared at my face.I gulped.

Then he smirked.

"You are blushing Ms.park"

He said in a teasing way.

I looked away from the embarrassment.

"Are blushing because of me?"he whispered near my ear.I felt his minty breath was fanning in my cheeks.that sent shivers down on my spine.

"N-No.Mr.jeon I-I think you're too c-close.I need my personal space"

Why the hell I stutter? Gosh hana!!

Then he stepped back.

"Is this space enough for you?"

He asked with a sexy tone.

What's wrong with him?!!!!!!is he playing with my feelings? No hana.don't let him hurt you gain.don't fall for him


I replied him steadily.

Then we continued to work.

Few days passed.I had to go to jungkook's house for business works.He was making things worse.He always finds a thing to tease me.it annoys me to the core.

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