《Keeping Lennox》Chapter Twenty


This is it. It is time.

I took a deep breath and walked into the room. Tori was right behind me. She smiled at me and nodded.

I went to my spot beside my lawyer, and she did the same. Her lawyer looked at her with a pained expression. He was probably upset that she gave up so easily. I didn't care. I was just ready to get it done, so I could be home with my family.

"I'd like to bring up the case of Lennox Bentley." The judge said, bringing all attention to him.

"Will the mother please stand up. We have a change of schedule due to the mother's request."

Tori stood. She still looked bad. I wish she would stop with the drugs already.

"My name is Victoria Ann Sheffield. When looking at my daughter, I knew I couldn't be her mother. She needed someone better. I am not here to fight Wade anymore. I am here," she looked back at her mother, "to sign over my rights to Wade and his girlfriend." When she finished, she sat down. Mrs. Pat began to cry. She had no idea.

"Well," the judge said. "With that being said, Miss Sheffield, will you please come up? Mr. Bentley, you too."

We both rose and walked to the judge. He looked to Tori and asked, "this is really what you want to do?"

He was holding the papers in his hands.

"Yes," Tori replied without hesitation. "I am only sixteen. I can't be a mother."

He held out the papers to her, and she signed her name. I then signed my name as a witness.

"Okay," the judge said when we finished. "I now declare that Lennox Madeline Bentley is in full custody of Wade Bentley."


I about cried. I looked out to the crowd. Mrs. Pat.

I turned back to the judge. "Your honor, what about the grandmother? She is Tori's mother."

"If you want her to have visitation, that is up to you. She is your child, and you make all the choices. Just be wise."

"Yes your honor. Thank you." I looked to Mrs. Pat, and she smiled back at me.

I walked back to my chair to gather my belongings.

The judge stood up and said, "court is dismissed."

Tori got up and walked out without looking back. How could she do that so easily?

I didn't care. I walked out and set out in search of Cassie and Lennox.

Cassie agreed to keep her out there, and I was so thankful for her.

I turned a corner, and there they were. My two favorite girls. Man, was I lucky.

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