《smoke with me? (girlxgirl)》the end.


"Ash! I would love that so much! Playing guitar in my favourite cafe as a job!" I embrace her. "I'm really happy, thank you so much Ash. You're the best!" I say before giving her a lot of kisses all over her face.

Waking up to Ashlyns alarm, I turn around to be met with Ashlyns eyes already on me. I smile, "Hi." "Hi Tory." she greets back. I cuddle into her, knowing we have some time before we go to the cafe. "Ashlyn." I whisper into her neck. "Tory." she says laughing. "I love you so fucking much." After saying those words Ashlyn pulls me even closer to her. "I love you so fucking much too Tory."

Today I'm going to go to the cafe with her, because the manager told Ashlyn I can try to play guitar at the cafe. Yesterday night I made a playlist of the songs I'm going to play, there is a lot of songs from The Neighbourhood in it ofcourse. I'm very excited to be trying the job out today.

We're making our way towards the cafe hand in hand. My guitar is on my back. The spring, almost summer, weather is amazing. The sun's out and there is a little breeze, it feels great. Everything feels great actually. I've been really happy, all thanks to Ashlyn. I say it a lot, but she is the best thing that ever happened to me.

Walking inside the cafe at 10 am we get greeted by Elise. Ashlyn told me that her shifts start really early, that explains why she's already here. I walk up to the counter and make some small talk with Elise, before she points to the little stage in the cafe. I've always wondered why there was a stage, but there was never something on it. Now I'm gonna be on it. It's really nice to start here since there is never a large amount of people, but just enough people for me to feel comfortable. I thank Elise and walk towards the little stage.


On the stage is a cute chair and a microphone. I go and sit down on the chair and lower the microphone stand to the point where it's right infront of my guitar.

I start to play the first song I was planning to play, R.I.P. 2 My Youth by The Neighbourhood. I'm already enjoying this so much. I've always loved the energy of this cafe and playing guitar is the most amazing thing ever, so this combination is just perfect. And I get to be with Ashlyn. I smile at my thoughts.

I look at Tory as she's playing her first song. I'm standing behind the counter waiting for customers. She looks so at peace whenever she plays guitar. She's amazing at it as well. I see a smile forming on her face as she relaxes more and more on the stage. I smile to myself, that's the girl I wanna marry.

A person walks into the cafe and comes up to the counter. "Welcome! What can I do for you?" I ask them with a smile. I take their order and they take a seat close to the counter. Tory is now playing her fifth song. I'm so proud of her.

The manager walks into the cafe, she said she would come in late today. Her attention is immediately grabbed by the brunette playing guitar on the tiny stage. I see a small smile on the managers face, which surprises me. I haven't seen her smile a lot. She stands there for a couple of minutes listening to Tory finishing her song and as she does the manager starts clapping her hands together. I smile, 'She'll definitely get the job.'

Once I end the song, I suddenly hear someone clapping. I look up to see the manager. My eyes widen, I hope I did well.. She's smiling, and she doesn't do that a lot so I guess that means something right? I smile and wave at her, she comes up to me once I do. "You get the job." she tells me smiling. "Really???" I ask excitedly. She nods her head and smiles, "If you give me your email, I'll email you all the details." So I give her my email and with that she walks away. I look at Ashlyn behind the counter who's already smiling. "You did it!" she says. I nod and laugh happily.


Walking back home with Ashlyn, it's pretty late in the afternoon already. I played guitar for a very long time, it makes me really happy. I'm so thrilled I got the job.

I'm giving Rosie food. Ash and I adopted Rosie, our cat, about a year ago. She is the sweetest little creature ever. I look at Rosie as she eats her food with a content expression on her little face. I smile, I love this cat so much.

Ashlyn comes walking into the kitchen, "Hey baby." "Hey Ash, when are you leaving?" I ask her, since she has to work today. She's still working in the same cafe, she loves working there. "In an hour." she answers as she gives me a long hug before making herself some coffee. I am free today, since my working schedule is a bit unregular. I play guitar in a band. We've been on a tour in America like a month ago, it was the best thing ever. Ashlyn came with us on tour, I don't think I could have done it without her. The girls in the band are also really great friends of Ash and me.

"I love you Tory, see you later in the cafe?" she asks me while hugging me. I hum, "I'll be there later." She gives me a loving kiss before leaving our apartment. We've been living in a different apartment. Ashlyn wanted to get out of her old one, because of all the memories with her family there.

Life has been amazing. I haven't heard from my father ever since I left two years ago. Starting this new life with Ashlyn was the best thing I ever decided to do.

Ashlyn and I are sitting on our balcony, like every single night. Putting out my cigarette I stand up from my place and go to Ashlyn. She looks at me as I do so. I sit on her lap and look deep into her eyes. She smiles at me. I give her a quick kiss. "Thank you." I whisper. "For what?" she asks with raised eyebrows. "For saving me, for making me the happiest person alive, for making me feel like my life is worth living. I love you more than anything ever." I say against her lips. She smiles as she pulls me into another kiss. "Fuck, I love you so much." I hear her mumble into the kiss. I smile at her words. She's the love of my life and she will always be.


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