《smoke with me? (girlxgirl)》chapter 12.


As I walk out of the door of our last class of the day, someone taps me on my shoulder. I turn around to see Ashlyn standing there with a smile. "See you tonight?" she asks. "Ofcourse." I tell her, sending her a smile back.

I'm in my room, listening to music. I'm feeling happy, very happy. Everything is falling into place. I look at my nails, wanting them to be painted again. I wonder if Ashlyn wants to paint them this night.

Making my way to the skatepark at 1 am, with my guitar on my back. Walking with a smile on my face, knowing I'm gonna see her again. Almost arriving at the skatepark, my heart starts beating like crazy.

There she is on her skateboard. Not smoking this time. I walk over to her, already seeing her eyes on me. "Hi." I say shyly. "Hi Tory." she answers. I take a seat next to her. "I waited for you to start smoking." she continues. She waited for me? She grabs the package of cigarettes from her pocket. She gives me one cigarette all to myself. And lights it for me, then lighting one for herself. I breathe in the toxic air, relaxing. Closing my eyes, loving what this smoke does to my body. "Feels good, doesn't it?" I nod. "It really does." I tell her.

"So I was wondering.." I start. "if you could paint my nails again." She hums, "Yes ofcourse." I smile and let out a small 'thank you'. "I already noticed you removed it, but you never took off the ring." "I didn't want to." I answer. "Why?" she continues. "I don't know, it didn't feel right." She hums. "Well I'm happy you didn't take it off Tory." she says which makes me smile.


As soon as we both finish our cigarettes, she pulls out the nail polish from her bag. And she does exactly the same thing she did the first time she painted my nails. She sits in front of me on the ground and tells me to put my hands on my knees. She starts painting them, just as focused as the first time. My skin again covering with shivers as she touches my hands.

"All done." she smiles at me as she puts the nail polish back in her bag. And she does the same as last time, asking me to give my hand for her to blow on them. "Can I show you something when your nails are dry?" she asks me looking in my eyes. "Sure."

She has my hand in hers as she is taking me somewhere, something she wanted to show me. In the other hand she's holding her skateboard.

"We're here." she says as we stop before an apartment complex. She smiles as she sees my confused face. "I live here." she adds. I hum, suddenly interested in the apartment complex. "Let's go." she says as she pulls me inside the apartment complex.

We step inside of the apartment, it's small but very cozy. "I like it." I tell her after looking around. "You do?" she looks surprised. "I do, it's very cozy." I tell her honestly. She smiles at my words. "I'm glad you like it. I live here alone." That makes me look at her. "Alone?" I ask her. She nods, "My dad left when I was young, I have no idea where he is. And my mom comes and goes, leaving me by myself most of the time. So I basically live here on my own." "I'm so sorry Ashlyn." I understand how it feels, it feels like you're all alone and have no one to rely on. I'm very glad she trusts me enough to tell me this. "It's okay Tory, I'm used to it." she says. "Anyways the thing I wanted to show you is my balcony." I hum as I let her drag me to that balcony. "It's attached to my room, so I have my own balcony, which is nice." She opens a door that leads to her bedroom. "Your bedroom is cute, I like it." I say as I look around the dark room. A lot of music posters hanging around the walls. It's like I would have imagined her room to be, dark. She has a blue record player, probably the only color that's not dark in this room. I've always wanted a record player. I walk to the place that she has all her records and look through them. I love her music style. "I've been collecting records since I was a little kid." "I love that so much." I tell her. She opens the door to her balcony. So this is what she wanted to show me. Wow. This is the cutest balcony I've ever seen in my life. There are a lot of pillows, blankets and lights. All I let out is an 'oh my god'. She grins at that. "That looks so cute Ashlyn." "Thank you." she smiles.


We're sitting on the balcony. Because of all the pillows and blankets it's actually very soft and warm to sit here. It's so nice. Both staring at the view in front of us. "May I ask you a question?" she suddenly asks. "Sure." She hesitates a bit before asking the question. "Why did you run out of class crying that day?" This question takes me by surprise, not expecting it. "Someone next to me was listening to 'Wonderwall', the song that my mom used to love." I answer honestly. "My mom died a year ago, I haven't been able to listen to that song since she died. So that was the first time I heard it again." She looks at me with a expression on her face of someone who really cares. She cares, she actually cares. She doesn't say anything, she just grabs my hand in hers and squeezes it tight. I lay my head on her shoulder. It feels like it's us against the world. I feel happy in this moment, like nobody will ever take this away from us.

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