《The Alpha's Rose.》Impossible



"Jack..." I approached him slowly. "You don't want him, you want me. Let him go and we'll talk-"

"Talk?" He laughed.

"We had our chance to talk Rose, but you chose to do things the hard way."

He gripped onto Tyler's throat harder, causing him to let out a sound of pain.

"Jack! Jack please just take me instead, don't cause anyone any more harm."

He sighed, looking between Tyler and I before throwing him across the ground.

He landed just before my feet, gripping his throat and looking at me as if I were crazy.

I stepped over him and cleared my throat, taking another step towards Jack before Michaelangelo could do anything more.

"If anyone comes after us...I'll kill her." Jack spoke, taking my arm roughly in his hand and guiding me towards a horse.

He pushed me up first and then hoisted himself up, grabbing the reins in front of my hands and guiding us further from the kingdom.

We rode for what seemed to me, to be half an hour before we came to a clearing.

Jack's men dismounted and he pushed me from the horse and I landed on my hands and knees, before I could get up again, Jack's foot kicked my side hard.

I coughed at the sudden blow to my side, trying desperately to catch my breath as I once again, propped myself onto my knees.

Before I could do or say anything, Jack grabbed a fistful of my hair, bringing me up quickly with his hand.

"Well well well, what are we going to do with you Rosie?"

I grimaced at the nickname he'd given me and he threw me at the feet of his men before making his way over to me once more and gripping my hair.

"How did you find me?" I coughed.

"It wasn't hard to make the old couple talk." He chuckled.

As he forced me to look at him, I noticed that his eyes were cold, distant and there was a madness deep within them that I felt even he was afraid of.

Before I could look any deeper, his fist was brought down into my face repeatedly. With every blow came an insult.








By the end of the beating I knew that my nose was broken, and my lip was sore and bleeding.

He slammed my head into the ground and looked to his men, telling them to pick me up to which they obliged slowly.

"Where is your pretty boy now?"

Jack asked as he chuckled darkly, waving a shiny object in front of my face.

Before I could inspect it further I felt a slow burning across my temple and down the side of my face.

I thrashed around and tried to get free as I realized Jack was cutting into me with a knife.

"This won't be over quickly Rose, so you can forget about it."

He smiled as he licked his knife clean.

"Alpha...what- what are you going to do?" One of his men questioned.

"I'll do whatever I see fit, Peter."

"Jack, come on you said we would scare her a little and then give her back to lover boy. You never said anything about this."


Jack snarled, shutting his men up and coming closer to me, grabbing me by the jaw.

"You and I are far from finished Rose, you left me and that is something I can not forgive."

He spat in my face, taking his fist and burying it in my stomach once making me hunch over in pain.

"Let her go." He ordered.

My elbows were let go of slowly and I sank to the ground, coughing up a little blood into the grass.

This seemed to please him as he pushed me over with his foot and I felt my back hit the cool forest ground.

"What- what do you want, Jack?" I managed to sputter as I laid on the grass, his foot on my chest.

"What do I want?" He laughed.

"I want you to suffer, Rose. I want you to feel pain and only stop when I have what I want. I'm going to make you bleed, but only until I get what I want- then you will die."

What he wants? I thought.

What does he want with me? There's nothing more I can give to him.

"You see Rose, when your...boy marked you, blood drew into his mouth and he became even more powerful. I want it for myself, and drinking your blood is exactly how I'm going to get it."

I panicked and felt my heart rate increase as he bent down to eye level and glared at me.

"You won't get away with this, Jack." I spat.

He laughed again and sighed, patting my face and shaking his head.

"Lover boy won't come for you Rosie...and even if he does he'll be too weak to face me head on. Already, I feel your blood coursing through my body making me stronger than I was before. So you see, I'm already getting away with it."

He rose to his feet and nudged my face with his foot before turning back to his men who looked between each other timidly.

He turned back to face me and laughed, shaking his head as he made eye contact with me before bringing his foot back and kicking me square in the face.

I rolled over and felt my vision growing darker in my right eye as the grass became cloudier and the bugs which sat atop the blades of grass grew further away.


"Shut up, Peter! If you're so much of a woman, then go and leave through the portal. Otherwise keep your mouth shut and leave me to do my business."

Nothing else was spoken after that and I heard a familiar click of the knife being brought out once again.

'Rose...' Michaelangelo's voice spoke to me through our mind link and I felt a little relief course through my body.

'Rose, can you tell me where you are?' He asked.

I took in my surroundings, my vision was slowly failing me so I let my ears listen for me.

There was the sound of rushing water to the left of me, the wind picked up the trees and the horses grazed on the grass only a few meters away.

'There's a brook nearby, I can hear bees humming and there's a barrier of trees surrounding us. We can't be too far away.' I replied.


'I'm coming Rose, just hang in there for a little while longer. Your mind link is faltering, you're getting weaker. Just try and conserve your energy, please just don't leave me, Rose...'

"Rose! Listen to me damn it!" Jack roared as he brought his knife to my throat.

I gasped as I felt blood in my throat and I started to cough as he gripped my jaw.

He pushed me back down on the ground and straddled my waist with his legs as he sat on me, immobilizing me.

"I think we need to work on your listening skills." He snarled, bringing the knife up and pushing my dress up to my stomach.

He started cutting into me slowly and I screamed in pain as he carved into my skin, he covered my mouth with his hand and I brought my teeth into it.

He yelped in pain and gripped his hand, slapping me across the face and drawing blood from my mouth.

"You bitch! I wasn't finished yet." He glared.

He held his arm across my chest and carved into me once more as I screamed and thrashed about.

"There. Now, not even pretty boy will want you."

He chuckled to himself.

The burning in my stomach was fierce and I felt my body starting to grow weaker as my hands gripped the blades of grass.

'Rose, we're coming. I heard you, baby, please just hang in there for a little longer.'

Michaelangelo's voice spoke once more and I smiled to myself despite the pain I was in.

"What the fuck are you smiling at?" Jack spoke as he pushed himself towards me.

"Jack...come on man lets just leave her here. You said you already felt stronger, so why should we make this any harder on ourselves? By the time they find her, she'll probably be dead."

Jack turned suddenly and scoffed.

"I think I deserve to be the one to put her down, don't you? She left me, I'm her Alpha and that is against pack law."

"Jack...look at her man! You've carved her up enough, let's just leave her here. It'll be slower than she could even imagine-"

Jack snarled at him, a warning that he was about to cross a line.

He turned back to me and I felt him pull me up by my hair once more, placing me on my feet and laughing as I struggled to keep balance.

"Hold her up, I'm almost finished with her." He spoke, and two men came and hoisted me up by my arms.

"I'm sorry." One of them mumbled.

"Hold her head up." Jack ordered.

He held his knife to my throat one more, smiling sinisterly at me as he dug the blade deeper into my flesh.

"You will not enjoy this."

He spoke as he started to draw blood from my neck.

Suddenly, the sound of hooves could be heard running towards us and the men who were holding me previously, let me drop to the floor.

"They're coming! Let's go."

Jack laughed and shook his head.

"No, I have enough of her blood. We should stay."

The men looked panicked as Michaelangelo and his men circled us, my right eye was still cloudy and dark but I could make out Michaelangelo's cream colored horse.

"Where is she, Jack?" Michaelangelo dismounted and started walking towards him.

Where was I? Couldn't he see? I was right behind him.

"Your precious Rose is around here somewhere...now where did we leave her?" Jack's voice chuckled.

"Gods...Mike, look-" Max's voice suddenly broke through the silence and I heard Mike's ferocious growl.

"What the fuck did you do to her?"

Jack chuckled and sighed.

"I gave her what she deserved. Now, if you want her back...you'll have to fight me for her."

The seams of Michaelangelo's clothes were ripping and I could hear the animalistic growls erupting from either side of clearing.

I didn't know how to help, but I felt so helpless in all of this, so much so that my body started to thrash around violently.

What was happening?


Rose's body started to shake and move around and before I had the opportunity to shift and attack, her body was lifted from the ground.

I watched as she lifted herself, hovering higher and higher over the clearing.

Blood poured out of her wounds, one of her eyes was so swollen that it looked as if she might not ever regain full eyesight ever again.

"What the-"

Jack looked frightened as she narrowed her eyes, cocking her neck to look at him.

"Dont touch him." Her voice bellowed as the winds picked up and the horses grew scared, but Max took ahold of them.

"Rose?" I spoke softly to myself.

Suddenly a white light encompassed her body and a ping of recognition entered my body, where had I seen this before?

"Move away, my son."

Was she talking to me?

Her son?

Nevertheless I backed away from Jack and let my claws retract into my hand.

A burst of energy seemed to emit from her body as she pointed her hand in the direction of Jack's body and he shot back into the brook that ran behind us.

He shook his head from the initial shock he received before trying to stand once more, only to be knocked down.

"You fool, you dare lay a hand on my Moraoro."

Another gust of wind knocked him back into the water and in an instant the rippling waves of the brook overcame him.

Every time Jack tried to pick himself up, the waters swallowed him once again.

Before I could intervene, the waters took Jack's body into it's cold hands and...the next moment he was gone.

Only his white stiff hand stuck out from the rocks before it too was swallowed into the river banks.

The next second, Rose's body fell from the sky and hit the ground with a sickening smack.

I rushed over to her quickly and picked her up, feeling the warm blood run along her cold body I felt the tears from my eyes start to drop out.

"Rose! Rose!" I shook her as her body lay lifeless.

"M-Mike...we have to go man, she has to see a doctor."

Max's voice grew quieter as the white noise between where the brook met the river bank invaded my mind.

I can't remember what happened after that.

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