《The Alpha's Rose.》Enchantment


-Rose POV-

The past week felt like a dream, I almost forgot that I was even in hiding from Jack.

I laughed as Michaelangelo popped another bonbon into my mouth and we laid in bed together.

"Think I've put a baby in there?" Mike traced a finger down my stomach and I shivered at his touch on my bare skin.

I smiled and held his hand to my stomach, sighing in contentment as we continued to lie in bed together.

"Well...it has been a while since I've taken birth control, and we are wolves so I'm not even sure that it works in the first place. Maybe we should try again?"

I winked jokingly, which I soon realized was a bad choice on my part as Michaelangelo's eyes darkened and he pushed the bonbons off of the bed.

"Mike..I was joking-" He cut me off by kissing my lips and making his way down my neck.

I moaned in delight as he pushed my hands above my head and trailed his lips further down my body, I was about to lie back and oblige him before a loud knocking came from the door.

Mike groaned before eventually getting off of me and placing his deep violet robe on his shoulders and tying it around his waist.

He threw one to me as well and waited until I did the same before opening the door.

"Max." Mike spoke as he swung the door open and I got up from the bed.

"Mike, Rose-" He turned to acknowledge me as well, "Your father wants to see you, the both of you."

Michaelangelo looked to me before nodding and closing the door, making sure to thank Max before doing so.

I showered and dressed in a long red dress that trailed down to the floor and came just to my shoulders, the sleeves were made of lace and I pinned my hair up.

Michaelangelo was wearing that black suit I loved so much, pairing it with a red tie and handkerchief in the breast pocket.

I smiled approvingly before averting my gaze, not wanting to pounce on him before we were summoned to meet his father.

"Ready to go?" He asked and I nodded in reply as he took my hand and led me out of the room and down the long winding stone stairs.

We reached the bottom and were greeted by Tyler himself.

He looked bigger and I found myself nearly gaping at his size.

"T-Tyler...you look-" He held up a hand and smiled.

"My mother didn't tell me I was an elf, I guess she left that part out...Max has told me that elves age faster but they keep their youth!"

I smiled and ruffled his hair before he took my hand and walked with Mike and I.

"So...what exactly does that mean?" I asked.

"Well, I was eight a couple of weeks ago...but now I'm fourteen. Max said that elves age rapidly until the age of twenty two, I think. Did you know that Max is forty-eight?! He looks just like you, Rose and you're definitely not forty eight."

I laughed after I overcame my initial shock, placing a kiss on the top of his head as we walked towards the main room in the castle.

"I'll see you soon Tyler." I cupped his cheek softly before walking into the main hall of the castle on Michaelangelo's arm.

"Father." Michaelangelo spoke as we bowed in respect and his father nodded in recognition of us both.


"My son, Rose...I believe the time as come for the both of you to marry. I'm not getting any younger up here on this throne and I'm quite certain that your mother and I would like to retire...on your wedding day, we shall make the announcement of your name day as well and you both will be crowned King and Queen of Ganandor."

This took us both by surprise and I watched as Michaelangelo stood to protest to his father, before he turned to me and his expression softened.

"I...we will accept this offer father, and we wish you a healthy retirement."

I stood there, mouth agape as he bowed to his father and they embraced one another as his father stepped down from the throne.

He hugged me next, as well as Mike's mother before they congratulated us and smiled at us, dismissing us from the room.

This was the first time Michaelangelo had done what his father asked of him, and I was almost aching to find out why.

As we ascended the stairs to our room, I sighed and placed my hand on his arm, stopping him from going any further.

"Mike..." I started and he turned to me.

"Why did you accept the throne so easily? You've told me countless times that you didn't want to be King, I don't understand what changed."

He smiled and kissed me chastely before speaking.

"I want to call you my queen, and have little princes and princesses running around the castle. I love you Rose, and I want nothing more than to call you mine forever. I know that it's a little too late, seeing as how it's already been decided for us but-"

He knelt down on one knee and I nearly cried at the scene.

"Rose Burnett, will you marry me? Be my queen and love me for always, bear my children and promise to always keep me in your head and your heart?"

I smiled through the tears that leaked out of the corner of my eyes and nodded.

"Yes, Michaelangelo, I will. A thousand times, I will."

He grinned and picked me up, laughing as he bounced us and yelled at the top of his lungs.

"We're getting married!"

I laughed at him and he led me down the stairs, and out the palace gates.

"Mike where are you taking me?" I questioned as he pulled me along, out into the marketplace.

"I didn't quite do everything right..." He sighed as he stopped suddenly.

I furrowed my brow in confusion.

"What do you mean-" He cut me off by extending his arm and pointing towards the shop we were stopped in front of.

The sign read:

Isabel's Rings and Jewelry

I gasped as he led me into the store and scanned all of the cases filled with gorgeous jewels and gems, diamonds and rings twinkled in my eyes and Michaelangleo bent down to whisper in my ear.

"Pick whatever your heart desires my love, anything you want...it's yours."

I kissed him deeply before scouring the store, I didn't want to appear snobbish but I wanted something that symbolized my love for him.

The woman who worked the store turned to face us and bowed politely.

"Your majesties, I'm so happy to see you in my shop! Oh goddess, how she's blessed me so, please do come and take your pick the both of you. I'll call my husband to the front."

"Vernon! Come, we have guests!" She bellowed into the back of the store.


"Calm down Isabel, we always have guests at the-" He bowed quickly and Mike and I chuckled lightly.

"It's alright, for now we're just browsing customers, don't let our status deter you from being too friendly." Michaelangelo spoke.

Isabel led me to various cases, speaking highly of the jewels and gems they have, while Vernon showed Michaelangelo a case of wedding bands.

"Those rubies actually were sold to us once they came down the mountain themselves- and those emeralds I cleaned myself. If you'd like I can show you some rare stones as well..."

Her rushed words became white noise eventually and I surveyed the shop for myself before my eyes set upon one stone in particular.

"I could tell you stories about that one! Oh goodness, Vernon nearly shit himself pulling that one out-" She stopped her anecdote and turned her gaze to where I was looking and smiled, leading me towards the case.

"This is one of them stones I was telling you about girlie, let me take it out for you." She smiled.

I waited patiently for the stone as she pulled it from the case and I leaned eagerly towards her as she unwrapped it from the shining cloth.

I gasped and held my hand to my mouth, obviously Michaeangelo must have heard this because he turned his head to look at me and raised an eyebrow.

I nodded as if to tell him that I'd found the ring I wanted to wear for the rest of my life.

"It's called dragon stone, it's one of the rarest pieces of stone you can find anywhere in the world. If you'd like we can shave it down and it won't rest so large on your finger."

I shook my head, not because I wanted the ring to be large, but because I couldn't imagine cutting into anything so precious.

"Let us find a ring to fit it then, shall we? It's an oval size, so perhaps something thin and maybe black?"

I nodded and she searched in the back for a few moments, coming back to the front for a moment before asking me to slip on and sizing it perfectly.

Next, she slipped the stone into the ring band itself and smiled appreciatively at her work.

"Would you like to try it on milady?"

I nodded, still in awe of such a stone.

She slipped the ring onto my finger, just as Michaelangelo walked up to us, a box in his hand.

"My love...it suits you so." He smiled, kissing my cheek as he admired the stone.

"Oh, Michaelangelo...it's beautiful." I admired the stone on my hand once more before slipping it off of my finger and letting the woman clean and wrap it for us.

"Then you shall have it." He took my hands in his, kissing my knuckles once before turning to Vernon and Isabel.

"How much do we owe you?" He asked.

Isabel held up her hands and shook her head.

"Nothing of course, perhaps if you have it in your heart...an invitation to the royal wedding?"

Her husband nudged her as if her question was out of line and I nodded, before speaking.

"Of course, it's yours. Your invitation will reach you shortly."

Michaelangelo took a pouch from his pocket soon after I spoke and tossed it on the counter, letting it hit with a loud thump. Gold coins spilled from the pouch and he nodded at Vernon, smiling at the both of them.

"A king always pays his debts." He nodded towards them and led me out of the shop before anymore words could be spoken.


We reached the top of the tower soon after we toured the city a little more and before long our clothes were strewn about the room.

"I think I definitely succeeded this time." Mike teased, earning a laugh from me.

"I guess we will have to wait and see won't we? Do you mean to bed me before our wedding Michaelangelo? What would your parents say?" I joked.

He shook his head and chuckled as he leaned back agains the pillows.

"I think it's a little late for that, I've taken you countless times since we met, but don't worry, I tend to honor us both."

We laughed and I sighed, as I felt my stomach rumble lightly.

"Someone is hungry, I'll send for some supper soon. For now it seems as though all we have is bread, cheese, grapes and wine."

I nodded and slipped on a robe, before heading towards the bathroom and washing my face.

"Mike?" I called from the bathroom.

"Yes, Rose?" He responded.

"You never did show me your ring." I spoke and I heard him rise from bed and walk over to me, holding a dark navy box in his hand.

"It's not nearly as beautiful of yours but..."

I smiled as I looked at his ring, it shone like obsidian and there was light tracings on the band, it was as black as his hair and it was perfect for him.

"I love it, and I can't wait to see you wear it Michaelangelo."

He wrapped his arms around my waist, and turned me to look at him.

"I can't wait to call you mine, Rose."

We embraced each other once more, before the same knocking came at the door and he groaned in protest.

"What?" He swung it open, still fiddling with the ties on his robe.

"Mike...it's Jack- he, he killed him."

Max's voice spoke in hurried tones and I stiffened at the mention of his name again.

"Who, who did he kill Max?"

"Ellie's husband, she's here in the palace right now. They're tending to her wounds but she's still in shock, she can't even speak."

I ran back into the bathroom and pulled on the thin dress I'd received when I first came to Ganandor, along with riding boots and I pulled my hair into a braid.

Michaelangelo was still conversing with Max when I came out of the bathroom, and he was changed into saddle pants, a cotton shirt and a vest, his boots were also riding boots and he stood to greet me.

"Rose, we have to move now. Ellie came here but she barely escaped within an inch of her life, thank the gods that someone from our portal saw what was happening while roaming the human realm."

I nodded and took his hand as Max rushed us down the stairs and towards the entrance of the castle.

Michaelangelo's parents were there and they ushered us out of the castle safely, kissing us both on the forehead and giving me a bow and Mike a sword as they led us towards two horses that stood outside of the palace gates.

Before we could mount, we heard various screams coming from down the streets of the marketplace.

My heart raced as I heard a familiar growl, followed by the sounds of other growls and I looked to Mike.

"Rose, come out now, I know you don't want anyone else to die!" He exclaimed and I shook my head, placing my foot in the stirrup of the saddle before I heard a voice.

This voice was smaller, weaker and it sounded afraid.

"Rose...come out now, or this boy dies."


He held Tyler by the throat, his feet barely touching the ground and despite Michaelangelo and Max's pleas, I went to him.

"Jack! Stop it! Let him go."

I pushed my way through various people and stood fifteen feet away from him.

"Hello, baby."

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