《The Alpha's Rose.》Possibilities


-Rose POV-

We must have been holed up in the hotel room for days before anyone but room service came knocking on the door.

Michaelangelo looked up from his pancakes with a furrowed brow.

"Are we expecting someone?"

I questioned.

He shook his head and grabbed a pair of pants from the floor before slipping them on and twisting the handle of the door.

"Hi is there a Rose Burnett here?"

I quickly became intrigued at the sound of my name and I walked up behind my mate.

"That's me, is something wrong?"

The man I recognized as one of the members from my old pack turned his attention to me.


He bowed and I became confused at his sign of respect.

I wasn't Luna to him or Michaelangelo's pack, so why keep the politeness?

"I've come to discuss matters pertaining to my Alpha."

My eyes widened and I nodded to Michaelangelo, he opened the door wider.

"Please sit, would you like anything to drink?"

I offered.

"No it's alright, I won't be here long. Listen, I know we never really got close when you were Luna but I really thought you should know.."

He trailed off as he stared out at the snowy storm outside.

"Know what?"

Michaelangelo questioned.

"Alpha Jack, he's lost his mind. The women he married, he lets them control anyone and everyone. It wasn't really a problem until my wife spoke against them and he moved to have her executed."

He hung his head and I felt my eyes widen in shock.

"I talked him out of it, but...there's just something off about him. He talks to himself, he's constantly in between shifting and staying sane, his wolf...I think it craves more power."

He continued, I listened to him speak about the atrocities that occurred and what Jack had allowed.

"Your wife...is she safe?"

Michaelangelo asked.

"As safe as I could get her. After I talked him out of execution he wanted her chained in the cellar and wouldn't settle for less so I fled with her. We left a few days ago and haven't looked back, once we crossed the border I made sure to inform all surrounding pack Alpha's of our intent."

I nodded in understanding as he stood and cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry if I was intruding, I just really needed you to know."


He looked to me.

"It's alright, I'm glad you came here. Who is your wife? Did I know her?"

He nodded.

"She's Ellie. The pack doctor."

The same woman who told me of Jack's "decision".

"There is another thing before I go.."

I turned to face him once more.

"Ellie told me before she left that Jack was planning something- something big. She said, he's looking for some powerful female. The male that attacked our Alpha left him in a sorry state and now he's obsessed with becoming the most powerful Lycan."

I turned back to face the window.

"Thank you. I will take your words without doubt and put them to good use."

I heard the door click shut soon after and I knew he was gone.

Michaelangelo soon came up from behind me, I could feel the rage pouring off of him.

"What are we going to do?"

He asked.

"First, we'll meet with your father. Today is the eighteenth so we're meeting him for wedding plans. We'll have to go back to Ganandor eventually and talk to Max, if Jack is coming after me he's not going to hold back."

I suddenly felt weak, the mark on my hand started to sear in pain and I sat on the couch.

"Rose? Are you alright?"

Michaelangelo questioned as I laid down.

"Rose maybe we should take it easy, I'll go to lunch with my parents. You should stay here."

I shook my head.

"Jack is looking for an opportunity where I'll be vulnerable. I can't give him that."

Michaelangelo only kissed my forehead in response.

He knew I was right.


"This is all you know?"

His majesty spoke with authority, even if it was just a question.

"Yes father, he will come for her soon. The man who delivered this message looked frightened, he fled for the safety of his wife."

Michaelangelo's father nodded in response, taking a sip from his wine before placing it back down.

We sat at the top floor of a restaurant, the lights were dimmed and there were very few people up here so the volume was lowered as well.

"Very well, we will place you both in Ganandor. For the remainder of this crisis you're both on surveillance."

We looked to each other and nodded before settling up in the restaurant and heading back to the hotel.


"At least we'll get to see Max again."

I sighed as I threw my clothes into my suitcase sat atop the bed.

"Staying in the palace won't be as luxurious as you think, there will be so many people at your beck and call you won't even know what to do with them. I'm sure Tyler will be happy to see you again though."

Michaelangelo smiled at me as he walked from the bathroom with his shaving kit in his hand.

"Well I suppose that is a perk."


As we left the portal once more I struggled to regain my balance.

"I don't think I'll ever truly be used to going through the portal."

I said as we walked towards the palace.

"It gets easier with time, Max once left with his cloak and came out naked on the other side. To this day I really can't figure out how he lost it."

I stifled a laugh as Max walked towards us from the gates of the palace.

"We meet again, it's good to see you again Rose."

He smiled and bowed lightly as he spoke.

"It's good to see you too Max."

I nodded.

"You both will be staying in the tower, your father insisted you be placed in the most readable point in the castle."

Max spoke as we walked up the large stairs of the castle foyer.

Before I could question him a small voice spoke from behind me.

"Lady Rose!"

Tyler ran towards me and I smiled as I set my duffle bag on the floor to kneel down.

"Hey there, how have you been Tyler? Have they treated you nicely?"

He nodded furiously as he took my hand and walked with us.

"I love it here, my mother always told me stories of what the palace was like but I never believed her until you brought me here. I never thought I'd ever see the inside of the castle no less the kingdom. Thank you, lady Rose."

I squeezed his hand before smiling down at him.

"Of course, I'm glad to have helped you Tyler. Even your mother would be proud of the man you will become when I'm finished with you."

I winked at him as he continued to walk up the stairs with us.

We neared the room quickly, leaving Max and Tyler behind they he heaved in a struggle to catch up.

"I thought Max was a Lycan?"

I questioned.

Michaelangelo turned to me and shook his head.

"Why would you think that? No, he's an elf. It looks like that high tolerance for alcohol doesn't always come in handy."

He mumbled to me and pinched my bum playfully.

"Well, here we are. The tower. Here are the keys, the guards will be switched every few hours. Goodbye."

I almost felt relief for Max as he started his descent down the stairs.

Tyler spoke.

"Lady Rose?"

I turned to face him.

"Is it true that one day you'll be the queen?"

He questioned sheepishly.

"Well, we'll have to see. Technically it's true, but that doesn't always mean it's going to happen."

I tried to explain it to him without giving him access to the knowledge about my fate.

"I hope it does happen Lady Rose. You'd be a great queen."

He bowed once more before following Max down the stairs.

I turned back around to face Michaelangelo as he started to put the key into the large door.

"He's right. You will make a good queen."

He kissed my cheek and let me enter the room first as he pushed the door open.

The room smelled of cinnamon and pumpkin, the floors were covered with maroon and purple colored carpets and lanterns hung from the ceiling.

I smiled as I moved towards the bedroom where I found another fireplace, a large bed with plenty of blankets that looked soft and plush. A wall of books caught my eye and I turned to face my mate.

"This is perfect."

I spoke.

He took my hand and led me towards the small window.

"It gets better."

He winked as he pulled a small decorative bust backwards.

Suddenly the window expanded and doubled in size in front of our eyes. From here we could see the whole kingdom, most of it was beautiful indeed with plenty of green grasses and blue trees flourishing.


I breathed.

Michaelangelo was suddenly behind me, kissing my neck and holding my waist.

"Welcome home."

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