《The Alpha's Rose.》Strong


----Rose's POV----

"Yes, yes now come both of you, get dressed and come down into the study."

Michael and I looked at each other, dumb founded and shocked.

"You didn't...you know, tell your dad anything did you?"

I asked as I clipped my bra on and slipped on a random shirt.

"No, I don't understand why he would be calling us down...especially now."

He muttered.

After descending the stairs my mind started to race.

What if we were in trouble?

What would we be in trouble for?

My thoughts were cut short by Michaelangelo squeezing my hand in reassurance.

"You're shaking."

He said, looking into my eyes.

I didn't answer.

I didn't have to, I was shaking and he already knew why.

"No matter what happens, you and I are together, until the very end. No one, not even my father can tear us apart, no matter what it's you...you who makes me strong. If that makes me a pussy, then so be it."

He said, as he brought his hand up to my face, swiped his thumb across my cheek and caught a rogue tear.

I nodded my head and let him lead me into his father's office.

"One moment."

The other side called, shuffling, and soon I was face to face with the intimidating King.

"Come in, we have much to talk about."

We obeyed and walked into the musky office, taking a seat on the couch directly across from his majesty's desk.

"It has come to my attention that the both of you have mated, this may or may not result in a child being produced, now if it comes to that we will be fully supportive of the both of you, since in the future your 'marriage' will be your mating ceremony."


Michael squeezed my hand and smiled at me and I replied with a smile of my own.

"However...Mike, your mate is keeping secrets. Aria, our kingdom reader sensed that Rosie here...was brought out of her dream and into another dimension, isn't that right?"

Slowly, I felt Michael's hand slide out of mine and he turned to look at me.

I cleared my throat and felt the heat from my cheeks travel down to my neck.

"I-I....I um,"

The words were on the tip of my tongue, I wanted so desperately to tell Michaelangelo of what had happened but...my brain wasn't working with my mouth.

"I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to explain on the way to Montreal."

Hy head immediately snapped up to look at his majesty.

"Montreal? Father you must be joking-"

"Do I look like the type to joke around here? Go upstairs and pack your bags, there will be a car waiting for you outside in fifteen minutes."

With a quick wave of his hand he dismissed us.

"Go wait outside, I'll gather our things."

Michael said before heading up the stairs where the door slammed shut and I was left outside in the cold.


"Ready to go?"

Michael asked as he threw my coat at me and walked out of the house without waiting for me to respond.

As I was slipping my coat on I watched the tears from my eyes drop onto the hardwood floor.

I didn't realize that I was sobbing until Michael's mother gasp broke me from my trance.

"Oh dear....I'm so sorry he's being this way, but...my husband always has a way of dealing with things and if I know my husband, he's trying to help you. Mike will get through this phase and eventually be open with you, in the mean time, try to understand that he loves you...but he's also a fool for acting like a child."


She smiled and kissed both of my cheeks before escorting me towards the car.

"Now...wipe those tears pretty girl, there's no need for them."

She opened the door to the car and I hopped in.

As soon as I climbed into the vehicle and closed the door we were off, no checking to see if my seatbelt was buckled, no communication whatsoever.

"There's food and water by your feet."

Michael mumbled after my stomach protested.


I responded and grabbed a water bottle from the floor.


Over the next few hours the silence in the car was killing the both of is, I could feel the tension building up between him and his wolf.

Just as a I was about to speak he decided to go first.

"You know you could've at least told me about your little 'fiasco' with the dreams instead of hiding it from me, last time I checked we were mates."

He glared through the windshield, refusing to even look at me.

"You know what you're right, we ARE mates, and mates are supposed to support each other and never pass judgment on something they knew nothing about. You told me you would wait until I was ready."

I responded now feeling not only angry but stressed as well.

"I could understand if you told me but I guess your trust issues are too much for me to handle aren't they?"


"I guess so."

I replied, feeling more hurt than angry now, I heard him sigh but before be could say anything else I plugged my headphones into my phone and turned my music up.

As the ride progressed I could feel him getting more and more upset, a part of me felt satisfied but the other part felt worried.

Just as I was about to open my mouth he reached over, grabbed my earbuds and ripped them from my ears.


I protested before he took the phone and chucked it out of the window.

"Michaelangelo! What the hell is the matter with you? If you had just-"

I stopped mid sentence feeling my stomach clench and the bile in my throat rise.

"Pull over. Now."

I managed to say before he stopped the car and I raced out, vomit spilling into the damp grass.

"Rose....Rose! Baby what's-"

I lifted a hand to stop him in his tracks as I stared at the contents of my stomach.


There was no trace of food anywhere...it was just blood.

"What is...oh my gods!"

He came up behind me as I fell to my knees, feeling weaker, light headed.


He turned my so that I was face him and swiped his thumb across my mouth, wiping the blood away.

"Please tell me what's going on...I need you to tell me. Please be okay, I'm so sorry."

He laid his head on my shoulder while I sat there a blank stare in my eyes, I felt...lifeless.

I didn't know how to react, my heart wanted nothing more than to take Michaelangelo into my arms and cry but my mind wandered into a cloudy trance.

I couldn't tell reality from my dreams.


His voice trailed into nothing and soon, it was dark.

'We meet again, Rose.'

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