《The Alpha's Rose.》Hold Me Close


-----Michaelangelo's POV-----

My wolf was being very pushy these past few hours.


The word kept repeating in my mind and I refused to believe it, I had lost track of time due to all this damn paperwork.

I was really craving the taste of my mate.

I finally decided to put my wolf out of his misery and walk down the stairs, and I couldn't believe my eyes.

Glass, there was glass all over the floor, counters and the chairs.

What looked to be the condiments of a sandwich were scattered on the floor next to...blood.


Surely not Rose's.

I called out for her.

"Rose?! Baby where are you?"

I searched through the entire house from cellar to attic.


She'd been taken.

I knew exactly where to go.

It was time to put that bastard Jack in his place.

I never thought he'd make good on his threats, the minute he told me she was his...it meant war.

I hopped into my uncle's truck and sped down the highway, not bothering to even call him and explain.

They had been out of the house for the past couple of weeks, they knew what the mating would call for and they did not want to be around when it was happening.

Just thinking of my beautiful mate made me want her even more.

The way her eyes sparkled with fire when I entered the room or the way she would tie her hair up for a shower, the beads of water trickling down her body as she washed herself.

Just the thought of my warm little mate made all of the blood from my body rush straight to my-


Mike, you're on a mission.

I floored the gas pedal and started planning my rescue.

-----------Rose's POV------------

They hand-fed him strawberries, desserts, anything.

What was he a child?

Jamie and Amy were more like his sex-slaves and servants if you asked me.

"Jack...please let me go, is this what you wanted? You wanted me to suffer without him here, I've suffered now please-"

He pushed his wives away.

"You think I want you to suffer? Damn it that's not what this is about! This is about US, we're mates dammit and if you think I'm going to let you whore around with that bastard you're wrong."


I felt my hands start to shake.

"You think this whole thing revolves around you. News flash, you left me for those two, you broke our bond and you pushed me into Mike's arms. I hate you and your women, damn you all to hades."

I felt a sting on my right cheek and I saw Jamie standing over me.

"Poor little withering Rose, are you honestly that dense? Jack was never with you for your love...he's always known about your powers."

She spoke.

Suddenly I stopped struggling and looked straight into Jack's eyes.

"T-that's not true, I loved you."


I opened my mouth to respond when another blow to the left side of my face was thrown at me.

"Don't even speak, you smell just like that ugly mate of yours. You're so pathetic, you and your-"

She was cut off by Jack's strong hold.

"Shut up Jamie, both of you go out for a while...Rose and I need to have a talk."

The two girls exchanged a look.

"Baby, she...you're not going to-you know..."

Jamie stuttered around her words and Jack rolled his eyes.

"I'll do whatever the hell I please, now get out of here, both of you."

They both glanced at me before scurrying out of the room quickly.

"Now...let's get you out of those ropes."

He walked closer to me, grabbing the knife from the table.

"J-Jack...please just let me go you don't have to-"

He placed a finger to his own lips.

"Shh come on baby, let's go upstairs. There's a lot we need to talk about."

He pulled me along as I rubbed my wrists, I just wanted to go home, to my mate.

"Go sit on the bed."

He pushed me towards the center of the room as he locked the doors behind us.

I felt tears stinging my eyes, I knew what he wanted and I didn't know what to do.

"You're so beautiful, tell me you love me."

He kissed my cheek and ran his hands through my hair as he stroked my face.

When I didn't stay it back he stopped and grabbed my face harshly.


"Say it back."

He demanded and when I didn't comply he knotted his hand in my hair, pulling my face back to look him in the eyes.

"One more chance, say. It. Back."

He growled as he became more and more agitated.

"I'm sorry Jack but, I cannot tell a lie."

He growled and narrowed his eyes as he pulled me off of the bed and threw me on the floor.

"You little bitch, by the end of the night you'll be begging for me to love you."

He struck me and straddled my chest, raising his fist up above his body.

Three broken fingers, two fractured ribs, a broken leg and a face swollen and bleeding with bruises was what happened if Jack didn't get his way.

"Do you love me yet?"

Jack spat venomously.


He kicked my face once more.


I coughed violently and watched as he pulled his leg back once more when the balcony window opened, rain started to fall hard as my tears hit the floor, wind started to pick up as I coughed up more and more and started to howl as I tried to stand on my broken leg.

"You sick bastard, trying to get me to say three words you'll never hear. I hate you, that's all you'll get from me because I will never love you. I love Michaelangelo, he's my mate, he's the only one who I will always love."

A hard shove to my shoulders made me stagger back, onto the balcony, rain, wind and all.

"If I can't have you, I won't let him take you from me."

Was he implying that he was going to kill me?

I didn't have time to think as his hands clasped around my throat, cutting off my air flow.

As I felt myself losing consciousness, Jack was suddenly thrown off me and pulled back into the room as the glass doors to the balcony shut.

I gasped as the burning of air rushing into my lungs shocked me and I tried to get back into the room, the door knob was slippery and I didn't have enough strength to pick myself up from the floor so I simply laid there, letting the cool pellets of rain drop down on my skin as I fell into a deep sleep.



I groaned as I tried to prop myself up on my elbow. Bad idea, a sharp pain ran up my arm as I sat up on it.

"Shh, please just rest. Don't even try, just lay down."

His voice rang through my ears as my vision focused and in front of me was the most gorgeous pair of chocolate eyes.

These eyes made my knees weak, my heart soar and my body tremble. They were his eyes, the eyes of my mate.

"Michaelangelo...you look terrible are you alright?"

I asked.

He looked at me, his face etched with worry.

"He-he hurt you, he hurt you real bad. I didn't think....I should've known that you were gone! I didn't listen to my wolf and because of it...you got hurt."

I felt sympathy for my mate, he was sitting there practically crying over...over me.

That's never happened before, never, not once did I ever see Jack cry when something happened to me.

When we fought, I was always in tears, when I was sick and in pain, still it was me in tears and now...my mate, my love the one person in this world who truly knew me, truly loved me, was in pain.

I wanted nothing more than to take it away, to throw the pain from his body into mine and tell him that everything would be alright.

We still sat in Jack's house, there was blood on the walls, mirrors, even the marble flooring. It has been quite a fight, but I couldn't bring myself to even thing about it.

"I think it's time we go home."

He sighed and ran his thumb over the back of my hand.

"We are home." He stated.

I shook my head, not understanding what he was trying to say.

"You've forgotten...we have a kingdom to run."

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