《The Alpha's Rose.》Heat


------Rose's POV-------

"You want to talk to God? Let's go see him together, I've got nothing better to do."

Harrison Ford's voice blared through the TV as I again tried to get comfortable with the pain in my lower abdomen.

"Are you alright?"

Michaelangelo asked as I flipped onto my side again.

Why he couldn't smell my arousal, I didn't know.

"Erm yeah...I'm just gonna go get something to drink, want anything?"

I asked, Michaelangelo shook his head and I slipped out of the bed and into the hallway.

I took a deep breath and wrapped an arm around my spasming stomach.

I groaned as I hobbled down the stairs and over to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water.

I nearly dropped the pitcher of water as my stomach spasmed again and again as I poured my glass.

I knew that I needed to be closer to Michaelangelo in order for the pains in my abdomen to stop hurting, but I also knew that if I did go back up there I risked doing something I might regret.

I trusted my mate and it was true that most mates mated with each other within the first hours of being together but my mate...it was different for us.

We still had a lot to discuss and as much as I wanted to be with him forever, I knew that it wasn't that simple.

"You know....the only way to get rid of a heat, is to mate."

Michaelangelo's voice whispered in my ear as his arms wrapped around my waist.

I gasped and gripped the glass as he planted kisses all along my jaw and neck, nuzzling the spot where my mark was.

I moaned and heard a cracking noise as the glass in my hand shattered and I watched as the palm of my hand healed itself and I spun around to face Michaelangelo.

"This is what I want...take me to bed."

I whispered against his chest and tilted my chin up to look him in the eyes.

I needed to be closer to him, to hell with modesty.

His eyes widened in surprise as he looked deeply into my eyes for any sign of my wolf taking over, when he saw none he scooped me up in his arms and ascended the stairs.


"This is...what you want?"

He asked again, for reassurance.

I nipped at his jugular once more before speaking.

"I just want you."

I gasped as he threw me onto the bed.

Skin against skin, lips to lips.

Hands all over, he always wanted to make sure I was comfortable.

He was amazing, unlike anything I had every experienced before...well mostly because this was my first time but as soon as he collapsed next to me for the second time and I touched his chest all he wanted to do was do it again.

I sighed at the third time he had woken me up...it was dawn.

I yawned as he ran his index finger down my side, from where his mark lay to my hip and up again.

"Have you even slept?"

I mumbled, exhausted from the previous nights activities.

"Sleep doesn't come easy when I'm laying next to you."

I smiled lightly and got up from the bed, stretching my limbs as I did so.

"I love you..."

He whispered into my hair as we walked into the bathroom.

I smiled up at him, as the warm water hit my hand, testing to see if it was ready.

My fingers worked their way to his scalp as I massaged the soap through his hair and kissed his chest, as that was the only part of his body I could reach...well standing up.

"I love you too."

Somehow it felt so right.

It never felt right with Jack...it felt forced, like someone was putting pressure on him to say those three words, and that person was me.


The rest of the week flew by, sex, passion, eat, sleep, sex.

We were in our own world, connected through mind, spirit and body. Michaelangelo's parents had given us the house for a while until we could decide on what we wanted to do with the kingdom and everything in between.

I was happy, glowing even.

I didn't care what else was going on in the world, because right now my mate loved me...and I him.

"Rose, love?"

Michaelangelo called for me, I sighed and walked into the office at the foot of the stairs.



I asked, he smiled as I leaned against the door frame.

"You look beautiful."

He winked as I rolled my eyes, I was dressed in one of my summer dresses.

It came down to about mid thigh, it's neckline dipped in between my breasts and it's reddish color made my hair appear more a more vibrant shade of blond.

"Is that all? I was in the middle of making your lunch."

I pouted.

It felt as though I hadn't eaten in days.

Everyday before I could even put food into my mouth Michaelangelo was there to tempt me into other activities.

"I'm sorry my love, come here."

I shook my head playfully.

"Oh no...I know exactly what is going to happen if I go over there and I am not risking that."

He laughed and beckoned me forward with his index finger as one of the buttons of his shirt popped off.

That was to be expected for a newly mated male wolf, their muscle tone increased and they grew about half a foot.

I felt myself whine as he cleared his desk off for me and I groaned as I ripped the dress off of my body and climbed onto the desk.


Two hours later I and I was starving.

"Have you lost weight?"

His voice took on a concerned tone.

"I have thanks to you."

I winked.

"I'm sorry."

He mumbled.

"Don't be."

I winked and he turned his body away as I slipped on my dress again.

"Please don't tease, I'm not anywhere near tired but I know you would kill me if I deprived you of another meal. So go."

He kissed me briefly and slapped my bum on the way out.

"Love you."

He winked as I walked out.

I smiled to myself as I walked into the kitchen to start making my sandwich again when I caught the scent of something strange, it smelled so familiar.

Suddenly it disappeared, and I shrugged it off, thinking I was being paranoid when I remembered that I hadn't asked Michaelangelo what he wanted with his food.

I shook my head, we always got so carried away, he was my dream, my everything.

I was so caught up in thinking about him that I didn't realize that the smell was back, until that voice sounded in my ears.

"Would you look at this Amy? It's the Alpha's Rose..."


"Do we wake her?" Jamie's annoying voice rang in my ears as the bag was thrown off my head,

"She's awake."

Jack suddenly growled.

"Jack! Let me go you bastard! My mate is-"

He interrupted.

"Not here, and he's not your mate...you're mine."

"You left me first! You left me in the dust as if I was garbage. I need to get back, please just let me go."

I started to panic, and watching Jack's face turn up into his smirk only fueled my anger.

"I was going to let you go after he came to get you but...I must say I'm enjoying this."

I growled.

"Fuck you!"

I spat at him, angered by his words.

"Oh you wound me darling."

I narrowed my eyes, now was not the time to get me pissed off.

"Come girls."

He smiled at the girls as they followed him into the dining room, parallel from where I was sitting, tied up in a chair.

He called up Jamie first, then Amy, they made out as the dinner was being prepared.

I ignored my stomach's protests as I saw them bring out rotisserie chicken and all of the other foods.

Jack was toying with me, trying to get into my head.

It was working, and I hated every minute of it.

Their tongues danced together in a disgusting sort of manner, before he pushed her away and moved on to the next one, they were practically throwing themselves at him without any sort of self-respect.

It hurt too much to bear and I couldn't hold it in anymore and finally...I roared.

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