《The Alpha's Rose.》Tell me the Truth


-------Rose's POV--------

We had gone back to the cabin, leaving Max behind in the kingdom.

I didn't think I would ever get used to the portal transportation and how it spit us out so abruptly.

I didn't realize I was clutching onto Michaelangelo's cloak so tightly until I literally pried my fingers from it.


I said as I took a step back from him.

"I um...I think we should head home. There's some unsolved business with my parents."

I continued as Michaelangelo nodded and we walked back into the cabin in silence.


The car ride was very awkward, silence filled every crevice of the car.

He finally broke the silence when he spoke up.

"I shouldn't have lied to you about my parents."

I rolled my eyes.

"You shouldn't have." I agreed.

We neared the house.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep so many things from you. I know it seems strange, but I wanted to protect you from all of it, I was going to tell you everything. But...it's so distracting when we kiss, when I'm near you all I can think about is being with you." He admitted.

I sighed, feeling him take my hand in his and my wolf's stirring come to a stop.

"No more secrets, Michaelangelo." I spoke firmly.

"No more secrets, Rose." He smiled as he kissed the back of my hand and parked the car.

At once, my parents ran from the house towards us.

"Rose! Sweetheart please don't ever do that again, we love you and we're so sorry that we lied but...you have to understand-"

I held up a hand.

"All I want, is an explanation. Just the truth."

We walked back into the house and took a seat in the foyer.

"You were only three months old when your father and I found you. You were so beautiful and we were trying so hard to have a baby...you were a gift from the gods. You were just there in a basket on the side of the road, we found you with that name tag around your neck and well you know the rest. There was a letter that came with you...I've been saving it for you for all these years. I'll go get it."


Mom left with dad following behind her.

There I was, left with Michaelangelo in the same room. I wanted to kiss him, to feel his hard chest under my hands and his soft lips against my neck.

"Rose," he said huskily.

"Yes?" I replied in a dazed voice.

"Your mother has something for you." He chuckled and I blushed, realizing I'd been staring at him for a long time.

She sighed and handed me a piece of paper, folded up with my name on it.

'My dearest Rose...

In your life..you will have to face many obstacles, many of which include love but believe me when I say that love only comes in one form for you...Royalty.

His name is Michaelangelo and you must treasure him as much as he treasures you if possible.

The man you presume to be your mate will betray you, and you'll think you will never be able to recover.

You will recover from that, and you are stronger than you think you are. My daughter, there are many things I wish I could teach you, show you and explain to you but there isn't much time.

I have much faith in you my love, never forget that.



I read the letter over and over until I closed my eyes and spoke.

"Michaelangelo, can you leave us here for a moment please? I need to speak with my parents."

He looked unsure.

"There's a small bar down the road, I saw it when we passed. Go get something to drink, this is going to take a while." I practically begged him before he placed a kiss on my lips and left.

"So you kept this letter from me for years, before Jack and everything. This really could've saved my ass mom." I held my head in my hands and sighed loudly.

"Sweetheart I'm so sorry, I never read the letter and...I didn't know how to tell you that we weren't your parents."

"Mom, as far as I'm concerned the adoption doesn't change anything. Yes, it's a little freaky that I'm half witch but it can't seriously be that uncommon."


"It's very rare for a male to go and seek a non wolf woman to mate with." My father replied and my mother nodding in agreement.

"Either way, it would've been nice to know. This wouldn't have changed how I felt about you two, you're still my parents. Now, is there anything else you're keeping from me?"

They shook their heads before my mom wrapped her arms around me, crying into her handkerchief.

"I have to go find Michaelangelo, we have to go take care of some things. I'll see you soon, I love you both." I hugged both of them before

tracing Michaelangelo's scent to a bar.

He was seated at the bar and minding his own business. Strands of his hair fell into his eyes, making my fingers twitch at the ache to brush them away.

I stood there watching him for a few moments more until I finally decided to walk in.

This was a big mistake.

I watched as a girl walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, without warning she brought her lips to his and my anger became unleashed.

My eyes narrowed as I walked up to the both of them as Michaelangelo pushed her away.

I spun her around with my arm receiving a malice laced question in return.


She sneered.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kiss you."

I spoke before bringing my fist back punching her in the face.

"I can't believe you did that."

Michaelangelo breathed as he dragged me out to his car.

I shrugged.

"She touched what was mine."

He stopped abruptly.

"Say it again."

I sighed and suddenly felt self conscious.

"You're mine." I said softly.

"Damn right." He kissed me, taking my hand in his and leading us from the bar towards his car.


On the way home he talked to me about his childhood, stories of how he got his scar trying to reach a cookie jar, how his parents would always try to put him to bed but he would always escape.

He held my hand the entire time, speaking enthusiastically.

"What about you? Did you ever get into trouble as a child?"

He winked.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.


Before I could even get so much as a sentence out, headlights blinded me and the truck smashed into our car.


"You owe me so much for this...I know I'm your mate but damn you are heavy as fuck!"

I groaned in pain as I pulled my mate out of the water.

After the head on collision the car flew off the edge of the highway and into a lake.

How we managed to float out of the car I have no idea, I only remember the pounding of the water against my chest and holding Michaelangelo's hand as the car sunk further.

"C'mon....there we go."

I huffed as I laid him down in the cold sand.

I didn't have a cell phone so there was no way for me to call anyone.

I sat there, dizzy and tired holding his hand and making sure he was still alive.

When he started to cough up water I almost died of relief, but when he opened his eyes it made me dizzier from excitement.

"Rose...thank the gods, I thought I lost you."

He hugged me close and pulled away to examine me.

"You're bleeding...how did we get out? Oh god, there's so much blood."

I remember feeling a smile on my face as he laid me down in the sand.

"It's okay, you're safe."

I reached up to brush my fingers along his cheek as I felt something soft pressed to my head and I closed my eyes.

"You're safe..."

I mumbled before I fell into a warm slumber.

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