《The Alpha's Rose.》Love and HIM


--------Rose's POV---------

I sighed as I placed the syrup, butter and coffee on the table. I set the hot pancakes on Michaelangelo's plate and placed a couple on mine on opposite sides of the table.

I was brought out of my own mind by the warm chocolatey scent of my mate.

"Good morning delicious."

He winked at me.

I blushed under his gaze and cleared my throat before speaking.

"The bacon's done so I'll bring it here here. Sit down."

I said as I pulled a chair out for him, he smiled at me gratefully and grabbed my hips before I turned towards the stove.

We walked to the table together so I could plate the rest of the bacon.

As I moved to sit, Michaelangelo pulled my chair out for me before going and taking his own seat.

"It smells amazing, I can't wait."

He cut through this pancakes and took a few bites as we spoke to each other over our food.

Eventually the nagging in the back of my mind became too much and the question that was itching to be asked came out.

"Why...why do you not want to kiss me?"

This question seemed to throw him off guard as his body stiffened and he put his fork down on his plate.

"It's nothing like that...but I'm glad you brought this up now."

He wiped his mouth and took a drink of water before setting his glass down and looking to me.

"In our pack, a kiss is a symbolization of two mates who will soon enter into a mating ceremony. A mating ceremony, is a lot more complicated than you would think."

I furrowed my brow, as this confused me.

"But a mating ceremony is just to celebrate the two the gods have brought us together."


I spoke.

He sighed and shook his head, running his hands down his face.

"In our pack, the mating ceremony is the first step in eternity together and the last step as an unnamed mated pair."

He replied, I still wasn't following.

"I don't understand Michaelangelo, what does that mean?"

He sat back in his chair.

"Rose. The mating ceremony is the wedding, I won't kiss you because I would never put that kind of pressure on you. Marriage is a big deal and it's important to me that you never feel as though you have to do anything even for me."

My heart soared and I felt excitement flutter around in my stomach.

"Do you not want to marry me?"

I questioned carefully.

He reached across the table and grabbed my hand gently.

"There is nothing more that I would want in this life than to be able to call you mine forever, but I will not take that choice away from you. You are so young, and I want you to enjoy it before we make everything official and take the titles of Luna and Alpha."

"How old are you?" I asked.

"I'm twenty-seven."

My eyes widened in surprise. He looked younger, I would've guessed he was 24, maybe.

"This is my choice."

"It is." He replied.

He looked into my eyes as he spoke and I felt a smile making its way to my lips.

"Then you'll kiss me."

His eyes widened in surprise but he still stood up and walked over to me.

"This is really what you want?" He asked.

"Yes." I breathed as he leaned down, his lips barely a whisper above my cheek.


"Michaelangelo, please-"

I didn't need to repeat myself, his lips were on mine in an instant. They were soft and full, each one better than the last, I stood and pulled his neck down to reach me and get closer if that were even possible. His lips moved against mine like it was his first and last kiss, desperate and feverish for more.


He lifted me up and walked to the couch where he sat us both down, with me on his lap. He trailed his kisses down towards the mark near my collar bone and I gasped as his lips made electricity shoot through my body.

"Do it." I whispered.

His canines extended and he marked me, this time it was my choice. My mind was opened to his, and his to mine. I saw all the important memories he had stored, and I smiled as I felt him hugging my body closer to his. I'd never experienced anything close to this with Jack.

I never wanted it to end.

WHOA THERE...I'm so so sorry about that. I know it was crap and you probably hate me, I've had a lot going on but I'm not making anymore excuses. Thanks for keeping up with this story guys and I'm so sorry for the wait. I promise I'll upload a lot more often now, thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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