《The Alpha's Rose.》Pain and Remorse


--------------Rose's POV-------------

Intense pain, is all I felt.

Hours of excruciating and unimaginable pain, as my bones popped in and out of place. My body quivered and writhed this way and that, I was scared.

I didn't know what was happening to me and I had forgotten how to speak, my tongue had gotten thicker and was almost impossible to form words.

"Pick her up, we have to get her to Aaron before she dies."

Michaelangelo's voice boomed in my ears as I felt myself being picked up off the ground and set on something smooth, leather?

I wasn't sure what was happening but all I knew was they were driving me somewhere and my body couldn't handle the pain any longer.

Soon, I couldn't hear anything anymore and finally darkness clouded my sight and I was gone.


When I awoke, the sun was just peeking over the clouds and settling nicely in the pink-blue sky.

I looked around the room and down to my hands where a head of black hair rested next to my left thigh and I knew my mate had stayed with me for however long I had stayed in...wherever I was.

I was on a hospital bed but as I took in my surroundings it didn't look as though I was in a hospital.

My mate breathed in and stretched his arm out as his other hand was in mine, he slowly looked up to where my head lay.

"Rose, when-how long have you...I'm so glad you're ok. I'm so sorry, please say you'll forgive me. I didn't know, I honestly didn't know, if I could take it back I would I promise you, just please don't leave me."

I remained silent, as I didn't know what he was talking about.


He didn't know? He didn't know what?

Before I had time to ask him, a man walked through the door.

"Dr. Aaron, Rose is awake."

The man nodded towards me, taking his stethoscope from around his neck.

"Yes it would appear so."

He replied sarcastically.

I smiled.

"Well, given your case I'm going to let you go. You may use the shower an-"

I cut Dr. Aaron off there.

"Wait! What do you mean 'my case'? Where the hell am I? Why am I not in a real hospital, and where are my parents?"

I started to become angry just as the skies started to cloud over the beautiful sun and thunder started to pound in the sky like a never ending rumble of timpani.

"Calm down, please. If you don't, you're endangering the lives of everyone."

My fists unclenched and instead of anger, panic settled in my stomach.

The skies cleared yes, but the thunder never ceased, perhaps it was the thundering in my ears.

"What do you mean? What..what's going on?"

I asked, before Dr. Aaron could respond my parents came rushing through the doors.

"You're awake! Are you alright? How do you feel?"

She stroked my hair and I sighed.

"Mom I'm alright, I just need to know what's going on."

She nodded in understanding.

"What do you remember?"

She questioned.

"Michaelangelo marked me and I passed out."

I mumbled.

It was frustrating and made me feel helpless, I couldn't even recall anything that had happened three weeks ago.

"Well, yes but sweetheart...there's more."

Mom spoke, and I wanted to hear more but just then a woman walked in from the hallway.

"Found some clothes Aaron, these should fit perfectly. Oh! You're awake."

She smiled at me and I responded with a smile of my own.


"There's a shower in the back, here are some fresh clothes. Go ahead and keep them, I was going to throw them away anyway."

She said as she thrust the clothes in my direction and pointed down the hallway.

The warm water washed the stench from my body, I never thought I would love soap and water as much as I loved it in this moment.

As I stepped out, the cold nipped at my skin and I shivered as goosebumps spread across my body.

The dress fit pretty snug and the shoes weren't something I would usually wear but what other option did I have?

I walked down the hall, that seemed to grow miles longer with every step. I finally reached the end and saw my mate's back tense as he inhaled.

He flung out of his chair and walked towards me, his eyes darkening as he took in my appearance.


He whispered before he lowered his head and kissed up and down my neck.

My mother cleared her throat before speaking.

"Rose sweetheart, please. Sit."

Mom said as she fumbled with her hands.

"Mom? What's going on?"

I asked slowly as dad took mom's hands in his and she took a deep breath, this was scaring me.

"Sweetheart, sit please."

Mom said again as I realized I was still standing, before my mate pulled me down by my hips and set me on his lap.

I decided against fighting him, I needed this contact.

"Your father and I...we haven't been entirely truthful. I don't know how else to put this other than...Rose, you're adopted."

My chest caved inwards towards my heart and my temples pounded in sync.

"You're mother, was Lily Reign and she...was a witch."

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