《The Coach's Daughter》Chapter 30


I get discharged the next morning and when I arrive at home, there are red roses on the table. My heart swells for a second. Sure, the car ride home was awkward but maybe my parents do care deep down.

The hope quelches the second I open the note:


Hope you're feeling better when you receive these. I was really worried about you yesterday and I've realized... you're more than just a friend to me. Call me when you get a chance.

There's no name on the card but I assume that they're from Zack, and I have to contain myself from shouting. When I pick up my phone to call him, he's already texted me. Checking the perimeters first, I open the message.

Don't reply: how r u feeling?

I know I should probably change his ID on my phone but it's honestly safer if everyone just has code names so my parents don't know who's texting me.

Amelia: i'm good. Thank u for the flowers

He takes a while to respond, in which time I find a vase to fill with water and put the roses in. I've never received flowers from a boy before. It brings a little bit of a smile to my face. I'm surprised my parents even brought the flowers inside and didn't just leave them out to die or something.

Finally, my phone lights up with a new text.

Don't reply: flowers?

Is he playing dumb or something?

Amelia: the roses u dropped off at my house. They are from you, right?

The second the text sends, my heart sinks with realization. Rushing back to the card, I analyze the handwriting. It's definitely not Zack's.

Don't reply: i'm coming over

Panic rises in my chest. I try to push it away. The flowers are probably from my friends or the neighbors, right? I know that I'm lying to myself. A gut feeling is rarely wrong.

It takes me a while to disable the location tracker on my phone and sneak out, and I can tell that Zack is anxious when I meet him outside. It's a rigid uneasiness. When he catches sight of me, he doesn't soften like he usually does. Something is definitely wrong.

"Hey," I greet as casually as possible.

"Hey," he replies.

My mind searches for something to say and I feel my hands start to fuss with each other. Why do I feel so nervous?


"What are we doing, Amelia?" he asks finally.

I pause. "What do you mean?" I ask quietly. I'm being frustrating; I know. But I can't bring myself to just suck it up and admit my feelings.

His eyes are bright and they bore into me, trying to read me. Then his guard drops. "I like you. I know Jaden has a thing for you and your parents fucking hate me but I like you. I can't stop." He doesn't even blink. "I don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks. I just want you."

He waits for me to say something as I'm taking it all in. My lips part. His face drops.

I lurch forward and wrap him in a hug. "I want you, too," I say. My heart is beating so hard that I can hear it in my ears.

His eyes close as he draws me closer. "Say it again," he requests, voice low.

"I want you."

He pulls me in even closer, pressing his lips into my hair, and I bask in the warmth between us. For the first time in a long time, my body is overtaken by joy.---

An icky feeling of dread dominates my stomach as I press Jaden's number. He picks up on the first ring.

"Hey, Amelia! Did you get my flowers?" he asks warmly.

"Yeah, I did. Thank you." I play with the strings on Zack's hoodie, keeping my voice low in my closet.

"You're welcome," he says. He clears his throat. "Amelia, I know that you and Zack are... talking."

I can't bear to let him go on. "We're together now," I tell him. My eyes close in pain at the speed of my voice. I could have been more casual about it.

His breathing goes still on the other side. "Oh," he says. "Really?"

"Yeah." Silence.

"You know Zack doesn't do relationships, right?" Jaden says.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend," I reply.

Another silence. Then, a scoff escapes him. He's never scoffed at me before and when he speaks his tone is uncharacteristically harsh. "Yeah? Well, feel free to throw the roses away. If you haven't already."

My heart drops at the betrayal in his voice. "Jaden, you're a really important friend to me. To both of us," I say.


"Just stop, Amelia," he says bitterly. "I don't need your pity."

"It's not pity," I insist, trying to keep my voice low still. "You're honestly one of the best guys I've ever met-"

"Just forget it. Seriously. I've dealt with rejection once. I can do it again."


I hear him take a deep breath and when he speaks again, his tone is a little calmer. "I just need some space, okay? See you around." With that, he hangs up.

I guess everyone really does leave eventually.


"Amelia Christine Hayes, get down here right now!"

My mom's shouts from downstairs, the first time she's even addressed me in days, startle me to the point that my body jolts in shock and my writing goes haywire. A large mark now covers my Lang notes. A lump forms in my throat as I get up and scurry downstairs.

My mom sits at the head of the dining table, her black hair tied back in a sleek bun. Her contour is stronger than normal. Dressed in a white top and pink apron, no one would consider her a threat if it wasn't for the deadly glare on her face. I imagine her as a snake ready to devour its prey in any second.

My dad sits on her left, indicating that I should sit on the right. He looks like this is the last place he wants to be.

My mom's beady eyes watch me sharply as I pull out my chair without a sound and take a seat on the hard cushion. My head starts to bow down.

"Why do you think you're here?" she asks crisply, lips tight. I hate when she does this. Obviously, she knows why I'm here.

"I'm sorry, mom," I apologize immediately. When I was younger, I used to try and reply with things like "I don't know" or legitimate answers. None of these were ever the right response.

"You lied to me. You're dating that boy," she spits.

I didn't lie to you. You never asked. How does she even know? My eyes trail to my dad. Someone must have told him.

"I'm sorry, mom." I take a breath and look up to match my eyes to hers. "I should've told you before. Zack's my boyfriend and I really like him."

Her mouth opens in disbelief like there's no way I could have betrayed her this badly. It quickly transforms into anger.

"I come to this country to provide a better life for my child and she's off playing with boys like some little slut instead of focusing on her future," she sneers.

Hot tears fill my eyes but I don't dare let them fall. "I'm not a slut," I say clearly. "Nothing has changed. I'll still study and practice piano and everything you want, so why can't you be happy for me?"

"You know why! You're not allowed to date until after college!" Her voice is rising.

"You let Daniel date," I point out.

She even had his girlfriends over for dinner and went shopping with them, like they're her own daughters.

"Your brother works hard," she argues, emphasizing each syllable.

"And I don't?" I ask, utterly hurt. All of this time, I figured that my parents never complimented me because they wanted me to stay focused because they hold me to a higher standard. Tough love. I never imagined that it was because they don't notice how hard I try. "All my life, I've done everything you asked me to. I spend all my weekends studying, never go to games or dances, never ask you for money... I'm 16, mom. I found a boy who likes me and I like him. Most moms would be happy for me."

"So you hate your mother, is that what you're saying?" she threatens. "Look at you. You start hanging out with that trash and now you're betraying your own mother. I can't believe I raised such an ungrateful child like you."

Her words slice into my skin like knives. I don't want to fight. "Mom, I..."

"Go upstairs. I don't want to see your face."

My head starts to fall and I bite down on my lip to stop it from trembling. Then I run. I run upstairs and go to my desk. I study all night as if this will make her suddenly accept me again. I wait for her to come up and try to talk it out. I wait for someone to call me down for dinner.

I fall asleep empty.

A/N: Oof ok chapter 30. Tbh idek if anyone will read this but if u are, just know I appreciate u sm, and all of your stars and reads mean so much to me!

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