《MC's Viking Warriors- Mouse #2》Elle


After the most amazing plate of food and an amazing conversation, Derek pays the bill and we walk from the diner side by side. Looking up at his massive frame to reach his eyes, I beam up at him with an unusual burst of uncontainable happiness. He looks down at me and then holds his hand out for me to take. Cautiously, I do and he squeezes my hand before rubbing circles on my palm with his thumb.

"That was amazing, thank you. I haven't eaten like that in... well 10 years."

His eyes fly down to look at my face, as of to check if I'm lying or not. "You were with your ex for ten years?"

I nod sheepishly, I know it's stupid to have stayed with him so long. But when you're every thought is controlled and regulated, when you can't function without him there telling you what to do, the world is a daunting place.

"Why did you finally leave, little one?" I flush slightly at the nickname he has taken to calling me even though it isn't at all accurate to my height or weight.

"He cheated on me, it was like a wake up call or something. I left him that night when he was flat out drunk."

It's his turn to nod now, to my joy though he doesn't drop my hand. Doesn't leave the pathetic, helpless woman and run. He seems to be staying.

"What's going on in that pretty head, Elle?"

This man seems to be an expert when it comes to women or, more accurately, reading women.

"Just wondering why you're with me is all." I ponder as I speak. His hand is removed from mine and I feel a pang of remorse. It's short lived as both his palms settle on the dip of my waist, pulling my soft body up against his hard one. He bends down and presses his lips to mine. Claiming me for the town to see. The kiss is only fleeting and I can feel him restraining himself in the kiss, something I'm both grateful and disappointed for his respect, I've never been a fan of pda... but maybe with Derek I wouldn't mind.


"That clear anything up?" He asks with a smirk as he pulls me along once again as if nothing happened. When my apartment comes into view I almost don't want the morning to end, but end it must. I have work after lunch and Derek certainly has more important things to do than spend the whole day with a crazy lady he's known for two days.

I don't invite him up, I don't want to feel that rejection. He kisses my forehead and tells me he'll be round again tomorrow to see me. Butterflies dance in my chest and I practically float back up to my apartment. This time is only limited, I know that soon he will tire of me and never come back. But for now it's wonderful.


The wonderful feeling of being with Derek is over before I could even adjust to its presence. The next morning I was up and dressed with a touch of makeup on my cheeks. I sat on the sofa and waited for him, watching the hours pass by without a knock at the door.

On the third day when there was still no Derek my hurt melted away into rage and I decided I needed to go back to the gym. Amazingly, I hadn't felt the urge to punish my body when I was hopeful Derek would still turn up, but now he's dropped me like everyone does, I needed to hurt.

It's just like he always said Elle. No one but me would ever want someone like you.

He was right. He was always right. Derek said he was a liar, but that was a lie. He will always be right. I will always be nothing.

I'm staggering back from the gym when I see a motorcycle parked outside my apartment block. It's Derek! I watched him drive off on a bike the last time I saw him, he does want me.


Turning my painful jog into a full out sprint I leap up the stairs, waiting to see his gentle face waiting by my door.

Instead I freeze. There are three men leaning against the wall beside my front door. They wear a cut like Derek did, but I can see the lettering is different. Trying to back away undetected fails when my back hits against a fourth body.

I start to whimper in fear as my arms are grabbed and pinned behind my back with zip ties. Tape is strapped over my mouth before I'm dragged kicking and screaming into my apartment.

They dump me unceremoniously on a chair they've pulled to the centre of the apartment. What do they want?

As if the leader can read my mind, he begins to speak. "Don't worry doll, we know you don't know anything. We just need to send a little message to that boyfriend of yours." His voice is venomous and full of malignancy.

I cry out as he punches me across the face, from one side to the other my head is thrown as he takes out his anger on me. Then I'm thrown from the chair and the other three descend on me like rapid wolves. I'm kicked at and stomped on. After what seems like hours they finally stop and drag me by my hair from my apartment. My screams have long since been silenced as the pain is so overwhelming I'm left with a terrifying numb sensation.

A car boot is unlocked and I'm dropped inside, I feel my shoulder pop from it's socket and I howl into the gag as fire explodes over my body and ignites my tears.

Every judder and turn the car makes causes my body to slam against the walls of the car, hitting my bruised body of dislocated shoulder. I must have passed out from the pain because when I come to, I feel fresh air hitting at my face before I'm dropped once again to the floor. This time I'm met with concrete and another agonising scream as my shoulder forces itself back into the socket.

Black dots creep around me and I hear only a muffled 'get help' before I let to darkness consume me.

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