

It's been a couple of days. A couple of torturous days sleeping in a hospital bed that is not comfortable at all. An even better reason to be glad I'm finally home.

My entire stay at the hospital, Atlas made sure no one came to visit. He stayed with me though, didn't leave my side even for one second. I bet he even threatened some nurses that tried to get him out of here.

Cody only stopped by once to bring us some new clothes, but he didn't exactly come inside.

What's more important, Atlas and I decided on a name. I didn't tell him before but another reason why I didn't want visitors was because of Alison's name. I wanted us to come up with one and not be influenced by anyone else. May that be my brother, or Atlas's siblings. Hell, Athena probably would have made me name Alison after her.

I had one condition for Allie's name; it couldn't be anything that fits to Storm. Nothing that could be made fun of like his sisters names. You know, cause Summer/Winter-Storm. I didn't want that.

It doesn't really matter what we named her, Atlas's only name for her is cheeseball. Fucking cheeseball. Poor kid has the bullying coming if one of her future friends ever hears that.

While we were at the hospital, Cody and Athena were kind enough to finish off the nursery. We've received pictures and videos every hour, just to let them both know whether or not we're okay with how it's looks.

It's completely white, as I've wished. But now that I'm standing in the middle of the nursery, I do think some colour couldn't have hurt.

"Atlas?" I say just as he puts Allie down into her crib, kissing her head before backing off slowly and quietly. "We need some more colourful decorations in here."

He turns and looks at me, a faint line appearing on his forehead. "Let me guess, you don't like the all white theme?" I bet he's known I'd say this right the second I demanded this room to be all white.

"I don't. It looks so plain. Nothing like a nursery." I look around myself, taking in every corner of the plain, yet gorgeous looking nursery. "I want light grey walls. A few decorative white and light pink roses glued to one corner of the room while a cute rosy tulle bed canopy hangs from the ceiling, with tons of fluffy stuff underneath it. And white butterflies, too. And imagine if the canopy were to light up! The furniture is great, but I need colour."

He smiles, making his way over to me. After Atlas whispers "you'll get it," his lips press to mine in an ever so soft brush of a kiss, making my heart flutter from all the love he's put in it. "You just have to say the word, sweetheart, and I'll do anything for you to get it."

He lifts me off the ground, carrying me out of the room to give Allie some space to sleep without her mother constantly watching over her. For whatever reasons, I can't stop looking at her. She's too precious not to be looked at.

And she sure could use the sleep. Atlas's family is coming over later, as so will Cody and Athena. I just bet Allie won't get to sleep much as most likely to everyone will want to hold her.

He carries me into our bedroom, setting me down on the bed. "You need to get some sleep as well, sweetheart." So does he. I think I've been getting more sleep than him, despite my entire fucking pussy being on fire. Even my ass hurts. What kind of fuckery is that?


"Taco has to meet her," I say, but Atlas shakes his head instantly.

"Not yet," he almost snaps but holds himself back. "He's well behaved and all, as you know, but I don't trust him enough to let him meet an infant yet. He might try to jump at her and god knows what could happen."

I smile, not because what he said was adorable, which it was in some ways, but because the love he has for his daughter already warms my fucking heart. And my pussy. I can't even have sex at the moment, but clearly my body is more than ready to push out another of those mini creatures in nine months.

I open my arms, holding them up towards him like some toddler that wants to get picked up. "Cuddles," I demand. He chuckles. "You signed a contract stating I'll get cuddles whenever I want."

"I don't remember signing that." Atlas takes off his shirt because he knows I'd make him do it in a second anyway, then sneaks into our bed. I roll over, lying myself on top of my husband, my head pressing to his chest.

"You did. When we got married. That's basically a legal document that states you have to do whatever I say."

His chest rumbles as he laughs, but he doesn't comment. It's for the best he doesn't. I'm right on this one. I want cuddles, I'll get them. He's got nothing to say against that; if he does, he'll lose.

"Can I talk to my boss for a second?" I ask. Atlas tries to sit up, probably because an employee cuddling with their boss isn't all that appropriate, but he fails because I'm not letting this man go.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Bloom, this is highly inappropriate. I'm married."

"Shut up." I nuzzle a bit closer, wrapping my arm tighter around him. "I'm quitting my job."

"The hell you are, Sierra."

"I mean it. I no longer have time for a job. I have a husband to care for. And a daughter. And I kind of have to learn how to cook. There's no time for working."

His fingers gently slide up and down my back, sending shivers down my spine. "You're not quitting, Sierra. I need you at the office. It's way too empty without you. Let's compromise."

I can do that, I guess.

"You'll stay in my office, no more sharing with Cromwell..."

"Because I've done that the last months," I say, using a sarcastic tone to make sure he understands what I mean. I have, in fact, not been sharing my office with anyone but the CEO himself. That is, if I ever went to work.

"You can bring the cheeseball. She's very welcome at all times. You'll work less hours, and whenever you don't feel like working, you'll just stop and go for a walk around the building and greet all of my employees. You don't ever have to cook, I'll do that. God knows it's better for my kitchen." He deserves the slap that follows. With a slight chuckle, Atlas continues. "Actually, fuck working, sweetheart. You don't have to do that. But I still need you at the office. I'll even get a toddler play area or something for Allie."

"Did you just call her Allie?" How is that all I'm acknowledging? He has said so much. Atlas basically just told me I'll never have to work again, but he still wants me around. And all I'm acknowledging is him calling our daughter Allie and not cheeseball.


"I don't think I did. Her name is cheeseball, so why would I?"

I think I've slapped this man more often than I've kissed him. Probably not, but it still feels like it. And now I'm adding another slap to the list because fuck him for this comment.

Atlas just laughs as my hand smacks on his bare chest. His hand lies on top of mine, keeping it in place. Right over his heart. "Try to sleep, sweetheart," he whispers, kissing the top of my head.

I should, and I'm really exhausted but at the same time, I just want to lie here and keep on talking to him. "Do you think she's going to be blonde?"

"Knowing your genes, yes." How would he know how my family genes work? I'm not sure the blonde in my family is that dominant. Though, it might be. "Your brother is blonde despite Drew having dark hair. Even Hunter is blonde, and you know Athena isn't a natural blonde."

"But I'm not my brother, you know."

"Trust me, I know. He has a dick, meanwhile you have a pussy that I am not allowed to look at. But I still think your hair colour is gonna be the dominant one. You certainly know how to break a man, so a hair colour shouldn't be a problem."

This man...sometimes I just want to wrap my hands around his throat and squeeze. Really hard. Until his face turns blue. "I guess only time will tell."

A yawn escapes me, just as my eyelids seem to grow heavier. The last thing I feel before falling asleep is Atlas's lips pressing to my head, whispering "sleep tight, my love."


I'm not sure how long I've been asleep, but when I wake up, I'm no longer all cozy in Atlas's arms. I'm all alone in the bedroom, or so it seems.

I'm lying on Atlas's side of the bed, all nuzzled up in the pillows that smell so much like him, using merely his side of the blanket. But as I look over to my side, I'm greeted by a tiny little girl moving, as much as a newborn can move around at least.

Allie's eyes are open, clearly being awake, but she doesn't make any sounds. Kind of like she knows I was asleep. I doubt that, though. She cries a lot at night. God, it's been like a week and I can tell she'll be keeping me up most of the night for the next years. Let's pray I'm wrong.

"Hey, Allie," I greet her, carefully lifting her up into my arms. I kiss the top of her head, waiting patiently for her to start to cry. But she doesn't. Not yet at least.

With another look towards where I found Allie, I see a business card of Atlas's lying just on top of my pillow. I pick it up, chuckling as I find his handwriting.

She was crying. My mother said she's hungry. I don't have boobs, so that's your job. Also, I couldn't wake you, you were sleeping too peacefully and looked way too cute. I took a picture though, it's my new screensaver everywhere.

~ Atlas ♡

"Your daddy is a bit crazy, Allie," I say with a chuckle, shaking my head in disbelief.

Before I get to feeding her, I reach over to the nightstand, gabbing my phone. I skim over the tons of messages I've received over the last couple of days. Deciding to ignore them all, I click on Atlas's contact.

Knowing Atlas, he won't even understand the meaning of the emojis, or what I'm trying to say with them. He'll just think it's a lovely smiling yellow face and a knife. A knife that must have gotten there by accident.

I let out a loud laughter, quickly slapping my mouth shut as Allie makes some noises, letting me know she does, in fact, not appreciating me laughing at her father like that.

Not bothering to answer his question, I throw my phone away and turn my attention to my daughter. By the look in her eyes, I can tell she is hungry. Honestly, Atlas should have just woken me up instead of building a fort with pillows and blankets around the edge of the bed so Allie wouldn't fall off.

I lift my shirt, giving Allie some guidance to my right boob. She sucks my nipple into her mouth immediately, swallowing thickly. Watching her as she so peacefully feeds off of me is weirdly comforting.

What's not so comforting is Atlas marching into the bedroom like I've just murdered him by not explaining why "there is a knife on his phone."

"Sierra—Oh, you're naked." Instantly, Atlas slams the door shut behind him. More or less slamming. He makes sure it's quiet enough so Allie wouldn't stop eating and start to cry.

"I'm not naked."

"Your boobs are out, you're naked," he says, crossing his arms in front of his chest. I just roll my eyes, not even wanting to come up with a response. "Anyway, do you feel strong enough to go to a charity event in about three months?"

I blink at him. Approximately a whole minute before I manage to get words across my lips. "I don't even know how strong I feel right now. How am I supposed to know if I'm strong enough in a few months?"

"Good point." He walks deeper into the room, rounding the bed to get to his side. I notice he's still in sweatpants only, but now he's also wearing a loose shirt. He looks so much more like a father in these clothes than in his suit. But truthfully, he looks absolutely edible in both.

Oh, my God. Sierra. Stop.

"Don't we have some guests?" I ask. Given that Atlas mentioned his mother on the business card note, I'd say we do.

"Yeah," he answers unbothered, taking a seat cross from me and Allie on the bed. He crosses his legs, simply watching me. "Just my mother and my siblings. They've been passing her around in a circle for an hour straight. Poor cheeseball was crying the entire time. I don't think she likes people very much."

"Neither do you."

His eyebrows rise up to the sky. If they had wings and could fly, I bet they'd be long gone. "You're the one having a hatred for men, not me."

"Touché." A beat passes. "Would you stop staring at me like you're starving?"

Atlas shakes his head, keeping a small smile on his face. "Don't worry, I'm not staring at your boobs. I'm staring at your face thinking about how beautiful you are."

"You know, sometimes I do miss you being all cold and unbothered. This open you is...inviting."

He shrugs. "You're not getting that guy back. Guess you do have to come to work with me if you want to see the CEO Atlas Storm more often, not the husband one."

I sigh. I suppose I'd be there all the time even if he wouldn't ask me to be. That doesn't sound like a healthy relationship at all, but I don't give a flying fuck. Perhaps that's just a part of the honeymoon-phase; not wanting to be away. It'll wear off, right?

"Okay, work starts tomorrow, at seven sharp."

"No way," I laugh. "I'm not leaving the house before Allie is at least two months old. Her immune system won't mature before that. I don't want her catching a virus or something because someone was just a tiny bit sick. She could probably die from it. I'm fine with going on walks around here, it's not that crowded; but no way in hell will I take her to your office. It's an infection catcher."

"Okay, that I can accept." I bet he would accept any other excuse as well. Not that the nonexistent immune system of our daughter was an excuse. It's very much real.

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