


He doesn't even turn around to know which one of his sisters just yelled his name like she hadn't seen him in years. "Winter," he sighs like he's tired of her, but I know he loves spending time with his siblings. Well, three of them.

"Go out of my way. I need to greet your wife!" It doesn't take long for Winter to push past Atlas and run right into my arms. I haven't seen her since the wedding, and yet still, she seems way too excited to see me.

"Is that the new way to say 'Happy Birthday'?" Atlas asks, suppressing a chuckle. I look at him and shrug, while still hugging his sister.

Then she turns, facing Atlas. "No, it's my way of saying 'I need about $50 for the movies. Please.'"

"What do you want to do at the cinema?" Atlas asks, like there is more to do than watch a movie.

"Get my nails done, obviously." That makes me laugh. I barely know her and I think I might love her already.

"You're too young for all that, Winter," Atlas says and crosses his arms while leaning against the kitchen counter.

"I'm fourteen!"

"Exactly. Too young."

"No, you're just old."

Atlas's mouth opens slightly. "I just turned twenty-nine." I'd say he's offended, but I know that's not the case.

"Exactly. Too old," she mocks, crossing her arms and leaning against the kitchen island, opposite of Atlas, just like he does.

Atlas grunts disapprovingly.

"God, Atlas. Give that poor child some money. It won't hurt you," I say with a smile. All I get in return is a look that screams "traitor!"

"Yes, Atlas. Give me some money. See it as a belated birthday present."

Atlas shakes his head, not wanting to believe his wife and sister just teamed up against him. "You've got plenty presents from me for your birthday. That was, in case you forgot, seven months ago."

Winter shrugs, though one can tell she is grateful for everything her brother does for her by the smile she beams at him. "Your poor daughter. Sierra, you need to take care of her on your own. My brother will ruin her. She might only see vegetables for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Her snacks will be carrots. And she won't be allowed to go anywhere."

I chuckle cause I can actually see that happening. Though, I'm there to make sure that does not happen.

"I happen to think Louise is going to have a great life here," Atlas veto's, looking at me to see if I felt anything for the name. I shake my head.

We've been doing this since yesterday. Calling the blip a million different names in hopes one will feel right.

Atlas reaches his hand out to me, and the second I take it, he pulls me close to him, pressing his lips to mine in a sweet and innocent kiss.

"You might be rich, but a strict asshole," Winter speaks, almost mumbling. "Oh, mum is picking up Alex from school, and Harriet from daycare, she just dropped me off and will be here in an hour or so. Rai will be here later too. And Summer, obviously. I doubt Nico will manage. He mentioned being busy today."

Atlas nods absently. Nico isn't busy, but he knows better than to show up. Despite Atlas trying to convince me to report him, it's too late. It's been years and honestly, it's too much stress for me. I don't need a trial, trying to get a rapist locked up while being pregnant.


Getting a rapist locked up is hard, even harder when it's been years. I'm just glad to be away from him, not having to see him.

"Who are Alex and Harriet?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. Atlas holds onto the counter, and judging by the firm grip, he does not like me asking.

"Our niece and nephew," Winter tells me excitedly. "My brother Nico's kids. Alex is about six or seven, I think. Harriet should be about two. The cutest tiny humans I've ever seen." Right, Atlas mentioned something.

Wait. Six or seven? That fucker had a child when he raped me.

"Okay, I believe yours will be cuter. You're so much prettier than Nico's wife. That reminds me..." she turns to Atlas. "Ava will stop by some time this evening."

"Tell her to go fuck herself," Atlas snaps, hating on a woman that most definitely has nothing to do with what Nico has done to me.

"You go fuck yourself, Atlas. Ava has done absolutely nothing to you." Winter narrows her eyes at her brother, ready to fight him. "God, you have to stop being nice to only two people in this world."

"Two?" I repeat, mainly asking myself.

"I'm nice to more than two people," Atlas talks back, rolling his eyes. Suddenly I wonder if Cody and I have ever fought about unnecessary stuff in front of others. If so, I'd love to apologise because it must have been really awkward for that other person.

"Yeah? Like who?" Winter puts her hands on her hips, raising her brows as she waits for an answer.

"When have I ever been rude to you, Winter?"

Winter shrugs. "Right now."

"Cause you're testing me, Winter. I've told you a week ago to tell Ava I don't want her around. Nico is dead to me, and so is his family."

Maybe he's a bit dramatic. I doubt it's Alex's and Harriet's, or whatever their names are, fault they have such an awful father.

"I'm fourteen and I know better than to announce a family member as dead to me."

Atlas shakes his head, taking a deep breath before he stalks right out of the kitchen, making his way upstairs. He's done with this conversation. And now I'm convinced he hasn't exactly told his family about Nico yet, even though he told me he would have to.

"How can you even love him?" Winter asks, groaning in frustration. She jumps up on the counter, leading her gaze over to me. "Atlas is the worst. He's a great brother, for sure. Does everything for his family, but he's so...much. So rude and arrogant."

"You should have warned me of that before I married him."

She laughs. A sweet and innocent laughter. It's very obvious Winter loves her brother, and she wouldn't if Atlas ever gave her a genuine reason not to. Somehow, that's a relief to me.

"I couldn't," she says through giggles. "I thought he might never get married. And now you guys are even having a child. God, all the things I never thought would happen, happened."

Then she sighs heavily. "Atlas really isn't that bad. He's an asshole to most people, I'm sure you figured that out. But he loves you so very much. I'd be surprised if he ever were to mistreat you."

I smile at her warmly, not knowing if I should walk over to her and take her into a hug, or just keep standing where I am. Atlas doesn't love me, but at least it looks like he does, I guess?


"You know, Atlas is just trying to protect you, Winter," I tell her.

She presses her lips together, obviously forcing herself not to say what's on her mind. "Of what? Of who? Nico? He's far better than Atlas. Nico doesn't exclude his siblings from his life."

I wish I could just tell her the truth. Tell her that Nico has done really bad things. But it's not my story to tell. Okay, technically it is, but I don't have any business telling a fourteen-year-old that her brother is a rapist.

"Do you still want those $50 for the movies?" I ask, hoping it'll end the topic including Nico. Thankfully, it does.

"Well, Atlas won't give them to me." She groans, crossing her arms again. "I just want to go out with this boy. But mum wouldn't give me money, and neither will Atlas, apparently."

God, boys was the last thing I thought about when I was fourteen. The last thing I wanted to think about.

I walk over to my purse that's lying in the hallway on top of a half-cabinet. I can feel her eyes following me, but it doesn't bother me as much as it would if she was a man.

Taking a hundred-dollar-bill from my purse, I walk back to Winter and hand it to her. "I don't have $50, so I hope that'll do."

She thanks me with a hug, not too tight as she fears smushing the baby. Which she lets me know the second our hug ends.

"This is my third date with him," she tells me, sounding excited. "It needs to go perfectly, Sierra. The first two were disastrous, or so my friends say."

Suddenly I wish I had some experience in that department. The only guy I've dated...he turned out to be wanting nothing but sex. But, hey, at least he didn't pull a Ted Bundy on me.

"Summer also thinks I should drop him."

"Why is that?" I ask, slightly cocking my head to the side.

"Cause he took me to an amusement park. But ended up forgetting his money. It wasn't a big deal, I had money on me so I paid. It's not like the guy has to pay every time, right?"

Certainly not. "Happens to the best."

She smiles and scrunches up her nose as she does. "It was fun. But I spent all my allowance on that one evening. He kept buying so much with my money. It's alright, though."

I don't dare comment on it.

"The second date, he took me out for lunch. During lunch break, you know?" I nod, but I don't know. I haven't been inside a school building, ever. Well, except for college but that's all a bit...less strict, or so I've heard. "We went to Starbucks as well. But as it turns out, he forgot his wallet at school. So I paid with the bit of money I had on me. But then again, not a big deal. Though, he did ask me if he could keep the rest of what I had. Not sure why."

Someone snorts a laugh from right behind of me, seconds before two strong arms wrap around my neck. I can feel Atlas plant a kiss to my hair, then he rests his chin on top of my head.

"That guy sounds like he's using you." I hate to agree with Atlas, but it really does sound like it.

"Like what for?" Winter asks, furrowing her brows. She doesn't sound defensive, nothing like she is ready to fight for her happy ever after with said guy. More like she's truly interested in why Atlas thinks so.

"Money," he simply answers.

"Yeah right, cause I have so much of it." Winter starts to laugh, finding the thought of someone using her for money too bizarre.

I think the majority of earth's population has heard of Atlas Storm at least once in their life. Very few would dig into his family tree. But I'm also sure, if one comes across this last name, it does intrigue a good number of people to do some research.

Now, although Storm isn't too much of an unique name, I'm still positively convinced that finding out who the Atlas Storm is related to isn't too difficult.

From Atlas himself, I know he helps his family with finances. He sends his mother money every month, adds some for Winter as well. I have no idea how much it is, and it doesn't concern me in the slightest, but I'd assume it's enough to live off of.

Maybe his mother gets more, to be able to afford a few nice things. But truthfully, I wouldn't want my children pay my bills, pay for my existence on this Earth. And as his mother didn't grow up rich, I'd guess she doesn't like that thought much either.

"Does he know Atlas is your brother?" I ask, the question leaving my mouth quicker than I could've ever stopped it.

Winter nods. "I'm attending a private school, cause that's what Atlas wanted. He pays for it. I honestly think he owns that school." It'd be a lie if I said it would surprise me if he did. "Oh, my God. You guys think he's hoping to marry me so he'll be rich?"

"Not exactly the same thought, but yeah," Atlas answers.

"Sierra might use you for money."

Atlas shrugs as if to say, even if I did, he wouldn't care. Then he spins me in his arms, cups my face with his hands and asks, "Sweetheart, are you using me for my money?"

I nod and voice a quick "obviously" right before he presses his lips to mine. Winter starts to fake-gag behind me, but it's not like Atlas, or I, care much about it.

"Atlas in love is ten times worse than Atlas the grump," Winter informs no one in particular, still continuing to fake-gag.

Atlas looks over my shoulder, narrowing his eyes at his sister. It seems he's about to speak, but then I yawn and it's attention is back on me instantly.

"Go to sleep, sweetheart," he says, placing a kiss to my forehead. I would love to argue but it would be useless. I have a lot of trouble sleeping recently, hence, I'm completely exhausted most of the day. I'll take any chance to fall asleep.

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