

I'm married...and I just found out my wife is pregnant with our daughter.

Today can't get any more surprising.

I mean, I knew I was going to get married today. I've known for good a month. But it's still...somewhat odd.

I have a wife. I know Sierra thinks it's all platonic and for the sake of this baby...but it's really not.

Everyone is still clapping their hands, being awfully joyful about finding out Sierra is going to give birth to our daughter. Even I'm happy, on the inside. But Sierra...she's like a brick, tense and stiff, basically my usual self. Surely that can't be because she'd rather have a boy, right?

I look at Sierra, following her eyes to find out what, or who, she is looking at. There's nothing odd anywhere here, nothing that could potentially throw her off like that.

Sierra is staring towards the entrance door, her eyes being focused on the very last of my siblings. The one that always misses everything, most definitely missed my wedding too. But what's even stranger, he is staring back at her.

It's not his usual "I'm checking a girl out" kinda look, he looks just as thrown off as Sierra does. Though, maybe not as pale and tense. But he doesn't move, doesn't even take a step closer. Nico just continues to stand by the door.

"Sierra, are you alright?" I ask, turning my attention back to her. I lay my hands down onto her shoulders, trying to make her look at me, but her eyes remain on my brother.

Now I'm certain they've met before. Nico is the same age as Sierra, so perhaps they've met in school. No, that can't be. Cody said she was home-schooled. But she perhaps went to school at some point?

"Sierra?" I try again, but she still doesn't react. I turn to look at Cody, maybe he's noticed Sierra just staring blankly ahead towards my brother. And it seems he has. Though, he stares at Nico with the same look Sierra does.

What the heck?

Seriously, what has Nico done to have two siblings stare at him like he's.....

Oh fuck me.

If Nico has done what I think he did, he'll be lucky if he's alive by the end of the day.

I take a step towards him, but just as I do, Sierra's hand wraps around my wrist, holding me back. As much as I'd love to kill my brother right about now, being there for my wife is the only thing I should be doing.

My head snaps towards her, finding her eyes immediately.

"There are too many knives around, Atlas," she speaks quietly, fearful. I really don't like this look on her. The one that says she's scared, that she's about to cry and probably vomit as well. That she wants to run away, bury herself under the ground just so she doesn't have to be here right now.

I'm not sure if she knows what I'm thinking, what I'm suspecting, but she sure as hell knows I'm not thinking anything good.

I lay my hands down onto her jawline, this time it's not for her comfort, but for my own.

"Please tell me he's not the missing brother," she says, closing her eyes as she takes a few deep breaths. I bring my head down, leaning my forehead against hers.


I know a good number of people are staring at us right now, mainly because me acting like this, touchy and like I was in love is totally out of character, but I couldn't care any less right now.

"Is that him, Sierra?" I ask, being pretty sure Nico is him, but I need her to confirm it before I kill my brother without having a good reason for it. "Did Nico rape you?"

Sierra shakes her head, but as tears fall from her eyes, it's enough confirmation to me.

I take a deep breath right before I connect my lips with hers, kissing Sierra deep and passionate. I kiss her with every bit of my heart and soul I can offer, and she kisses me back with just as much devotion.

"Sweetheart, he's not going to get anywhere near you," I tell her. "He's about dead."

"You can't kill him, Atlas. You also can't tell anyone." Sierra holds onto me tightly. "Can we just leave...please?"

I nod, intertwining her hand with mine as we step off the small stage. We're making our way towards the exit, and I hate that Nico has the audacity to even still stand there.

Sierra wraps her arms around mine, holding onto me tighter than she has ever done before. I want nothing more than to hold her close to me and never let her go ever again.

I will protect this woman with all that I have, for the rest of her life, even if we do end up getting a divorce. Even if we split apart in hate, I'll always make sure nothing is going to happen to her ever again.

"Nice dress, little Sierra," Nico says, beaming at her disgustingly.

Sierra's grip on my arm tightens and I could swear I heard a little squeak of fear coming from her.

I look at the man that I used to think of as my brother, not even having to say a few words before his face pales.

Nico is pretty much used to the cold I bring. He is used to the harsh tone I speak in, and the fact that I rarely care about anything that ever truly happens around me. But whatever the hell I am radiating off of me right now, it sure as hell has him gulp.

"You so much to look at her again, and Nico, I promise you, I'll throw you over board." I speak in the coldest tone I could force out of me. So harsh and filled with hate, even I can barely recognise myself.

I can tell he's about to look over to Sierra, simply by the way his eyes twitch and the corner of his mouth lift, challenging me. But he knows better than to mess with me.

"I mean it," I say before his eyes could find Sierra. "You can't swim. You wouldn't want to risk your lousy life, would you?"

Nico chuckles, not taking me seriously at all. Oh, but he should. "You wouldn't. I'm your brother. And even if you did throw me into the sea, here are plenty of people that would come to my rescue."

"Like who?" I look around the room, not being able to find just one person that would come save him. Not after finding out what he did. Then I see he's looking at Rai, smirking. "You think Rai would? Hate to break it you, but he wouldn't save a rapist."


"He would save his brother."

"You're not our brother. You're a disgrace to the universe. A total waste of oxygen."

Sierra nudges a bit closer to me, if that's even possible. She is using me as her shield, but I'm not sure if I should be honoured or feel really bad for her right now. Probably both?

"Mum would definitely do something to save me." Oh, he do be sure of it.

"She wouldn't," I laugh right into his face. "She'd rather see a child of hers die than have the same one be the cause of another person's trauma. You know, the one she's been put through. The stupid shit your father decided to do to her. You could really say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You're just like him."

Nico is quiet for a split moment, but then decides to open that nasty mouth of his again. "You're like your father, too. A fucking piece of shit."

Cause he can judge that. My father died when Nico was ten, he can't have any real memories of him. And if he does, my father was the best that happened to his lousy ass.

I'm not going to continue arguing with him. Nico has died, it's only a matter of time before his body does as well. And he will die, not of age, but through a second force.

I trust Cody not to murder Nico right here, but if he happens to do so, I'll make sure no one will ever find out. I'd tell Athena and him to leave, but personally, I find it more important to get Sierra out of here right now.

The entire ride home, Sierra is awfully quiet. So quiet, at some point I have to look at her to find out if she's still present.

It's a good two hours ride to get back home, and having to drive in complete silence when the most bubbly and talkative person is sitting next to one is just...odd. Not even sure why that is annoying me so much. Usually I'm all in for silence. I always prefered not talking to talking, but everything is different when it comes to her.

I do, however, understand why she doesn't feel like talking. I could only imagine what it must feel like finding out you got married to the brother of your rapist, but I could never know what it is like. I wish Sierra wouldn't know either.

"Do you want something to eat?" I ask as we're half-way home. Sierra shakes her head. "Sweetheart, you have to eat something eventually."

"Did you know?" she asks. "That Nico is doing this to women?"

I had no idea. If I did, he sure wouldn't have been alive anymore, for a long while.

"If I did, he would be in prison." Or dead.

"Do you think he still does it?"

I sigh, gripping onto the steering wheel a bit tighter. "I hope not. He's married."

"Married!" she blurts. I nod.

"He has a child, too. A daughter."

She doesn't comment on that. "Are you going to tell your mother?" She sniffles, most definitely because she's crying. I just want to stop the car and hug her 'til the end of time.

"I have to," I answer honestly. "She's been through it, you know. A rape. She would never forgive me if I didn't tell her Nico, her very own son, did this to you, or anyone for that matter."

Sierra bobs her head, taking in shallow breaths. "Atlas, I know you don't eat any fast food, or anything that's good, but...could we get take-out?"


"But like, not go to some fancy five-star restaurant. I'm talking McDonalds or Burger King."

Sure she is. God, the things I do for this woman. "I know. But do you really want to walk into a fast food restaurant in a dress like this?"

Sierra looks down at herself, then back at me. And as the traffic lights turn red, I get to look at her as well. "I sure do. Gotta show off that I just got married. And besides, this ring has to see the inside of a good restaurant at least once in its lifetime." She holds up her hand with the pretty expensive diamond ring on her finger.

"Cause people definitely won't look at us weirdly."

"Nope, they'll be too distracted looking at my boobs and vagina that say hello like every five seconds," she laughs. I'm truly regretting making her wear this dress. It looks amazing on her-she looks amazing, but I did not think it through.

"I vote for you putting on some sweatpants," I say and begin to drive again. "I have some in the trunk."

My ears are being filled with her beautiful, sweet giggles, and I don't even care that she's laughing at me rather than with me.

"I'm sorry, you're my husband now. You should do the husband-duty and cover me up if it's necessary. Wouldn't want to take that job away from you."

"Ah yeah?" I chuckle lightly. "What else is 'husband-duty'?"

Sierra thinks about it for a second, bringing her hand to her face as she lays her index finger down onto her lips. "You have to cook for me, daily."

"Noted. What else?"

She hums, continuing to think. "Movie nights. At least twice a week. One on the weekend, and one during the week."

I sigh. "Alright, I can do that. Anything else?"

"No lies and no secrets. You better hurt me with telling the truth. If you get sick of me, tell me. Don't go around and fuck other women."

"We've already established that there won't be anyone but you, sweetheart," I remind her. "But...no lies, and no secrets. I promise."

"A real marriage?" she questions. "Like with being in love and such? Do you want our story to be like the ones in the books?"

"What are the ones in the books like?"

"They always fall in love. Marriage of convenience, it always ends in them staying together forever and living happily ever after," she tells me. "Is that what you want?"

Being with you for the rest of my life. Yes. "I want whatever is supposed to happen. We'll never know until our story has been written."

"Do you think the stars have aligned to write an happy ending?"

"A happily ever after?" I laugh, she nods. "I think the stars are cruel and add some pain before that's possible."

"Like every book with an happy ending."

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