

"When were you about to ask me if I wanted to marry you!" I scream at Atlas.

We're in a separate room, as far away from the guests that keep on coming. Far enough to yell without anyone hearing it. Well, except for my brother and his lovely wife.

"You can't just organise a whole ass wedding and not ask if the person you want to marry wants to marry you!" I continue, pacing up and down the...bedroom.

Atlas remains quiet. He just looks at me, his eyes following my every step. He doesn't seem upset that I am, nor does he seem surprised I'm causing a scene.

Is it still considered causing a scene in this situation? Like, what else am I supposed to do? Just accept that my boss organised a whole ass wedding for us without even letting me know? Without even asking if I would want to marry him?

"What the hell is wrong with you, Atlas!" I need to take a deep breath. "Why would you do this? Why should we get married? We're not even a real goddamn couple. We're not in love. All there is, is a baby that's, FYI, still inside of me."

And of course Atlas remains quiet. He always does when he's confronted with whatever the hell he did wrong. I'm sure in the world of Atlas Storm, there's no such thing as him making mistakes.

"How did you convince Athena to play along?"


Is it still considered murder when I tripped with a knife in my hand and accidentally ended up stabbing him to death?

"Fucking talk to me, Storm," I command. He owes me answers. "Answer my questions."

His mouth finally opens, but then I remember something else. Something I'd much rather get an answer to before I get into a huge fight with Atlas.

I turn towards my brother, eyes filled with anger, or so I'd say based on what I feel inside. "What's with you getting married again?"

Some kind of guilt washes over his face, but I don't feel an ounce of empathy.

"Sierra, don't get mad, please," he says. At least he's aware of being an asshole. What kind of goddamn brother doesn't invite his sister to his own wedding?

"Don't get mad? For gods sake, Cody, you're married! And as it seems, I'm the last person to find out!"

He nervously rakes a hand through his hair. "Athena and I kind of eloped."

I scoff, even when it sounds a little more relived than mad. "Sure hope you did." Doesn't make it any less hurtful, though.

"We wanted to tell you, but then this whole thing with your wedding came up. And we needed a reason for you to show up here and—"

"And now you're forcing me to get married," I finish for him, even though I'm quite sure that's not what he was going to say. "Did you even consider how I would feel?"

I may not be able to be mad at my brother for eloping. He's been in love with Athena for years, it's a miracle they haven't been married for way longer. I can be mad at them for not telling me, sort of. But I sure as hell can be mad at being put into a situation like this.

Having to choose between humiliation and going with something I do not want. Or I think I don't want it? The fuck do I know. I've had about twenty seconds to even realise Atlas wants us to get married.


Fucking married.

My eyes switch between all three of them. "Did either of you even think about asking me first?!" My breathing grows heavier the madder I get. "It didn't even have to be a proposal! I would've settled for a question between doors. Anything but being put on the spot."

Atlas sighs softly. "You would've said no if I suggested it," he says. "You would've freaked out like you do now, then never speak to me ever again."

Yeah, okay. That sounds like me, mostly anyway. But there's more I need to know. For instance, why he thinks getting married would be a good idea.

"Do you truly believe that?" I ask. "Do you really think I'm that horrible of a person?"

"I had to chase after you for weeks until you agreed to move in with me."

"I DIDN'T KNOW YOU!" I admit, I've tried telling myself, and everyone around me, how inappropriate Atlas presence in my life is, even when we were far past that line. And moving in with him at that time seemed like a way too stupid idea.

And even so, that doesn't justify what he's doing with me right fucking now.

"Do you mind leaving us alone for a moment?" I ask Cody and Athena. This is a conversation Atlas and I should be having on our own. He wants to get married, then he shall give me reasons why. And I do not need an audience to influence my decision for that.

Cody nods, quickly escorting Athena out of the room. As soon as the door closes behind them, I take a short moment to breath before I turn to look at Atlas.

"Why?" I ask because that's all I can come up with. I'm not even sure what exactly I'm asking. Why do you want to marry me? Why are you doing this to me? Why didn't you talk to me? An answer to either of them sounds good.

"Please, be more specific."

But I can't, because I have absolutely no idea what I want to know and what I don't.

"There is no reason for us to get married. You'd benefit of nothing." I hold my face in my hands, trying not to freak out completely. "And what if you fall in love with someone and you're married? That's unnecessarily awful."

"I'd be–Sierra, do you want this baby to have the same last name as you?" he asks, though I could swear he was going to say something else.

I nod. "Obviously. I've been carrying it for months, and there's still a long way to go. This baby will have my last name."

He cocks his head to to the side in confusion when I should be the one confused.

Yeah, he might have been taking care of me the past weeks, but my body is doing all the work. I'm the one having to deal with the pain and everything that comes with being pregnant. Atlas is simply the sperm-donor and therefore happens to be the father of this child. So why the fuck is he confused.

"We're getting married in less than an hour because it's the only logical thing to do," he says. God, that's what he said about me moving in as well. What's next? He wants to inherit my debts for funsies?

I put my hands to my hips, narrowing my eyes at him as I ask, "How is that logical?"

"This baby deserves to grow up with a real family. Do you seriously eventually want to explain to your child why you're moving out, and why that is because you and I were never real, when to this child, you and I are pretty real? Do you want to tell this baby that it was nothing but an accident and shouldn't have happened because it was highly inappropriate?"


That does sound awful. I mean, it was hard on me finding out my mother has no idea who my father is. And that I might never get to meet him. I can only imagine how hard it would be finding out your parents didn't exactly want you to happen because they shouldn't have happened in the first place.

When I first found out I wasn't exactly wanted, I cried for days. And I can assure that my mother did not regret one second of having me.


"I don't see how us getting married is going to change this. We'd just get a divorce in a few years anyway. We'd save so much time not having to go through a divorce," I let him know. "You couldn't see any other woman, Atlas. When we're married, fake or not, I'd expect you to be loyal."

Atlas takes a step towards me, carefully and very slowly cupping my face with his hands. "Sweetheart," he sighs. "You don't get it, do you?"

Apparently I don't then?

"I wouldn't see anyone even when we're continuing to fake-date only, Sierra." He pauses. "This isn't a fake wedding. It's the real thing."

"It's not real. On paper, sure, but Atlas, open your eyes. Your putting us both in a position we can't just get out of in an hour. You don't just get married for fun." Can't he see that? "You don't love me, and I don't love you. Just because we're having a child together doesn't mean we have to be together."

He looks up to the ceiling, lips pressing together. He inhales deeply before his eyes are back on me. "I want us to be together."

He does? Hold on, where the fuck did that come from?

My breath gets caught in my lungs, almost making me cough. Suddenly, my heart starts to beat faster, betraying thoughts of Atlas genuinely being interested in me crossing my mind.

But that can't be. He...No. It can be.

I've spent enough time in my life thinking I'm not lovable. I'm not going to go back to those time. I am lovable, I know that. There's no way Atlas would suggest—or demand—marriage when he wouldn't benefit of anything, knowing damn well he has a right to see his child even when we're not together.

He may be rich, but this man isn't stupid.

And still I find myself asking. "Does that mean you could imagine to fall in love with me...for the sake of this baby?"

Atlas lets out a long and deep sigh. Kind of like he's regretting his life-choices.

I'm about to apologise for asking this question again, but I don't get to voice it. I don't because before I could, Atlas is standing right in front of me, his hands on my jaw when he presses his mouth to mine in an ever so gentle, yet passionate kiss.

I think I might pass out.

The way his lips capture mine so effortlessly, like they're still so familiar with me, the way his tongue slips into my mouth as he kisses me not at all slobbery, but with just the right amount of tongue and seduction...it's evoking fireworks inside of my body.

My hands find a firm grip on his suit jacket, needing to feel him closer to me. Atlas's hands slowly move down my face, my arms, lingering right over my waist where he pulls my hips to his.

God, he is kissing me breathless. And I can't even say I don't like it. Because I do.

My heart is skipping beats, beating so rapidly, I might actually faint.

And when Atlas pulls away, I'm hit with a feeling of loss I never thought I could experience. Why does he have to be a good kisser? Couldn't the chaste middle-schooler-kiss from the other day be his way of kissing? It would make disliking him so much easier.

Okay, Sierra, whatever you do, don't be awkward now.

"You know, a person doesn't exactly plan on falling in love with another person. It usually just happens," I say, letting go off Atlas's suit jacket and straighten it. Or try to.

"You're so stupid sometimes, do you know that?" he asks rhetorically. He doesn't want me to answer that question as he made up his own answer.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I'm not sure if I'm offended or if I find it funny. I should be offended, for sure.

He doesn't answer my question, but is that even a surprise anymore? "C'mon, we have a long ass ceremony to get through, sweetheart."

"I never said I was going to marry you."

He smiles at me, though I'm not sure why. "You're making me ask, aren't you?"

"I might. It's the least you could do."

"And the least romantic proposal ever," he adds for me, quietly.

"Better than none at all." Because it is.

"I don't have the ring with me," he says. "Your bother has it."

I shrug because I don't really care. All I really want is for him to be honest with me. For Atlas to mean all the promises he makes and be serious about this.

If Atlas and I really do this, it's going to be the real thing. No marriage of convenience shit, even though that's sort of what this is. More or less so because he doesn't benefit of anything whereas I'd gain a million.

One second, Atlas is scowling at me, the other he's kneeling down in front of me, taking my hand. "I don't have a speech prepared."

I snort a laugh. "What a way to start this."

He rolls his eyes at me, but—at least tries to—keeps a smile on his face. "Sierra, will you marry me?"

It official. The lamest proposal ever goes to my very soon-to-be husband. "Only because you asked so nicely."

I could have said yes, or anything nicer. But I believe he deserved this answer and this one only. Perhaps a no would have done it too, but that seemed a little harsh.

Maybe I should have said no, but let's be honest here; I'm not anywhere near finding someone to spend my life with. And I imagine finding a partner when you already have a child is going to be a little more challenging. I can't put myself through more trauma, and Atlas is more than I could ever ask for anyway.

Yeah, he's a bit too straight-forward sometimes. He's grumpy and doesn't talk much when he doesn't exactly have to. But he's sweet and kind. He does everything imaginable to make me feel safe and comfortable around him.

Every person has their slip ups, and maybe this whole wedding thing is far more than a slip up...but I suppose I could use an adventure.

Soon after he gets back up, he plants a kiss to my forehead. "You're the only woman I'd ever get down on my knees for," he mumbles, though I suppose he didn't mean to say it out loud, so I don't dare saying anything to it.

We begin to walk towards the exit, but as we're close to the door, I stop and turn to Atlas. "Okay, if we're really doing this...I need you to promise me a few things."

Atlas nods once, like he's going to promise whatever will come out of my mouth next.

"Promise number 1; I want to see you smile more often. And laugh. And chuckle. And be human."

And now there's something fear-like in his eyes. It's not exactly fear, but it's pretty close to it. "I'll try. But just so you know, I'm always smiling at you."

"You're not." He sure is not. I'd know that. I would have seen that.

"I am," he argues. "On the inside," he mumbles but I can still hear it. "Like right now. You're so beautiful, Sierra. And this dress looks so hot on you, I haven't been thinking about anything else but how I should rip it off of you and fuck you to oblivion."

"Can you, though? Please."

Obviously it's all jokes...kind of. I don't need Atlas to fuck me the second we're alone. But I wouldn't exactly mind it.

Atlas's mouth opens but closes again. I'd say he's a little dumbstruck as he didn't expect me to reply with that.

"Well, now that you'll be my wife, yeah. The second we're by ourselves, you bet that's what we'll do."

Promises. Promises.

I gasp, but not in shock. In excitement. My hormones seriously are getting the best of me. "So what are we waiting for? Let's get married and send these people home."

Atlas laughs. Oh, okay. I didn't expect him to go through with the semi-promise so early. But I'm not going to complain.

"I should have started with the sex argument. Perhaps you would've agreed way earlier then," he says, pulling me closer to him, my side to his. "What's promise number 2?"

Oh, right. "Promise number 2; no other partners. It's only going to be me and nobody else."

"You're telling me I have to break up with my twenty other girlfriends?" Right now is not the time for Atlas to find his humour. Not at all the right time. "Sweetheart. That's a done deal. It's only you."

I nod. "Promise number 3; if we're really going to do the sex thing, when I say no or stop, you cannot proceed with whatever we might be doing. And you cannot get mad."

His eyes widen drastically, all humour on his face gone. Even the bits that haven't shone through yet.

Then Atlas takes one of my hands in his, bringing it up to his mouth where he kisses my knuckles. "I know you need to hear this. So, Sierra, I promise I'm not going to rape you." He is right, I did need to hear him say it. "I'm also not going to let any other person close to you. Nothing is going to happen to you ever again, Sierra."

"You can't promise that," I say.

"You best believe I can," he vetos and interlocks our fingers. "I'm not letting you out of my sight in public spaces. You'll be free to be by yourself a few hours a day at home, but that's about it."

I roll my eyes, chuckling slightly. "How noble of you to grant me a few hours by myself." I do appreciate him promising to take care of me though. He may not be able to actually keep that promise (let's pray he can) but his words at least leave me feel protected, less vulnerable.

"Any more promises?"

I think about it thoroughly. "One," I say. "Promise number 4; you'll have to cuddle me until I fall asleep every night. And I want you to say good night and good morning back."

Atlas groans, leaning his head back. "Aw, that's cutting it, sweetheart. That sounds impossible. Cuddles? Okay, I can manage that. But good night and good morning?...."

I laugh, wrapping my arms around his body. Shortly after I feel Atlas pressing a kiss to the top of my head, I look up at him to find him smiling down at me softly.

"I'll try my best," he whispers like it's a secret. Like he only wants me to hear it.


As soon as the words "you may kiss the bride" are toning through everyone's ears, Atlas lays his hands onto my jawline and eases us into a sweet and innocent kiss. One that isn't awkward for our families to watch. Though, it probably still is.

Now, I know I've never even imagined getting married...but I also never thought if I did, it would be a marriage of convenience. More convenient for me than him. It is strange.

I'm officially married now, having zero knowledge of what the hell to expect.

I just know I'm not longer Sierra Bloom, but Sierra Storm. Guess that's the weirdest part of it all. A new last name? My boss's last name. Oh God. What have I done?

"It's time for the gender reveal!" Athena yells just as I pull away from the kiss with Atlas.

I totally forgot about the gender reveal. After this bomb of me getting married had been dropped, finding out the sex of my baby didn't seem too important anymore.

But now here we are.

Athena hands me, as well as Atlas, one confetti cannon each. Af first I'm a bit confused as to what I should do with it, but then it clicks in my head.

Atlas looks at me, just as startled as I felt a second ago. I keep forgetting he has no idea what the hell a gender reveal party is all about. Well, he knows what it's about, but he doesn't really understand why that's a thing. And that just makes this whole party so much more worth it.

"You ready?" I ask. Atlas hesitates to nod, but then eventually does. "On the count of three."

We both start to count.



"3!" Everyone shouts as Atlas and I both turn the handle to set off the cannon.

But now it's my turn to be just as confused as Atlas. Nothing but gold confetti comes out of these cannons. Little golden pieces that are flying through the air, slowly making their way to the floor.

I look over to Athena. She shrugs and pretends like she has no idea why this happened. Why the cannons were both filled with gold confetti and not pink or blue.

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