

Atlas strokes his hands up my legs, reaching to my hipbones to hook his fingers into the elastic of my panties. He looks into my eyes as he begins to pull on to them, slowly sliding them down my legs.

My breath shakes with every exhalation as he kisses up my thigh, getting dangerously close to my pussy.

His eyes stay locked with mine, at least until I can feel his hot breath tingling along my sensitive skin. He leans down, planting a kiss to my pussy. Then Atlas licks his lips, mumbling something unintelligible right before his tongue slides from my entrance to my clit. Once.

"Fuck, you're so wet." He groans, or growls, or whatever the name for the sound he just made is. A throaty sigh.

I let out a gasp, not being sure if I have ever felt the way I do right now before. My skin feels hot, way too hot. It's like all of my blood is rushing through me in lightning-speed. Something in my stomach tickles, like little butterflies being awakened.

Another feeling I've never really felt before. Butterflies. In that sense.

My head tilts back on the decorative pillow as Atlas repeats the same stroking-lick with his tongue, teasingly slow. Kind of like he's trying to savour me.

God, his tongue came in contact with my pussy twice and I'm already starting to believe this is the best feeling ever.

I wonder if he has done this before. With me, I mean.

"Relax, baby." Atlas speaks with a soft tone, sweet and kind.

He spreads my legs further apart, dipping his tongue into my core. Atlas licks his way back up to my clit, sucking it into his mouth.

I moan as he releases my clit from his mouth, feeling an electricity-like tingle stream through my veins.

Atlas brings one hand to my pussy, sliding two fingers through my folds to coat the tips with my wetness. He blows air to my clit as his fingers gaze it, adding the slightest amount of pressure as he circles it.

Gliding his fingers down, he dips them inside of me, slowly inching deeper. My breath hitches, easing into a loud moan.

When his finger seem to be completely inside me, he eases them back out while at the same time pressing his tongue flat to my clit.

An embarrassing thought makes it through to me, and yet I can't stop myself from blurting out words I know I will regret.

"I'm sorry if I taste bad," I say, sounding breathy.

I can feel something vibrate against my pussy, most likely another of Atlas's never happening chuckles.

"Sweetheart, I could eat you all day, that's how good you taste," he responds, pushing his tongue inside of me.

As he licks up my pussy, his fingers fill me up again, pushing into me faster than they did the first time. He curls them up, massaging my g-spot, eliciting a moan from my throat.

He nips on my clit, having to hold my hips down with his free hand in order to keep me from moving. My back arches, pushing my boobs into the air.

I reach my hands down, tangling them into his hair, pulling on a few strands. "Please," I beg.


I'm not sure how I changed from being afraid this man might do something to me, to begging him to let me finish. But I don't mind. Not when his tongue works wonders.

"Say my name, baby," he says, pushing his fingers as deep inside of me as possible. He sucks a little harder on my swollen nub while he proceeds to thrust his fingers in and out of me.

My hands tighten around his hair, his name rolling off my tongue in a moan as my orgasm sweeps through me.

Atlas's movements slow down, but he doesn't remove his hand, or tongue from me yet.

Only after a couple of deep breaths on my part does he pull out of me. As he sits and looks into my eyes, Atlas brings his hand to his mouth, guiding the two fingers that were just inside of me into it.

He sucks my arousal off of his fingers, and it's one of the most breathtaking things I've ever seen. It doesn't even make sense why this small act does things to me.

I'm not sure where Atlas put my panties, but I also don't care enough to ask. This was oral sex and some finger fucking only, and I could fall asleep right here.

God, I really wish I'd remember that night in Vancouver. It's really not fair. Imagine if I could remember all the things he's done to me, maybe I did to him. Who even knows? Though, perhaps that night was mostly embarrassing for me, if so, I sure as fuck do not want to know.

My knees are still spread apart, and I only notice it because Atlas closes my legs for me. He could have easily continued to look at me, why ever one would truly want that, but he didn't. He closed my legs so he wouldn't even get the chance to look at my pussy.

Then he gets up, lifts me up from the couch and starts to walk towards the stairs. I'd make him let me down, but truthfully, his arms seem way more comfortable than having to walk myself.

He carries me right into my bedroom and lays me down, then goes to get something from my closet. The closet is enormous. Too big for the little amount of clothing I have. Okay, maybe I do have a lot, but it's still too less for this closet.

Anyway, Atlas throws one of my pyjamas onto the empty spot beside me. It's my Disney pyjama, the one with little Stitch characters all over the shorts and tank top.

"I'll go take a shower. If you need anything, but are too lazy to get up, just call me. I've my phone with me," he says right before leaving my room, not even giving me the chance to say anything.

He sports an obvious erection, and honestly, with every inch of my body, I do not understand why he didn't take my offer. He could have had me any way he wanted, but he simply refused to have sex with me. Like he hadn't fucked me before.

It doesn't make any sense to me. But neither does anything we do together, really.



I come to learn I'm one of those women that can't do one-night stands. I thought I could, given that I never truly had someone to have close to me. Or even wanting to be close to.

Yet here I am, lying in Atlas's bed, waiting for him to come back from his shower. Occasionally I can hear a huff or two from him, and I hate that I know why he makes those sounds. Yet I kind of like that I had some kind of effect on him.

I felt weird just acting as tho he hadn't just had his fingers inside of me, or like he hadn't have his tongue on my pussy, which is another reason why I am currently in his bed.

I need more. Not in the sense of sex, wanting his cock inside of me. Although, I wouldn't complain about it if it happened.

I want more in the sense of...cuddles.

Now, I know I barely know Atlas. We don't have this kind of relationship... but, sue my hormones or something. I want cuddles, and I'll get them.

It's so weird to admit. For as long as I can remember, even way before Nico happened, I couldn't stand anyone touching me. I barely ever let my mother hug me, nowadays that pains me a lot, but that's how it's been back then.

And now, after going twenty-four years through life, being perfectly fine without physical contact, I want to feel Atlas Storm, my boss, close to me.

Fucking annoying. But I can't change it.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I must have. Because I didn't see Atlas coming out of the bathroom, yet he's about to get into his bed. Next to me.

He must notice I woke up because he starts to speak. "What are you doing here, sweetheart?"

"Are you going to kick me out?" I ask instead of answering his question.

It doesn't seem like he would, otherwise he wouldn't get into bed with me, right? He would push me out first and then lie down. I think?

As he lies, I move a bit closer, wrapping myself around the man that seems to hate physical contact as much as I do. Though, he's not afraid of it.

He doesn't hug me back, which is kind of a kick into my guts.

As I'm about to pull away, Atlas wraps his arms around my body, switching our position so he's lying on his back and my head is resting on his bare chest.

"I'm not kicking you out, but I want an answer nonetheless," he speaks quietly, gently tracing his fingers up and down my back. At the same time, my fingers find it intriguing to discover his abs. Defined fucking abs. How dare he?

"I'm in need of cuddles." I can feel his heart beat a tiny bit faster the second I say these words. "And you're a really great option to be my cuddle-buddy."

"I'm the only available option," he says, probably rolling his eyes.

"No," I veto. "You're the only option. Not just the only one available."

Atlas's chest starts to shake as he laughs softly.

"Do that more often," I say, tracing a finger along the lines of one of the tattoos on his chest.

"Do what more often?"

"Chuckling, laughing, smiling. Any of those," I tell him.

"Sweetheart, you know I'm not the guy to be joyful." His hand stops moving on my back, so I look up to see why that could be. I mean, maybe he fell asleep right after finishing his sentence.

He didn't fall asleep. Atlas is looking right at me.

"You could still smile more, Atlas. I like your smile."

Atlas presses a kiss to my forehead, not even attempting to say anything to what I've just said. He lacks communication skills, but that's alright, I can do the talking for the both of us.

"Are you going to spend the night in my bed or will you leave once you've got enough cuddles?" he asks. It's a fair question, that I admit.

"I don't think I'll ever leave this bed again." That's obviously my sleepy-brain talking, but I do not plan on getting up anymore. At least not today.

"That's not very fake-dating like," Atlas notes, continuing to caress my back. Soft touches that I happen to enjoy very much.

"Maybe not," I mumble, followed by a yawn. "But that's alright. People already think we're a real couple, so cuddling is fine."

Atlas is quiet for a moment. So quiet, I, once again, think he fell asleep.

"That doesn't make sense at all," he speaks after good two minutes, just when I'm about to drift off to sleep.

Suddenly I'm being rolled over onto my side. If I weren't so tired, I would argue with him about it, but I don't. All I manage to ask is: "Why won't you cuddle with me?"

But that's before I notice him still being super close to me and one arm being wrapped around me, his hand resting on that tiny bump.

"I am. Just figured lying on your stomach won't be too comfortable," he says, planting a tender kiss to my neck.

It really wasn't, I have to admit. How does he know that though?

"You're not the cuddle-type, are you?" I ask while yawning, wiggling my butt a bit closer to him.

"Not really," he says so quietly, I could barely hear it. "But I also never shared a bed with someone, so who even knows."

"Never?" I'm only half listening to his answer because I'm slowly falling asleep.

I can feel his thumb move on my belly, caressing my skin. I really wish I wasn't tired so I could enjoy this moment a little while longer.

But as my breathing grows heavier, my eyelids fall shut and I'm unable to reopen them. "Good night," I manage to force out.

"Good night, sweetheart." I'm not sure if that was my mind speaking for him, or Atlas actually talking himself, but I know for sure I am falling asleep with a smile on my face.

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