

He's not discussing my horny ass any further. But that's alright. I've embarrassed myself enough. At least I've gotten a reaction I've never seen from him out of it.

To my surprise, Atlas is following me out. Or I'm following him. Either way, we're leaving together. It shouldn't be too much of a surprise, I know he doesn't want me to call an Uber. He'd rather drive me anywhere himself. Why ever that is.

As we reach the lobby and step out of the elevator, I notice my shoe lace loosening, slowly opening up.

I stop walking, ready to redo the lace so I won't trip thanks to it. But when I'm about to bend down, Atlas beats me to it.

He kneels down in front of me, propping one leg up. Then he looks into my eyes as he carefully lifts my leg, setting my foot down onto his knee.

"You really don't have to do this, Atlas." But I like the sudden affection, so I'm good. The only thing bugging me are the looks from my colleagues. Anyone who is in this lobby right now, they're staring at Atlas and me. Annoying nosy adults.

He doesn't answer. Why would he? Atlas does whatever the hell he wants, and unless I specifically ask him not to do something that's connected to me, he will go through with it.

Atlas finishes tying me shoe laces. I pull my leg away from him and he stands. "Thank you," I say and smile at him sweetly. He doesn't reciprocate the smile, but he never does.

It is okay he doesn't, I guess. I am started to get used to it, and learn his ways of being anything but grumpy in his actions.

A moment later, Atlas intertwines our hands, much to my surprise. He knows I usually don't like any kind of touch, so he looks at me, waiting until I'd tell him not to touch me. But I don't.

Yes, his touch is sudden and I wasn't expecting it at all... but we're still in a fake relationship, people are supposed to believe us. But even if that wasn't a factor, I kind of like this?

I've never held hands with someone, except for my mother and Cody when I was younger. Or Athena as a joke. But not with anyone that wasn't in my life ever since I was born.

I follow Atlas to the front desk where he pushes me in front of him and wraps his arms around my neck from behind.

He has never done this before, but frankly, I could get used to this. It has some kind of protectiveness I didn't know I would ever need. Let alone want. It's like he is shielding me from the world, even if we're just in his office building and the only people around are fellow coworkers of mine.

Eleanor's cheeks are slightly rosy when she looks at us, her eyes switching from him to me and back. "Can I" she clears her throat "Can I do something for you, Mr. Storm?"

"I couldn't find Mrs. Coffey upstairs. Let her know Sierra and I left and I'd like important calls to be forwarded to my private phone, not the one in my office," he says, talking to her in his usual boss-like tone. The kind of CEO everyone here is used to.

He still calls Athena "Mrs. Coffey", and I would love to know why. As far as I know, she hasn't gotten married yet, and surely Atlas wouldn't be the one to know before me. Maybe he is just assuming. I would correct him, but don't quite have the heart to do it.


Eleanor nods quickly, typing something into her computer.

"Also, have her cancel my meetings for tomorrow. I won't be coming in."

She nods again, not taking her eyes off of the screen.

"I also want all the files there are for the latest company add-on," he demands. And in translation, I'd say he wants them right about now.

"The service shop?" Atlas doesn't answer, so I assume he nods. Or thinks Eleanor is stupid for having to ask.

Since Eleanor is busy, I take the chance to speak to Atlas. I slightly turn in his arms, looking up to him over my shoulder. "Can we get donuts on our way home?" I smile because I know we will, even if he says no.

I've gotten some this morning, like I do every day, but my cravings... God, they want nothing but fucking donuts all day long. This child better have a sweet tooth, otherwise I went through this hell for nothing.

Atlas nods once, then turns me so my chest is pressed flush to his body. My back touches the front desk counter in this position. He leans down, his mouth close to my ear as he speaks, "whatever you want, sweetheart."

I'm sure Eleanor heard that, Atlas wasn't whispering. Perhaps this should terrify me, but it doesn't. In fact, it kind of excites me.

I guess I like this side of Atlas Storm, even although he has just introduced it to me. The boyfriend side of him. I wonder why he doesn't have an actual girlfriend. Okay, I suppose it's because he's a bit unapproachable and gloomy, but if one looks beyond that...

Anyway, I'm suddenly even more excited for Saturday. With other people around to convince we're an actual couple, he'll have to act all couple-like with me. That means—hopefully—more cutesy talk and boyfriend-acts.

Then, right before Atlas straightens his back, I can feel his lips press to my temple. He kisses me gentle and slow, like he fears me breaking down otherwise.


"So the baby is completely healthy?" Atlas asks Dr. Diaz for the second time. I'm not quite sure why he asks again, because Dr. Diaz reassured him the baby is fine a whole month ago.

"Yes, Mr. Storm, your baby is completely healthy, just like last month. And it's a bit stronger," she says, smiling brightly. Then she turns her attention to me. "Would you like to know the sex?"

Atlas and I haven't discussed it yet. I'm not sure what he wants, but since I vote for two, his opinion doesn't matter. I'm out-voting him anyway. And I say we have a gender reveal party, if he likes it or not.

"No, but could you write it down onto a piece of paper and give it to me?" I ask, letting my excitement for the gender reveal show on my face in form of a huge smile.

Dr. Diaz nods, knowing exactly why that is. "That's exciting. Who's going to plan it all? if you don't mind me asking."

I shake my head, I sure don't mind. "My best friend, most definitely. She let me plan hers five years ago, it's only fair if she plans ours."

"What are we talking about?" Atlas asks, making both, me and Dr. Diaz chuckle. He doesn't look confused thanks to his grump-wall being up, but I know he is.

"You're a first-time father, am I right?" she asks instead of enlightening him. Atlas nods. "That's even more exciting than a gender reveal party. And that also explains your questions."


A couple minutes later Atlas and I are exiting the doctor's office. It's raining, though it could be referred to as pouring rain as it's a pretty heavy rainfall.

I always loved the rain, especially heavy ones. It brings a gloomy atmosphere, which then calms me down. Sometimes one needs a darker day to find their strength again.

For some reasons, Atlas is prepared for rain and opens up an umbrella. Though, he doesn't hold it up for himself, he holds it over my head only, making sure I don't get wet.

He can be a real bodyguard/butler sometimes, making me feel like some kind of celebrity. Well, and then the next second he humbles me by talking to me as though I'm still an employee only. But to be fair, that happens pretty rarely anymore.

It's been months, Atlas still never smiles, doesn't seem to get rid of the coldness and grumpiness, but he speaks softer to me. Strict and harsh, but softer.

I open my purse that's hanging from Atlas's arm (because he keeps insisting to carry it for me) and take out my phone. I have to call Athena immediately and let her know what she's going to plan. Hopefully she'll be just as excited as I was.

"Hit me," she says the second she picks up the phone. I chuckle.

"Athena, would you like to plan my gender reveal party?" I barely get to finish voicing my question before she starts to shriek and repeats "yes" like a million times.

"I've been planning one since the day I found out you're pregnant," she admits, and I can just picture her having more than one folder on her phone for it.

"Of course you have." I pause. "I'd say, if you could have it done by Friday, we'll do it then. Or maybe tomorrow that you're coming over anyway. Though, that might be a bit too last minute given that you'll only get the paper with the sex on it then."

Athena laughs. "We'll do it Saturday."

I shake my head, though I know she can't see that. "No. Athena, that's your wedding day. I am not taking your spotlight."

She snorts. "Seriously, it would be an honor to me. By the way, Cody and I won't bring Hunter tomorrow. I'm sure Mr. Arrogant would prefer a child-free home."

I look at Atlas and chuckle. "Well, not for long anymore anyway. He kind of got me pregnant."

"Still. If he reads the paper, he most definitely won't be able to keep his mouth shut and tell you before the actual reveal!"

"Hunter can't read," I remind her... well, unless I've missed some chapters in their lives.

"Right. It doesn't matter. Drew already agreed on spending the day with my son. God, he loves Hunter so much!"

And that Drew does. Well, I suppose it's good he found love for his grandchild in his heart.

Now, why did Athena feel the need to remind me that my child won't have grandparents from my side of the family? It's unnecessarily killing my excitement for this baby.

"Could you hold on a second?" I say to Athena, slightly holding my phone away from my ear. I look at Atlas, meeting his eyes. "Are your parents around?" I ask him.

He shakes his head, though I'm not sure if it's a "No, they're not" or a "Why the fuck is she asking?"

"My mom is," he ends up saying. "My dad died a while ago."

Okay, well... at least this child will have one living grandparent.

Holding my phone back to my ear, I'm about to speak when Mr. Asshole next to me snatches my phone away from me. "Aren't you supposed to be working, Mrs. Coffey?" He sounds mad. Perhaps I should have called her a bit later. It's only shortly after nine in the morning.

Not a clue what she answers but it seems to satisfy him. "Alright. Now, get back to work and don't call again. Sierra will be busy dress-shopping for the wedding."

I am?

I didn't even know I was going to do that today. Figured I'd go with Athena on Friday, perhaps? Or end up choosing one of the few I own.

Atlas hangs up the phone and puts it back into my purse, not even asking if I need it. I don't, but he could have asked anyway.

"I don't like going shopping on my own, Atlas."

"You're not going alone. You'll need someone with a sense of fashion to tell you what looks good and what doesn't," he answers, opening his car door for me.

"Oh, my God. You hired a fashion designer? You shouldn't have." I take a seat in the car, only to look up at him and burst into laughter. Atlas jaw is hanging to the floor, showing off an expression of shock and surprise I've never known he could experience.

Atlas stands there, holding the door open while blinking at me. "You know what, maybe that's exactly what I should have done."

"Do it now. And hire him to be my date for Athena and Cody's wedding as..." I don't need to finish my sentence because Atlas slams the door shut. Alright, so Mr. Asshole doesn't like being replaced as a fake-date, not even by me.

Twenty minutes later, we're in a super fancy and expensive looking boutique, selling nothing but massive wedding dresses and any other dress one could think of. Oh, and tiaras. A hell ton of tiaras.

We're the only ones here thanks to Atlas paying the owner to close the shop until we leave. Talk about wasting money.

Atlas is sitting on one of the comfortable armchairs. His knees are slightly parted as he sits, ready to leave at any second. Or maybe it's just more comfortable to sit that way. He looks me up and down like he's deciding whether or not the dress I'm trying on truly fits me.

"You look stunning, Sierra," he tells me. "But that's not the one."

It's the seventh dress I'm trying on, and it's the seventh time I've heard Atlas compliment me and then say the dress isn't it.

I love the compliments, but I hate what follows.

"We need something more... bold," he tells the boutique owner, not even asking if that's something I'd want. I really don't want to steal Athena's spotlight. The day is supposed to be about her and Cody, not me. "Something lacey, maybe."

Is he being for real? I was thinking a short satin dress, not anything wedding-dress-looking

The woman nods and leads me to another section of dresses, away from the short ones. These are all long and... wedding dresses. Except for a handful.

I lay eyes on one of those handful ones. They're screaming bold and sexy... crazy. Just what I need to try on as a joke, only to see Atlas's reaction.

"Sierra?" I hear Atlas say. He sounds quieter than what's usual for him. I look at him with raised eyebrows, waiting for whatever's about to come out of his mouth. Only that he hesitates for a second there. "Would you get married to me?"

"Now, why would I do that?"

He doesn't react to my words the way I thought he would; like look hurt or bothered. He just... looks like his emotionless-self.

"Just wondering." He pauses for a second and I can tell he wants to say more. "Getting married for the child, I mean."

"I wouldn't get married for a child. If you want to marry me, that's different. But masking it to be 'for the child' is stupid." He doesn't want to marry me, but I like to believe that I am lovable in someways.

Anyway, I mean what I said. Having a child together does not require us to be married.

"So if I wanted to marry you, would you?"

I shrug. "I don't think we have that kind of relationship."

"We could though."

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