

Storm parks his car in his usual spot at the building's underground parking lot.

With a package of six donuts in my hands, I feel strong enough to get through this day. And it helps to know that Storm wants me to take it easy. That means less work for the same amount of money.

"Do you want one?" I ask, holding the package of donuts out for Storm.

"I don't like donuts." His harsh tone makes a comeback. Not that it ever left. But he sounds a little softer at home than he does on work-property.

"Perfect, more for me." I grin, jumping like a happy little girl towards the elevator that leads up to the entrance floor of the building.

"Are you always this... giggly?" Storm asks, grunting.

I nod enthusiastically. Work makes me happy. I know office jobs are mostly boring, but I love it.

Generally, I love going outside. I haven't gotten to do that a lot when I was younger, so being able to do it now brings me joy.

And work is a safe place. There are cameras everywhere, and someone is constantly walking through every floor. I'm never alone. Never being alone makes me feel safer. More protected.

He gently slides my purse down my shoulder, along my arm. And before I can comment on it, he swings it over his own shoulder. Then Storm reaches out to take my package of donuts, holding it himself.

"What are you doing?" I ask, but my question stays unanswered.

He looks a little funny with my purse swung over his shoulder. He's in all black, except for his dress shirt. And then there's the light pink purse, just hanging down his side. It makes him look less intimidating. Like he actually has feelings and cares. Though, the stupid frown begs to differ.

As we step into the elevator, I try another question. "What's your favourite colour, sir?" Once again, no response. "I like that one, too." Apparently I'm becoming Dora the Explorer now.

I can live with that.

"Do you have a favourite animal?" I try again. But he doesn't answer, again. "I love monkeys. They're adorable. But I love your choice as well."

He grunts. At least I know he's listening.

How does he do this? He is somewhat talkative when he's not at work. He spoke to me all morning, even days before that he tried to speak to me a lot. But now that we're at work, he doesn't open his mouth.

"What's your favourite food?" I ask. I know I won't get an answer, but that only means I get to order my favourite this evening and tell him I thought he named it as his favourite.

"Can I touch you?" he speaks quietly.


Before I could press more, his hand comes in contact with my back. Ever so softly, he is holding his hand to my lower back. Storm barely touches me, yet I can feel his hand burning my skin. I'm pretty sure Storm can feel my body tense under his palm

"Relax, Sierra," he speaks, sounding kinder than ever before. Still demanding, but kinder.

The elevator doors open and we're being greeted by Eleanor, the receptionist. At first she smiles at me, but then her eyes wander over to Storm and her entire face freezes into something forced.


We step outside of the elevator, but don't start to walk yet.

"Good morning, Mr. Storm," she says monotonously. He doesn't acknowledge her.

"You should be nicer to your employees," I whisper, trying to step away from him. Of course I don't get away, because the second I try, Storm moves his hand from the small of my back to my waist, and pulls me back in.

He leans down, lowering his mouth to my ear. "I'm plenty nice to you. That's way beyond the level of nice I offer to anyone." Storm pushes me in front of him so that we're face to face, and I smile at him, widely.

"I mean, you did buy me donuts."

He nods. Once. The strict nod I witness him do a lot.

Not just some pre-packaged ones from a grocery store. He made an effort to get us to Dunkin' Donuts so I could choose which ones I wanted. And he didn't even complain about being even later for work than he already was because I took a little too long to decide.

To be fair, I wanted chocolate-glazed donuts, but they had so many options, it took me a while to choose. It's a miracle he didn't buy the whole store so we could leave, to be honest. He just stood there, waiting patiently, while recommending donuts to me without even knowing if they'd be any good.

"Sierra, if you need a break, you'll take it, okay? Don't overwork yourself, and let me know when you're leaving the building." His eyes wander down to my stomach, then back up to my eyes. Is he worried? That's kinda adorable.

Finally, Storm leads me to the other elevator, away from the handful of people in the lobby. But to my surprise, Storm presses the 11th floor only. Did he seriously forget I was here with him? In just two seconds?

My office is on the fifth floor, it would be way smarter for me to exit first. Guess Storm doesn't use logical thinking very often.

"There you are, Atl- Mr. Storm," Athena says when the elevator doors open. Her face screams confusion when she sees me with him. "Is there something I should know, Sierra?" Her eyes wander from my purse hanging from Storm's shoulder, over to me and back.

"Your best friend is pregnant, Athena."

Oh, okay. Cool. Let the man with no emotions rip off the band-aid like it's nothing.

Wait, when did he start calling Athena by her first name? I'm usually not present on this floor, but that's new, isn't it?

Athena's jaw drops, and she doesn't quite seem like she's able to close it again.

"She'll be staying in my office for the while being," he says, walking me towards the enormous doors leading into his office.

I am? No. That's too much Storm in my life. It's bad enough I see him at home every day since yesterday. No way I can live with sharing an office.

And why would he want to share his office? That's totally stupid. And unnecessary. I'm good with sharing my office with Beau. Actually, I prefer that to sharing one with Storm.

Oh, god. Beau. I totally forgot about him. How am I ever going to explain to him that I am pregnant with Storm's child and make him believe I've been dating him for a while? He knows I went out with Ted. But then again, he sort of overheard my last conversation with Ted where I said I did have a boyfriend or something like that. And I never answered Beau's question either.


"Don't you have some meetings?" I ask as we walk into his office. Storm places my purse, and the donuts, down onto his desk, then looks at me as I speak.

"Not in this office." Again with the bossy tone of his. He sure has worse mood-swings than I do. Even now with my pregnancy hormones that make me go from happy, to sad, to angry in mere seconds. "And if I do, you can hear them."

"Mr. Storm, that's really not necessary."

He takes a deep breath, gathering himself before he would yell. I've seen him do the exact same thing before. And it always ended with him yelling at the other person.

"Sierra, it is convenient. The fifth floor is always crowded. You need a quiet place. My office is pretty much the quietest space you'll find in the entire building."

I'll accept defeat. Mostly because I doubt I'd manage to argue. He is right, I know he is.

"And apart from that, the press report announcing your pregnancy is going online in a few hours. It's always better to announce it oneself than have the press assume and make up some story themselves. That also means in a few hours, our 'relationship' will be publicly known. And what kind of boyfriend would let their girlfriend stay in an open-office with tons of stress factors while being pregnant?" he adds.

"The ones that don't care," I offer, smiling awkwardly.

"I'm not one of those."

Truthfully, I couldn't picture Mr. Storm being in a relationship in the first place. He seems too head-strong. Everything has to go his way. He likes to be the boss. That would be an exhausting relationship.

Storm takes a seat at his desk, instantly turning on his computer. Then, he grabs the phone lying on the surface of the desk, presses one single button and waits about five seconds before his call is being accepted.

"Call IT and tell them I want Sierra's computer in my office. Mention a time limit of thirty minutes." And just like that, he ends the call. No goodbye. No thank you. Nothing.

Poor Athena.

Looking around Storm's office, I notice one other thing missing. An extra desk. Am I supposed to work on the floor?

"Mr. Storm," I begin but don't get to finish voicing my question.

"Sierra, you have to start using my first name. If someone hears you address me as 'Mr. Storm' and not 'Atlas', they'll get suspicious," he interrupts.

"Are you aware of being ten times worse the asshole here than back at your house?" I take a seat on the opposite side of Storm and cross my legs. "I thought I could start tolerating you. But I won't be able to if you continue to speak to me like I've done something wrong."

"You do something wrong," he tells me. "You're still calling me by my last name."

I scoff. "And I will continue to do so, Mr. Storm. If you want this 'relationship' to work, with no one getting suspicious, you might have to earn me calling you by your first name."

"And how'd you want me to do that?"

Shrugging, I say, "I don't know. I guess you will have to figure it out, Mr. Storm."

At this point I'm just mocking him. But who does he think he is? If we're supposed to play boyfriend and girlfriend, he might want to start acting like one. That doesn't mean holding my purse and forcing me into his office only. He should talk to me like I mean something. Like I'm important to him.

Everything has been going his way up until now. He's got me to move in. He successfully forced me into his office. It's time I take charge and demand at least some kindness. Other than gestures. I'm talking about his tone.

It looks like Storm wants to say something, but then his phone starts ringing and he dismisses talking to me.

"Storm." His tone is even harsher now. He's mad. But is that truly something new?

"I didn't check the caller-ID, Summer. Stop being pressed about my tone. You know me better than to argue it." His eyes move from his computer screen to me. Holding his gaze focused on me as he listens to the other person talk.

I know I shouldn't care. I shouldn't mind that he's on the phone with someone named "Summer", and yet it still bugs me.

"I don't think that's a good idea." His eyes still don't leave mine, but I'm about to break the eye-contact. It's getting far too much.

Eye-contact has a strange intimate vibe, one I cannot deal with at the moment. Not with him anyway.

"I'll ask her," I hear Storm say. "You feel up for company this evening?" I suppose his question is aimed at me now.

"No." Though, company other than Storm would be better for me. But I'd rather not walk into an actual girlfriend of Storm's.

I could swear Storm's mouth twitched lightly. Just for a split second.

"She's nothing like me, Summer. Just a bit mad right now, don't take it too personal."

Why would she anyway? She's the girlfriend... Wait. Girlfriend. Were they a thing when we were in Vancouver?

"Yeah. See you some time." Again with the eye-contact. I hate it. Staying in this office, in his presence... it's going to be the death of me.

"Don't make me say it, Summer," he growls. Make him say it, whatever that is. "Whatever. Love you, too."

Wow. He can't even say Love you to his girlfriend. He really doesn't have a heart, does he?

He hangs up the phone, setting it back down onto the desk. "Summer is my sister. She wants to meet you."

Oh. Not a girlfriend. A sister.

God, of course. Makes so much more sense now.

"The report was published ten minutes ago. Earlier than planned but it doesn't really change anything. She's seen it, Summer-ed out, and now she wants to meet you."

"Is she like you?" is all I question. If she is, I really don't want to meet her. I can't live with two stormy Storm's in my life.

Storm sighs, shaking his head. "Honestly, she has more similarities to you than me."

So, she's a bubbly person? That I can handle.

"I like her name. Summer Storm. That's awesome."

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