

Is it rude not to tell your best friend about your pregnancy? I'd say so. But what else am I supposed to do?

I hate that I can't talk to Athena about... anything. Not yet at least.

Until Storm and I have figured out how to do this, how to co-parent without either of us getting shamed publicly, no one can know the truth.

No one but Cody.

Seriously, Storm can't expect me to keep completely quiet. Especially not after he had told my brother I'm pregnant. Since Cody knows this info already, he might as well hear from Storm's absurd proposal.

As I wait for Cody to pick up his phone, I can feel my body shake. Adrenaline rushing through my body like it never has before. But it only gets worse when he picks up.

"Sierra." He sounds awfully like his father. A lot like the strict tone Drew had on me all my life. "You've got a hell ton of explaining to do."

That I do. Though, I wouldn't know what to tell him.

"You're dating your boss, Sierra. When the hell did that happen?"


"Cody, Storm and I aren't dating. We both had a little too much to drink a few weeks ago and—" Why do I even own my brother an explanation?

I get it. Cody is worried about me. He is worried that Storm is just like Nico. That he will be awful, cruel, and do things to me no one should ever have to experience. But despite Storm appearing a lot to be an asshole, that doesn't mean he would do things to me.

"And what, Sierra?" he snaps. "How could you possibly get knocked up by your boss!"

Just like any other woman conceives. By sperm being injected.

"You don't even like men!"

"That's not true," I veto. "I am afraid of men. I am afraid of the things men are capable of. How they can so easily take advantage of a woman. But, FYI, women can take advantage of men as well. I've had one bad experience and now I'm afraid it might happen again. That doesn't mean I am suddenly into women. Although that would solve about 9/10 of my problems."

I just know Cody is rolling his eyes right now. "Two," he corrects. "Two bad experiences." Yeah, yeah, whatever. "Does Athena know?" he asks. "Can I tell her?"

"No. To both. No one can know anything before Storm and I figured out a way to make it look less bad to the public eye."

I'm starting to think Storm is right. Breaking the news, people will be more hateful towards me than Storm himself.

Sure, nearly to every news portal is out for gossip, and that's what they'd get. Just that the story will be turned into something that will make me look like a gold digger. Storm, on the contrary, he won't be having to deal with negative headlines for too long.

Which is why having a bomb ass story is important. One that isn't just in favour to him, but me as well.


"He asked me to move in with him," I tell Cody. "Well, I think it was more of a suggestion, a possible demand even, than him asking. He thinks if we say we've been dating for a while before, it'll look better for the both of us."

Cody chuckles on the other end of the line. Though, I'm sure that's more of a "I can't believe this" kind of chuckle.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. I don't think it's a good idea to fake a relationship with my boss, Cody. Imagine if he'd be seen with some other woman. How embarrassing would that be for me, when he's supposed to 'date' me?"

That gets me a snorted laugh. "Sierella, have you ever seen Storm with a woman before?" I have not. He takes my silence as an answer. "I don't think he's much into having a relationship be publicly known. So knowing that, I hate to agree with your boss, but he might be right."

"I suppose." And I do. If Storm has never really been seen with anyone before, he could simply say he's been seeing me this whole time but kept it private because of his own office-dating-restrictions.

I hate that it makes sense.

"This family is doomed for one-night stand babies," Cody then says with a chuckle.

He's not all too wrong. I'm one of those, so is Hunter. And now I'm having one. This family really is doomed.

But to the fair, Hunter's parents are engaged now. Shortly after Athena found out she was pregnant, my brother did everything in his power to have his child, and the mother of said child in his life.

They didn't get married yet. Athena keeps telling me it's not the right time yet, but I don't quite understand why. She's been wanting to marry Cody since she was five, or so I believe. Plus she's wearing a wedding ring already and her engagement ring.

"Wait, didn't Athena tell you about what happened in Vancouver?" I ask as the realisation kicks in. Athena has known of my sex mishap for weeks. Surely she would tell her fiancé about it.

"Sierra, she's been your best friend before she was my fiancée. Way before that. I can't compete with you. That woman would rather die than tell me anything you've said to her."

Now, I knew Athena was an amazing best friend, but that just proves it once again. Maybe I should tell her about what's going on anyway. Storm can't possibly expect me not to tell her. After all, I've known her all my life, and she's almost the wife of the guy he told I was pregnant.

If it comes down to it, I'll just tell him Cody told her.


Storm was right.

The second I mentioned his name to the receptionist, she pulled a few strings and squeezed me right in between two other appointments. I kind of had to lie about my relationship to this man, but it's not like the world won't know about us—whatever we are—very soon anyway.

It's been a day only. I haven't really made up my mind about the moving in proposal yet, but logically, it's the only option.


And it sure would give Storm the opportunity to be there during this whole pregnancy process.

But I'm not sure I could live with a man I know absolutely nothing about. I mean, I guess I know some things. Work related ones.

He's grumpy at all times. He drinks his coffee black and hates sugar. That, I only know from Athena because she's been making fun of it for years. Storm is strict and intimidating. He doesn't hesitate to fire someone, never gives second chances.

Except for me, apparently.

Technically he has fired me before. And yet somehow I still have a job.

"The doctor should be with you shortly," one of the medical assistants tells me as she leads me into the examine room.

She puts down a few papers onto the desk while I take a seat. Then, the woman, I believe whose name is Maya, smiles at me shyly and walks back out of the room.

I do have to say, the second I told the receptionist I was Storm's girlfriend (which is nothing but a lie), the whole vibe changed. She was so giggly and then suddenly she wasn't anymore.

Well, it wasn't until I provided proof of him being close to me that she actually believed me. And the only proof I had was his credit card.

Anyway, she appeared to be scared. As if she fears losing her job if she does one single mistake with me.

I also didn't think telling coworkers about their patients relationship is a thing, but the next thing the receptionist did was tell the medical assistants.

Wait. Oh God. What if these women talk? They could sell this kind of information for a whole lot of money. And then what? People will truly think I'm Storm's girlfriend. Shit.

Clearly, I didn't think that one through.

When Maya said shortly, I didn't think she meant less than two minutes. But that's exactly how longs it's been until Dr. Diaz walks in here.

She looks young. Mid thirties, I'd say. But she also looks kind, so that's good.

"Good morning, Ms. Bloom. I'm Dr. Diaz," she introduces herself, beaming a smile at me. "The home pregnancy test was positive?"

I nod, somehow not being able to find my voice.

Dr. Diaz writes something down onto a post-it, then proceeds to type on the computer keyboard before turning her attention back to me.

"I'd like to have an urine sample for the hCG hormone, getting a professional look at possible conditions you might have. And I'd also like to do an ultrasound," she tells me. I don't think I can speak against any of it.

A second later, another of the assistants walks in, handing Dr. Diaz a cup, which ends up in my possession.

"It will take approximately 5-24 hours before we'll have the urine sample results back. One of my assistants will be in contact with you right away."

Next thing I know, I've peed in a cup and handed it back to the doctor. Now I'm lying on an examine table, my stomach exposed with gel spread all over my skin while Dr. Diaz moves the transducer over it.

In a matter of seconds, a little blip appears on the monitor. It doesn't look like anything at all, but Dr. Diaz tells me the yolk sac is to be seen, whatever the hell that is.

"I think we'll need a transvaginal ultrasound to be able to get a better look. You should be around 6 weeks, I'd say. Do you have any symptoms?"

"I feel nauseous at lot, especially when I smell Tuna. My breasts are pretty sore," I tell her. She nods, showing me she's listening.

It takes another good 15-20 minutes before I'm finally done here and get to leave.

As I walk home, I keep staring at Storm's contact information. He did ask me to call him immediately once I know for sure. But I can't just call him, can I?

What if he's in a meeting? What if he just said that to sound... I don't know, polite? Like he cares?

But he deserves to know. He should know. Because what if he actually cares and is nervous as he waits for my call?

I don't think this man could get nervous. But still. He might be waiting.

Taking a deep breath, I press call before I'd change my mind. It rings. Once.

"Sierra." How did he know this was me? He can't possibly have my number in his phone. Never mind, he probably looked into my file and took it from there.

"Uh, yes. Hi, Mr. Storm." This is awkward. How does Athena do this? She is on the phone with him at least a million times a day. Okay, it's never his private phone and solely work related, but still.


"Yeah, whatever." I roll my eyes. I just can't call him by his first name. It's impossible. "I'm calling because I'm walking home right now." No, that's not why you're calling, Sierra.

"Okay?" I swear I could hear some amusement in his tone. "From the OB-GYN?"

"Precisely. She confirmed the pregnancy. I'm like six weeks along, but we both knew that already. Anyway, that's all I wanted to tell you. Now, goodbye."

Why do I get so nervous when I talk to him? It's most definitely because this man intimidates me, scares me even. But also a hell ton of awkwardness, I'd say.

"Sierra." He stops me from hanging up. "You're walking home?"

"Yes. I don't have a car anymore. But it's alright. I love walking. Just not at night. Nights are scary. Anyway, I should really get going now, otherwise I won't ever get home." Why am I babbling like this?

"Let me pick you up."

"That's not necessary, sir."

"It's pouring, Sierra. You shouldn't get sick, especially not now. Tell me where you're at and I'll come pick you up." I suppose he has a point. Why does he always have a point? I want some points as well.

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