

He's here. Storm is in my apartment, sitting on my sofa. He looks around my living room, probably judging every inch of it.

I don't live the fancy-life. I have a broken TV, standing on a pretty old cabinet set. I think my mother owned this one when I was born. That's how old it is. And it sure doesn't look new.

It's not that all my furniture looks old and rotten, or that I live in filth. I'm slowly renovating. I simply couldn't afford to buy whole new sets for my living room and bedroom. Plus buy a new kitchen and bathroom. So I had to use some of my mothers old furniture.

Truthfully, I like my place. It's cozy and feels a lot like home. Back when my life was carefree and good.

But now I'm embarrassed, because the richest man I know is here. I bet he's used to marble flooring and expensive furniture. And now I'm assuming. Doing that one thing I hate the most.

"Would you like something to drink, Mr. Storm?" I find myself asking. Luckily, Storm shakes his head. I'm not even sure I'd have anything but tap water here anyway.

"I think you should start calling me by my first name."

I want to laugh. Maybe also cry. Calling my boss by his first name? That's not going to happen. Ever.

"Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't know your first name," I admit. And it's true. I don't think I've ever heard or read his first name before.

He frowns at me in confusion. Breaking his grumpiness for the very first time. Though, he's still just frowning. "You don't know my first name?"

I shake my head and take a seat next to him. My legs would probably give in from nervousness if I continue to stand.

"How? You've been working for me for like six months."

"Five," I correct. "You're not exactly the kind of CEO that talks to his employees. Or shows up anywhere, for that matter."

I think Storm is quite aware of his behaviour, and yet he still seems surprised. "My name is the company. It's all over the building. You're in PR, you write about me all day and you still don't know my first name?"

"Unless your full name is Storm Storm, then no, I don't."

He brings a finger to his lips as he narrows his eyes at me. "My name is Atlas. Atlas Storm."

"How was I supposed to know that, Mr. Storm? You never even introduced yourself to me."

For a moment Storm just stares at me, his eyes boring through my skin right into my soul. Although I should be used to his intense stares by now, I'm not. They're still pretty much intimidating.

"You're supposed to call me Atlas," he says with a sigh.

"I don't feel comfortable doing that," I admit.

He takes a deep breath, probably so he wouldn't lose his shit. I wouldn't blame him if he did.


"Are you into Greek mythology?" I ask, being in desperate need for this silence he's forcing upon us to be over.

A bit startled, Storm shakes his head.

"Do you know why Atlas the Titan got punished?" Another head shake. "Atlas took part in the war against Zeus and as a punish-"

He hold his hand up, interrupting me mid sentence. "Sierra, like I've said before, I'm not into Greek mythology. I have never read anything about it at all."

Yeah, but I need something to babble about, otherwise I will lose my mind somewhere in the silence.

"I'm not here to talk about Greek mythology. I'm here to discuss a few things with you." Okay, I guess we're getting somewhere. Though, I kind of wish we didn't have to talk at all.

I hate this. All of this. I hate how from this day forward, I will have to spend years talking to this man about how to raise our child. Discuss anything that's connected to him or her. Probably fight about whom the child will stay with.

"I've given the whole PR situation a considerate thought. A long and well thought-through one."

I chuckle. "It's been like three or four hours since I've informed you about this pregnancy. I doubt it can be that thought-through yet."

"Sierra, I think you should move in with me."


Either I'm choking on my own saliva right now, or someone has just stabbed me in my stomach and I'm coughing up blood.

"You, sir, have lost your mind." I burst into laughter. This is even absurder than him insisting to drive me home. It's absurder than him sitting right here on my sofa, next to me.

As much as I'm laughing, Storm doesn't so much to look bemused. If he continues to frown at me like that, I might think he's being serious.

He can't be serious. Storm has just been informed I'm pregnant. And I am yet to have a doctor confirm it.

What's next? He proposes to me? Wants us to get married because it's only logical?

I think the fuck not.

"I mean it, Sierra. It's only convenient for the both of us."

"THE BOTH OF US?" I blurt out, trying to keep whatever amusement and frightening feelings I have boiling to come up, inside. "How would that be beneficial at all?"

"You wouldn't have to worry about one thing. Anything you might desire, I'm sure I have it. And if not, I can arrange it. I would get to experience and actually be there for your pregnancy. And in the press report, we could make it as though we've been living together for a while already. That way, the questions about your pregnancy won't turn too negative."

They're valid reasons. I suppose. His being way more beneficial than mine.

Anything I might desire? What the hell is that even supposed to mean?

"Just think about it, Sierra. I'm sure your brother would be at ease as well."


I snort. "He wouldn't. In fact, he'd probably be even more worried."

I think I might have said too much, at least judging by Storm's expression. His eyes are slightly narrowed, his head tilted to the side. He is waiting for me to elaborate. But that is not going to happen.

"Mr. Storm, you don't have to do any of this. Accidents like these happen all the time. I will be fine. As long as you want to be in the baby's life, I won't tell you to leave, I shouldn't even if I wanted to. You have a right to see this child, and I'll give it to you. But you don't have to care for me."

He takes a deep breath, reaching his hand out to touch me. Not sure where, my leg, my arm, it doesn't matter, I can't have him do that.

"Please don't touch me." Instantly, he stops and drops his hand.

I'm honestly wondering how I ended up in bed with this man.

He isn't ugly. I'd go as far as to say he's really damn handsome.

Storm has dark hair, I'd say a dark brown. It's not black. From what I remember, he has a pretty muscular back, so I'd assume he has some abs. And a few tattoos. I've seen a few on his arms, and one on his right side.

They're in just the right places for no one to ever see them underneath the suits. Which is also why I was a bit startled when I looked at him the morning after. He looked nothing like the Storm that is my boss. He looked... different. And yet still like himself.

Anyway, the main reason why I can't have him touch me right now isn't because that's totally inappropriate. It's because I have evolved a rational fear of men, and their touch.

The only guys I'm okay with touching me is my brother and Beau. Obviously not an intimate touch. At all. That would be pretty fucking weird and disgusting. For both men.

Beau is kind of like my best friend. And Cody. Well, he's my brother. Do I have to say anything else?

Oh, and Hunter. Of course. I love Hunter's hugs. But then again, he's five years old. Not so much to hate about a little guy like him.

But Storm? He's big. Big and intimidating. He's broody and walks around with a dark cloud over his head. He screams danger.

"I'm sorry," I apologise, suddenly feeling bad for asking him not to touch me.

For years I've been getting looks when I told a man not to touch me. Even if it was an innocent touch. No one ever really tried to understand why that is. Not that I ever explained it either.

"I can't stand to be touched by men," I say, looking away from Storm. I can't look at him. I can't because I know he is looking at me as if I'm a wreck. Up-tight and a prude.

And maybe I am.

But to my surprise, Storm doesn't ask why. "Okay," is all he says. His voice low and calm, almost a whisper.

"Sierra, I need you to understand something," he says. I find it rude not to look at the person talking to me, so I have to put on my big girl pants and face him. "I'm not asking you to live with me because it will look better for me. I'll be off the hook within a few days. It will be worse for you. When people find out you let your boss impregnate you, and you weren't even dating him before, you can imagine what will be said about you."

"Probably something like I did that on purpose to tie a millionaire to me and live a luxurious life, and never have to care about anything ever again." Bold assumption, but not too far off.

I know the media, and I know their sleazy conspiracy theories to get more attention. Which is why I'm also aware of the fact, even if we said Storm and I were dating before I got pregnant, even lived together, there will still be rumours like these. Less bad though.

"Hate to correct you, but it's billionaire. With a 'b'."

Oh, wow. Okay. Someone loves his money. And the title that comes with it, apparently.

"I can protect you better when you're with me, Sierra. You won't be missing anything. And believe it or not, I want to experience your pregnancy with you."

The only thing, or person, I need protection from is Storm himself.

But can I really take that experience away from him? He's the father after all. Wouldn't it be kind of rude not to allow him to bond with his child before the baby is born?

"Can I think about it, Mr. Storm?"

"You're supposed to call me Atlas. But, of course you can think about it," he says.

He grabs my phone from the coffee table, unlocks it. How the hell does he know my passcode? Lucky guess, I'd assume. It's just my birthday.

Does he have every employees birthday memorised?

Storm creates a new contact, adding his phone number. "Don't be stubborn, Sierra. If you need anything, and I mean anything, give me a call." He lays my phone back down and turns to look at me. "That's my private number. I'll be available for you all day and night."

He stands up and I follow him to the front door. When he steps outside, he speaks again. "I'll stop by tomorrow after work. I'll make the bold assumption you'll go see a doctor tomorrow. So, I will be expecting a call from you. If you don't have an appointment yet, you should get one within a few hours after mentioning my name."

That said, Storm leaves without looking back.

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