

I should have woken him up instead of running out like a coward.

I guess one night stands work like it, though. Just walking out, I mean. Otherwise it defeats the whole "one-night" kind of purpose, does it not?

Our meeting has officially started ten minutes ago... and Mr. Storm himself isn't even in sight. He was the one calling for this meeting, surely he would be the one doing the talking. No one in this room knows why we're even here.

"All I'm saying is, I saw Mr. Storm walk off with some blonde woman. He might still be in bed," I overhear one of my colleagues say. He sounds rather proud to have witnessed it. If I wasn't the one our boss walked off with, I sure would have laughed about it.

"No way," Athena interjects, nudging her elbow into my arm. "I've been working for him for years and not once has he missed a meeting. Especially not for a woman." She wears a smile on her lips, one that says she knows something but isn't up to telling me what she knows.

If only he was missing this meeting for a woman. He is most certainly still knocked out on his bed. From what it looked like when I left, he's a rather deep-sleeper, not too easily to be woken up.

Though, I'm not quite sure one morning could really judge that.

"You're so quiet this morning, sunshine," Beau Cromwell says, laying a hand down onto my shoulder. A second later he shoves a cup of coffee into my hand, smiling at me warmly. "You're usually all the bright colours of the rainbow, and now you're the cloud with the rain."

I sigh, silently. Beau is right. I am the kind of person that smiles at everyone, wishes every person that walks past me a good morning, offers to bring coffee etc. I even bring self-baked cookies to work every week. But not today. I'm way too afraid my soon-to-be ex-boss is going to march in here and fire me right on the spot.

Needless to say, my memory from last night still hasn't come back. I have absolutely no idea what happened. I can only assume things got a little more heated, and that's solely judged by our nudity the morning after.

"I guess I'm just a bit hungover," I say, not even lying. I do have a pretty bad hangover. My head is still throbbing, my feet hurt like hell—although that has nothing to do with being hungover—but overall, I feel like a sack of potatoes. An old sack of potatoes, not even a freshly bought one.

"Ya think?" he chuckles. "You've probably drank the whole bar last night."

I did not. I had like... two handful of drinks. Maybe? God, I don't know. But it certainly wasn't the whole bar.

"Where did you run off to anyway? You suddenly disappeared after two." Beau takes a seat in the empty chair next to me. The one Athena sat in just two minutes ago before she marched off, probably to see where Mr. Storm is at.

"I got tired and went to sleep." Not that it's any of his business in the first place.

Taking a sip from my coffee, I instantly feel less stressed. I know coffee doesn't do shit for stress, but the caffeine sure does calm me down... in some ways.

"Do you think Athena is gonna run into our boss being naked in bed?"

"What kind of question is that?" I ask in return, somehow feeling as though I'm back in college. We're all adults here, as far as I'm concerned, at least. It really shouldn't matter if our boss missed his own meeting because he was busy in bed with someone. Though, I know he isn't busy right now. Except for busy sleeping.


"Well, we're here on a conference, apparently doing some kind of bonding, and now the asshole boss himself doesn't even show up to a meeting he called for." Beau shrugs like it's truly bothering him.

I mean, I suppose I understand why half of the people here seem a bit... mad. They've had to get up early to be here, most of them being hungover to the gods. And then, the man that kept repeating "We have a meeting tomorrow at eight" all night doesn't even show up.

"Oh, my God!" Athena shrieks as she comes back to the conference room. One that is much smaller in the hotel than back at the Storm House.

Everyone's head turns, facing Athena. She will love the attention. I'm pretty sure if she wasn't working for an asshole like Storm, she'd be trying to get her ass worked somewhere that would get her famous. Like, trying to become an actress or something like that.

"Sierra, you will not believe it," she says, bending down for her mouth to be on the same height as my ear. "I think I woke him up, and I think he was naked," she whispers like it's a secret. I suppose we all assumed he was still asleep.

"You think?"

"Ah, well... he definitely was. But I kept my eyes shut, or Cody did. Either way, he was busy." From all the thinks she's just said, there's only one thing that truly stuck with me.

"Cody is here?" Cody, aka my older brother. The one of whom I thought was back at home with his son.

Without answering me, Athena walks up to the front of the room, right where Mr. Storm himself would be standing if he was here. She leaves me so seamlessly, i start to believe we didn't even have a conversation just a second ago.

She asks for everyone's attention, speaking loudly, harshly. These people are all arrogant asses, especially the guys. They think the women working for Storm should do the paperwork while they handle the "other stuff". Basically, they think negotiating should be men's work, and the papers should be written by the female worker. Sexist much.

"Mr. Storm will be here any minute," she announces.

A second later, a bunch of immature adults throw questions at her head.

I know being late and not attending meetings is totally out of character for our boss, but come on... he's human. He sure is a closed-off asshole, but that doesn't mean his employees get to throw around inappropriate questions about him, the moment they get a chance.

"If I hear one more speculation as to why Mr. Storm was supposedly late, I will make sure to report you back to him," Athena snaps, hitting her fists onto the table. She's had it with these people.

I can't even blame her.

I've been working at Storm Holdings Inc. for four months, and I've already had it with most of them. Most of the people I've met, that is.

And then, as if Satan himself came to visit, the room quiets down instantly. Not because Athena threatened to report them, but because Mr. Storm walks into the room.

He is fixing his dress shirt by his wrists. Mr. Storm is wearing a suit, as he does every day. It's a black one, as usual. And even though he still looks like the arrogant and rich boss he is, he appears... different.

With the same expressionless face he has going twenty-four seven, Mr. Storm stands in front of us all. He clears his throat then begins to speak. "I'm sure all of you are aware of the new investment the company has taken on."


Eyebrows draw together, foreheads wrinkle as more than half of the people in this room seem to be confused.

Have they seriously not read the papers we've been given good an hour after we had arrived at this hotel?

"Or not," Storm says, harsh. "Well, I suppose if my private life is more interesting than your job, that shouldn't surprise me."

He looks around the room, analysing every single face. Probably to figure out who has done their job and who hasn't.

But he completely skips me.

I know he's aware I'm present. Although I've been invited by Athena, Storm hands her a list of people to invite to meetings beforehand. So he sure as hell wanted me here before. Not so much anymore now that last night happened.

Oh God. Does he remember everything? I'm sure he does. This is totally going to be the death of me.

"Storm Holdings inc. is investing in a publishing house," he fills the ones in that still have no clue what he's talking about. "As each individual in this room appears to be doing a good job, normally, I had come to the decision to hold a spot open for one of you."

More confusion appears on people's foreheads, but this time, I'm sure I look just as confused.

"The publishing house is in desperate need of a good worker. Someone, that will be able to turn the numbers upside down and bring money into this business. Someone, that knows how to get lazy workers to work harder, encourage them. And someone, that can handle the boss status."

The interest has been piqued.

"The publishing house brings good numbers. They're not doing too bad of a job, but it could do better. Therefore, I need one of you to take on the job as a the publisher, as a representative of mine, of course, someone to be present at all times."

The next fifteen minutes pass pretty slowly, thanks to Mr. Storm thoroughly explaining the job we'd have to do. And, of course, letting us know we'd have to send in another job application.

His eyes don't wander over to me even just one time. I'm pretty sure he feels as awkward as I do. That is, if he remembers our night together. I certainly don't.

Anyway, this meeting was a total waste of my time. Even if I were to apply for the job, I wouldn't get it. I am not interested enough to get into publishing. Working in PR is more my thing. And that sure would show through my application.

And as quick as he ended up coming here, he dismisses us, tells us we should get back with the rest of our colleagues to bond.

Whyever Mr. Storm wants us all to bond so desperately. Most of us don't even work together with one another, don't even have to. Though, as a part of the PR team, I do get to speak to a lot of people. Not much, because mostly I'm handed some papers that I have to take care of and turn into anything beneficial for the company.

And funny enough, this weekend here was supposed to be planned by me. But then Beau, the guy I share my office with, snatched the opportunity from me and has done it himself.

"Ms. Bloom," I hear my name being called out, "I'd like a word with you."

Ah, the snappy boss takes his lead. I'm pretty sure he's going to tell me I'm fired.

The second everyone left, he finally turns his attention to me. "Mrs. Coffey, I'd like a minute alone with Ms. Bloom," he tells Athena, tapping his finger onto the wood of the table, impatiently waiting for her to leave.

Mrs.?? Athena isn't married yet.

She senses his change in mood, though it's not anything better. He's still tense, even more now that we're alone. He still looks as if he's about to rip my head off. He still doesn't smile, doesn't so much as to try and appear friendly.

When the door closes behind Athena, he begins to talk. "You could have woken me up."

Honestly, I didn't think he would even want to address this, or that he cares much about being late in the first place.

"I'm sorry, sir. I don't even remember anything about what happened last night. I was a bit startled when I woke up and so—"

He looks at me madly. His eyebrows are pinched together, his jaw tense... and his fingertips are still tapping onto the table.

"Nothing at all?" His voice is thick, sounding harsher than usual. Is he seriously pissed at me having obviously drunken myself to oblivion?

"Anything after me tripping and you catching me is completely gone," I admit, feeling my cheeks heat up, flushing. This is so embarrassing.

Why are we even talking about this? One-night stands happen more regularly than one would think. We're both adults. Things like that happen. No need to talk about it.

"Are you firing me?" I ask, swallowing thickly.

His expression still gives nothing but grumpiness away. Then his eyes narrow as he looks at me with a frown. It's like he tries not to give anything away at all. But that's not too unusual for this man.

"I told you last night, Ms. Bloom. I am not firing you."

"Well, I don't remember last night, so how would I know?" I snap. Although I feel the urge to apologise for snapping at my boss, I don't. He doesn't apologise for anything ever. I mean, he didn't even apologise for being late earlier. I come to think standing my ground with talking back as harsh as he speaks to me is appropriate.

Maybe not.

"Are you going to apply for the job?"

Okay, business-talk then. I can do that.

"No," I answer truthfully, sounding much nicer again. "I have no interest in becoming a publisher in a publishing house."

"I think you would do an excellent job."

"Thank you, but I'd like to keep my position in PR."

"The publishing job would be paid better," he tells me. It is intriguing. But I know I'd hate the job more than anything.

I get the feeling this man desperately wants to get rid of me. I can't even blame him for it.

"Sir, if you want me gone, just fire me. Whatever happened between us was inappropriate and shouldn't have happened. I won't leave on my own because I really need this job, but I certainly won't be able to stay when I'm forced to leave."

"Again, Ms. Bloom, you're not going to get fired. You're one of my best employees."

"What?" Did I hear that correctly? I've only been here for four months. There is no way I'm one of the best.

Before he gets the chance to take his words back, I speak up again. "I think it's for the best if we pretend like nothing happened."

He agrees, then stands from his seat. Without any more words coming from him, he leaves the room like he's the last in here. He doesn't even say goodbye or anything at all. Asshole.


"So, you slept with the boss and that's why he was late?" Athena asks, probably just to make sure she heard me right.

We're in my hotel room, lying on my bed while I try not to jump out of the window from embarrassment.

All day long, Mr. Storm hasn't so much to looked my way. The team-bonding activities have done nothing to get to know our boss. He still acted like the dick he is. And certainly, he turned more dickish towards me.

"Yes, Athena, for the third time now. And I remember absolutely nothing. That's the worst part. If I could at least remember whether or not he was a good lay, that would make it worth it."

Her face twitches, just like it would every time she is about to say words she will regret. "He looks like he's good in bed."

I snort a laugh. "Not memorable enough, apparently."

We both begin to laugh until our stomachs hurt. It's absurd. Who even gets themselves in the situation to sleep with their boss, and then can't even remember it?

"As someone that's in need for blackmail material, I need more dirty details, Sierra. Get your brain started and remember already." If only it was that easy.

Well, at least pretending like it didn't happen shouldn't be so difficult for me.

"My head is hurting, Athena. If I spend one more minute using my brain to remember what's not there anymore, I will lose my mind."

Athena turns to look at me. Her eyebrows rise and she grins at me mischievously. "Maybe you should ask him for a second round. I mean, just to be on the same page with him. He certainly seems to remember your naked body pretty well. You, on the contrary, remember nothing."

"This isn't some game of UNO that could get a re-match. We're talking about sex. With our boss," I have to remind her. What is it with the fascination with our boss of these people? "Besides, if Cody knew about it, I'm pretty sure he'd be beating Mr. Storm to death just for the sake of it."

Again, her face twitches weirdly, but this time she refuses to spill out the words on her mind. She knows more than she's telling me... I just know it.

My phone chimes, indicating that I've just gotten an email. That can only mean work. My work email makes a slightly different sound compared to my private one.

It's Saturday evening, I should be off work. But I guess PR people are never truly off. There is always something to take care of.

As I read the email from one direct colleague of mine, I come to realise that maybe working in publishing wouldn't be so bad after all. I'd work in a whole other building, far away from the Storm House.

Apparently, I have to deal with the press release about the new add-on to the company; the publishing house.

I've two events to plan still. And now I have tons of paperwork to read through before being able to construct a great statement as to why Mr. Storm found it to be a great idea to invest in this publishing house, adding it to the list of businesses he owns.

"Earlier, Storm asked me if we're close," Athena tells me, smirking. "He wants me to convince you that the publisher job would be quite the fit for you."

"It's not."

"That's what I said, but he won't believe me." Of course he wouldn't. If Mr. Storm has an opinion, it stays that way. There is no possibility he'd ever change his mind.

"You think he wants me gone but feels bad for firing me after what happened?" I ask, needing my best friend to confirm my suspicion.

It would make sense. I was totally wasted last night, he must have known that. Sleeping with a drunk person shouldn't be a thing at all. But maybe he was just as wasted as me?

It doesn't matter. I really don't care much about that it happened. I have a rather strange relationship to sex, if I do say so. So I'm more concerned about what will happen next.

If he starts favouring me, I'll feel bad because I'd assume he does it as an attempt to apologise. But then again, Storm doesn't apologise, ever.

If he starts treating me even more badly, hell, I wouldn't know what to think of that. I'd say he would be trying to get rid of me, hoping I'd quit.

It certainly would look bad for him if he fired me for no reason.

As far as I can trust myself, I'm not the type to seduce anyone. That being said, I most definitely wasn't the one to make the first move.

"I'm not sure, Sierra. You have no idea what happened, don't even remember him talking to you. Clearly there had to be some word-exchanges. A possible love-confession ain't off the tables." She shrugs. "Maybe he wants you out of the office so he's not violating his own policy when he asks you to go out with him."

"It sure is off the tables. Sir Satan and love?" I laugh. "Not possible."

Athena hums, thinking. "You might be right. But he sure was attracted to you, otherwise your little sex mishap wouldn't have happened."

"I wouldn't say it was a mishap. It was a mistake."

"You're glowing. It did you good. If it was good, it wasn't a mistake." She shrugs, again. A second later, Athena has to suffer the consequences of her being an awful best friend by having a pillow pressed to her face.

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