《Unseen | ✔》31 | MINE


"The best feeling is the world is...when you look at that special someone and they are already smiling at you."


wondered what your life would be like if a certain event didn't happen? Yeah, me too.

For the past week, the days have become colder and darker and so has my life. I won't let them see me weak because I'm not a weak person. David hasn't made an appearance since the confrontation with Gary and me, and I hope it stays like this. Although, the suspense of this whole situation is making me more and more anxious with each passing hour of every day.

I sigh and close my locker door, locking it in the process. I hug my books closer to my chest as I feel judgmental stares and glares on me.

Sometimes, I want it to go back to the way it was. No stares and no glares because I am -- was the silent girl.

The girl that didn't talk.

Now though? Now everyone knows me as the girl that stole Adam away from everyone. A slut or maybe a whore, it depends on the student's mood.

"Hey, Babe!" I hear a very cheerful Lily say from beside me. I look up and grin at her.

"Hey! How's everything been?" I ask. Lily shrugs her shoulders and adjusts the strap of her school bag.

"The usual, you know? Didn't get my homework done last night which is just great..." She mumbles. I laugh and nod my head in agreement.

"That makes the two of us," I utter back.

"Make that three," someone says from beside me. I jump and bump into Lily in the process.

"Woah there, Prezioso," I hear Adam exclaim. I look at Adam through my eyelashes and quickly pick up the book that had fallen on the ground.

"Asshole," I mutter under my breath. Adam laughs before he is shoved into me, causing me to fall on my butt.


"What are you two love birds up to again?" Nolan suddenly asks, appearing out of nowhere. Adam offers me his hand in which I take a hold of gratefully and smile.

"We were just telling each other about what we thought of your latest motives to getting with the new girl..." I reply with, eyeing Adam carefully. Adam looks over at me and grins, nodding his head.

"Exactly that," Adam says and points his finger between the two of us.

"We're lovebirds, Nolan? Are you just jealous that we have more of a relationship then you'll ever have with anyone?" Adam asks casually in a joking manner.

Nolan punches Adam in the arm and grabs his head into a headlock. I roll my eyes at their typical boyish play and look over at Lily who's doing the exact same thing. We both shake our heads before turning on our heels and walking through the student filled hallway.

"What lesson do you have next?" I ask.

"Double fucking math," Lily groans.

"Fun..." I mutter. Lily nods her head and shrugs her shoulders. "Mum and Dad say that if I don't get an A in Math, I won't be able to get my dream job..."


"Yeah," Lily mumbles. "I know."

We stop out front of my classroom and bid our final goodbyes. I sigh when the familiar gut feeling rests back into my stomach. He's back.


Taking a deep breath, I step into the classroom and take my usual seat in the back of the class. Just another hour and a half before lunch.

I bump into a firm chest when walking down the school corridors.

"Fuck," I mutter under my breath.

"That's not a good word for such a...good princess," the familiar voice of David's tusks. My head snaps up to his and I glare at him.

"Piss off," I cuss out. David rolls his eyes and crosses his arms across his chest before sending me his own glare my way.


"Really, Isabelle? What have those friends of yours been doing to you?" He questions thoughtfully as if I'm not standing right in front of him.

"Doing to me?" I ask pointing towards myself.

"Well, David, if you must know what they've been 'doing' to me, you should know that's it's more than you in my whole entire life have ever done. My friends have taught me how to love again, not that you know what that is," I say and scoff.

"Fuck you, Isabelle Thompson," he snaps harshly. Usually, I would be scared, not today though.

Now I know how to stick up for myself and not let them scare me to pieces.

"Yeah...I'm not really into that, especially with you," I yell before walking off, a smirk present on my face.

"So, I heard you finally stood up to David fucking Greenhill," Adam exclaims. I nod my head happily and grin at him.

"It was so fucking scary, I swear I was basically shitting my pants the whole time," I explain quickly. Adam blows out a massive breath and nods his head, taking in the information I tell him about the conversation that had occurred earlier this morning.

Lily appears at the beginning of the story, wanting to know how the conversation went with the two of us.

"Girl, you're fucking badass," Lily screams in joy, hugging me firmly. I laugh and hug her back.

"I try..." I brush off casually. Adam chuckles and shakes his head.

"Sure..." He says sarcastically. Lily quickly dismisses herself from the two of us saying she has to go to detention with Damion. I roll my eyes at the statement and giggle lightly.

Adam looks back at me and smiles to which I return. A comfortable silence falls over us as we sit under our tree and gaze up at the sky.

"You know," Adam begins, "I really want to smash David's face into the ground, break his skull, and then smear his blood all over the floor."

I stare at Adam in shock. "W - what?"

Adam laughs and shakes his head. "I'm joking, calm down!" He jokes. I close my mouth and swallow the bile that had risen in my throat.

"I'm really angry, Isabelle," Adam whispers. I lean my head back onto the tree and listen to Adams' calming voice.

"He's hurt you so many times and I hate that, it isn't fair that you have had to endure so much pain and yet, he didn't have to take any of it," he murmurs. I rest my head on his shoulder and nod my head.

"I know, Adam..." I hum quietly. Adams' lips press against my forehead and sigh I complete happiness and bliss.

"Adam," I start. "What are we?" Adams body tenses before he turns his head to the side and smiles warmly at me.

"Prezioso, we're whatever you want us to be," he says. I grin at him and stare into his mesmerising eyes.

"I think I want to be more than friends, Adam..." I admit. Adam looks at me and his smile doubles by the second.

"Really?" He asks in disbelief.

I nod my head. "Yeah..." I whisper. Adam pulls me in for a hug and places his lips, once again, on my forehead.

"Be mine, Prezioso, be my girlfriend," Adam mumbles. I sit up and look Adam straight into his eyes.

"Really? Your...girlfriend?" I ask. Adam nods his head and I squeal in excitement.

"Yes, I'll be yours, Adam. I'll be your girlfriend!"

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