《Unseen | ✔》29 | DATES


"It's like you wait until I'm happy again, and then you decide to walk right back into my life."


way and my hands begin to tremble. Adam quickly takes hold of my arm and helps me up. I take deep breaths, trying to control the panic that's bursting its way through my body.

"Good chat, bro," Adam says before grabbing my hand and heading back towards the car. Tears cloud my vision as I try to focus on where I'm going, trying to not let reality knock me down.

Tears are pointless, they only make me hurt more.

"He's not going to hurt you, Prezioso, okay?" Adams' gentle voice whispers, breaking me from my thoughts. I nod my head agreeing with Adam, but deep down, I know they're going to get me.

"Isabelle, I promised, didn't I?" Adam says, coming to a halt. I faintly smile at him and nod my head in reassurance.

"I know, Adam."

Adam nods his head before opening his car door for me. I gently lift my body into the car and lay my head on the headrest. Thoughts after thoughts explode in my mind, different scenarios playing together. When is all this going to stop?

"Isabelle," Adam begins, "I'm taking you out on a date tonight." My eyes snap open and my body jolts forward.

"Say what?" I exclaim. Adam eyes me warily before grinning at me.

"I'm taking you, Isabelle, on a date tonight in three hours," he explains. I grin back at him, my dimples popping.

"Really? You're taking me on a date?" Adam laughs and nods his head.


"Oh..." I whisper. My eyes gleam with happiness as a slight smile rests on my face the rest of the way to my house. A comfortable silence falls over us as our own thoughts consume our minds.

I'm going on a date with Adam Black. Wow. I smile again as I watch the different cars zoom by in a hurry. Suddenly, a hand grabs hold of my own. I jump in fright but laugh when I realise it's Adam.

"Thank you..." I whisper as we pull up to my house. Adam turns his head and looks into my eyes.

"For what?" He asks. I hesitate but then regain my confidence and breathe out another shaky breath.


"For all of this. You helping me and not leaving when you see me at my worst. It means so much to me and - " I like you too. I stop myself before I say it. Adam waits for me to continue my sentence but he realises that that isn't going to happen, he nods his head and smiles lightly at me.

"You mean so much to me, Isabelle. I wouldn't ever think about leaving you," he whispers. I smile gratefully at him and open my car door.

"See you in three hours," I say with a wink before turning around on my heels and walking into my house. I hear a deep chuckle behind me followed by the rumble of a car engine and then it zooming off down the street.

I open my front door and quickly rush into my bathroom, afraid as to what I'll see in the mirror. I close my eyes momentarily before I reopen them and look back at the, once again, broken girl in the mirror.

The mascara that Lily had pushed me into wearing today, is now smudged all down my face. My eyes are red and puffy and so are my cheeks. I sigh and numbly shake my head, stripping my clothes off and hopping into the shower.

The hot beads of water burn my skin in a painful yet calm way. I let my tense muscles relax as the hot, burning water hisses into my skin. My body slides down the wall until I'm in a fetal position on the floor.

And then, I let the tears fall.


I stare in awe at the girl in front of me. Her hair is curled into perfect ringlets while her make-up is on point. The eyeliner winged and sharp, the eyeshadow light, blending from a creamy white to a dark red.

Her normally blue eyes, popping as if they aren't real. The beautiful, shoulderless, red playsuit, complimenting her already tanned skin.

This girl is me. I smile at how different I look. The sun gleams through my window, the light reflecting off the mirror into my face. I squint still trying to capture the magnificence of myself. I look...beautiful.

Years upon years of being forced to look nice and now, I choose to look beautiful. Not forced. The knock on the front door awakens me from my weird thoughts.


I quickly jogged down the hallway to the door. I open the door to find Adam standing on the front steps, his back facing me. His figure turns around as I step closer to his strong body.

Adam eyes me up and down, his lips slightly parted. I blush at the sudden attention and quickly look away. Adams' warm eyes are staring at me, drinking me up as if I'm his last water source.

"Isabelle," Adam breathes. "You look beautiful..." A warm shiver sends its way down my body as he takes a hold of my hand. I look back up into his eyes and smile.

"So do you," I whisper in response. Adam chuckles before closing the front door for me and leading me down the stairs. He opens his car door for me and I gracefully step into the car.

"Elegant as always..." he mumbles. I giggle and shake my head in disagreement. Adam jumps into the car before he starts the engine and backs out the driveway.

"Where are we going?" I ask after a short silence. Adam quickly glances at me and licks his lips before speaking.

"You'll see," he responds. I only nod my head not wanting to ruin any plans he has in his head. The rest of the car ride is silence, the only noise evident in the air is our own shallow breaths.

The car slows as we come up to a narrow road. My heart quickens at the sudden thought of Adam Black and I going on a date together. Me. I take a deep breath as Adam parks outside a cute little restaurant. Vines travel their way up the front of the building creating a peaceful yet cottage-like look.

My side of the car door opens revealing an extremely happy Adam. His smile brightens my dark heart, a little light of hope, once again, shining through. My thoughts begin to separate themselves from thoughts of them and thoughts of us. Us being, Adam and me.

I gently grip Adams hand as we make our way to the front of the restaurant, butterflies filling the pit of my stomach. I smile up at Adam and gently nudge him with my elbow. Adam chuckles, a shiver-sending its way down my body.

"Isabelle..." Adam breathes as I open the door to the restaurant. I roll my eyes in annoyance, my body moving closer to his self-consciously.

Adam looks down at me and wraps his arm around my waist. A waitress sets us beside a window, overlooking the hills.

"You're so beautiful," Adam suddenly says. A blush appears on my cheeks but I cover it up by grinning at him.

"So I've been told- " I stop myself mid-sentence. A horrible feeling appears in my stomach as Adam looks at me worriedly.

"Isabelle, what's wrong?" He softly asks. I quickly shake my head and smile.

"Nothing, nothing, just a bad feeling that's all..." Adam warily looks at me before we are interrupted by the waitress asking for our orders. We quickly put in our orders and say our 'thank yous' to the waitress. Once she leaves, Adam's body turns towards me, a serious look on his face.

"Isabelle, I can tell you're not alright," Adam quietly whispers. I shake my head and quickly stand up from the table.

"I'll be right back, I just need the bathroom," I say before walking away. I make my way towards the bathroom and quickly jump into one of the stalls. When I walk out the toilet, I feel a sudden presence around me. I entirely ignore the feeling, not wanting to ruin Adams' and my date anymore. I quickly wash my hands before walking out the bathroom.

I'm stopped though, a hand covers my mouth and my body being thrust back into the women's bathroom. I struggle against the hard grip and attempt screaming, but it's no use. I know who it is. I've known since we first arrived here at the restaurant. I take one final breath before looking up at him.

His murderous face is the only thing I see before he finally speaks.

"Princess, long time, no fucking see," he hisses between clenched teeth.

They're back and I need to run. I need to get as far away from this place as I can. Through clenched teeth, I find myself saying the one sentence I never thought I'd ever say again. My fists clench as I glare at him before the words finally slip out.

"Fuck off, Gary."

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